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How is COVID affecting your life?
![]() уαмαѕαωкι March 12th, 2020 5:00:26pm 3,521 Posts |
For me, as I work at a university, I'm having to completely change my daily routine. We are getting an extra week for spring break so that we can move our classes online, before completing the semester more likely online. Sports events have all been cancelled or rescheduled for way in the future. Concerts and such are cancelled. Public schools aren't closing yet but it looks like they will be soon. We of course are told to stay home and I'm excited to teach through a webcam in my pajamas cause I don't have to get up at 5:30 to get to campus by 7:30 to teach at 8:30. By cutting out my commute I'll have more time to work on my thesis and my own coursework, so maybe I'll be able to finish my degree work before April lol! The upside of the pandemic, yeah? ![]() |
![]() Kuwait | I Want My GSD! | March 12th, 2020 8:57:10pm 2,993 Posts |
Not at all. Still normal for me.
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![]() уαмαѕαωкι March 12th, 2020 9:02:27pm 3,521 Posts |
I'm jealous ![]() |
![]() BANNED March 12th, 2020 9:39:27pm 943 Posts |
not really currently but there is a mass panic of all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer x.x |
![]() panorama [border collies][main] March 12th, 2020 9:41:50pm 32 Posts |
Spring break 2 weeks closure for University of Kentucky, but we have online stuff too. The professors don't know how they're gonna do it, yet. We have a lot of group work and patient cases during class. Those are kind of hard to prerecord since it's more interactive and they elaborate on answers we give. I guess we're just out of luck with lab, since none of us have compounding supplies just laying around the house. Not a big deal for my class since it's our last semester of classwork. As far as community concerns, there's no face masks, toilet paper, or hand sanitizer at any store in Kentucky because people took voluntary "quarantines" to mean martial law will ensue. I guess people thought they wouldn't be able to leave their house for ANY reason... It's seems counter productive to buy all the face masks if you think you're not ever gonna be leaving your house... But who am I? Everyone is panicking, which is definitely not what they should do in this kind of situation. Except old people, they don't seem to care, yet are the most likely to die from the virus. Elderly and Millenials are like YOLO, let's travel, #bye. Career-wise, community pharmacies are already fighting for their lives on capital hill, whilst losing their livelihood. I'm sure with all this going on, PBMs and chain pharmacy lobbyists will find another way to screw us out of all our money. For now, people are mostly calling to make sure us pharmacies are still going to be open so they can get their pain pills :( It's amazing how quickly the opioid epidemic took a back burner. People are also calling to ask if the flu vaccine protects against covid... thanks Trump, but NO, it does not. Our governor wants all healthcare workers to wear hazmat gear... but didn't offer to pay for any of it. So we all just gonna be chillin up in the pharmacy, sprayin the 2 cans of lysol we got in our faces BECAUSE THERE'S NO FREAKING MASKS. Ya, business as usual -_- "Better to be strong than pretty and useless.” ― Lilith Saintcrow, Strange Angels |
![]() Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] March 12th, 2020 10:14:25pm 2,907 Posts |
Theyve closed all ontario public schools - elementary and secondary - for 2 weeks post march break. so starting saturday my oldest is home for 3 weeks. |
![]() BANNED March 12th, 2020 10:41:57pm 943 Posts |
binny did everyone take all the tp and and hand saintizer too? its been crazy like that here.. all the tp and stuff flies off as soon as it goes onto the shelves |
![]() ![]() March 12th, 2020 11:42:18pm 30,152 Posts |
Well, I'm a nurse so it's just another Thursday ;P Seriously though, I'm interested to see how things impact my workplace as far as 1) schools closing and many of my coworkers having to call in just for that reason alone. 2) if some of my patients' procedures will start getting postponed to a later date [if they're not urgent] as I work in the endoscopy department and about half the time my patients simply have annual surveillance of colon polyps or whatnot. Mayo Clinic, where I work, has set up for patients who suspect they have symptoms of COVID to first call a number and verify their symptoms with a nurse over the phone. Then they are to drive to one of the clinic facilities where they have stations set up OUTSIDE where they get tested (a nose swab, I believe) and go back home to await results. At this point there's no medicinal cure (just like the flu) so basically the only reason to get tested is so you know then to call into work and hunker down at home in your fort built of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and bags of rice. ;) At this point as well since I work in such a specialized area of the hospital, I am wondering if I will ever even come across a [known] case of COVID as they have strict airborne and droplet precautions if a patient is to become hospitalized...and their likelihood of needing an urgent EGD or colonoscopy is likely little to nothing. xD ![]() |
![]() Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/} March 13th, 2020 12:25:15am 181 Posts |
Hur hur. I work in the hospital as a nurse as well, on the ICU with three blocked rooms specifically designated for the 'deadly' strain of the corona virus. So far we have only had one suspected case with full regalia ... My situation is very unique. In that respect, it affects my life on a daily basis (Rather, work day basis) I wish my work were closed for the hysteria, unfortunaly that is never going to happen. xD |
![]() Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles March 13th, 2020 3:39:18am 275 Posts |
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![]() adeina ❧ border collies ❦ March 13th, 2020 5:02:18am 1,801 Posts |
Not at all... at the moment. We have to wipe down our work stations every lunch time at work and our MD has made sure that everyone has a laptop to work remotely if necessary. -shrugs- It's annoying that people are panic buying though! No pasta or TP or hand sanitiser, lol. It's crayyyyyyz. ![]() |
![]() ![]() March 13th, 2020 8:08:25am 6,573 Posts |
I'm in the same province as Binny. Like she said, schools are now getting a 3-week March Break instead of 1, which starts tomorrow. I work in schools, and the announcement yesterday I think freaked the board officials out, and was news to them. Haven't heard for sure what's going to happen other than I guess I'll be home and getting paid for binge watching tv, reading books, doing puzzles and sleeping? :P My sister went for groceries last night (it was her grocery day and she had no food, not because of the pandemic panic!) and said she was in line for the cash for over an hour, and the lineup was around the perimeter of the inside of the store. Today's the last day of work. Our principal Wednesday at this school gave all staff each a container of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (which smell AWFUL) to use in our rooms. So every time I come to work before I can touch anythig I disinfect the door in and out, my computer, etc. Kids are little germ factories and this school has all the kids who live in the shelter overflow at the hotel around the corner, with usually at least one parent/family member coming in and out of the country, so if anything is going to infect me, I feel like it's that. I'm fairly germaphobe-y normally so this is amping up my self-diagnosed compulsiveness when it comes to warding off germs. ![]() ![]() |
![]() Shade March 13th, 2020 8:58:22am 51 Posts |
I'm glad I'm not the only nurse! And not alone in Ontario. :) Luckily, I work at a children's hospice mainly as an RPN. We don't admit children with fevers due to the immunocompromised population. I'm a RN student though at a major hospital so I honestly don't have qualms avoiding the undiagnosed cough and SOB charts presented to me during hand off. I have 5 more weeks of the program. I refuse to get sick when there's a paid staff nurse who's supposed to be caring for them. Students are viewed as extras, so we help if needed, but shouldn't be getting formal assignments of COVID. Yet. We'll see how the next 5 weeks go! |
![]() 𝒥ax ♡ wants your htix! support project NEON! ♡ March 13th, 2020 9:47:05am 1,321 Posts |
My brother is in his second year of college and his school just shut down for the semester so he and his girlfriend are moving in with my parents where I am also currently living. It's going to be a full house. The school is saying they'll continue classes online, but all of my brother's classes are lab based so how is that going to work? Who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Both my mom and dad work in public-facing jobs (Army dad, psychiatrist mom) and I've been making them homemade hand sanitizer since literally every bottle on earth seems to have been snatched up. Since I work from home I'm just kinda chillin' until everything calms down a bit and making sure the house is cleaned consistently. ![]() |
![]() Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] March 13th, 2020 3:09:57pm 2,907 Posts |
So grocery shopping was a busy. Minus fruit and non-perishables. No vegetables (worth buying) even freezer section was bare. No meat. No toilet paper!!! And no water... 😒 |
![]() Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja! March 13th, 2020 3:19:53pm 28,154 Posts |
Libraries and the play group I take my son to are all closed. The governor shut done every K-12 school in the state. ![]() |
![]() Eyre ‣ kindness is everything March 13th, 2020 3:44:08pm 10,243 Posts |
Panic here is annoying......and Facebook doesn't help to calm their fears either. Schools closing early for Spring Break. Toliet paper in public bathrooms have gone missing (thankfully not at our work, yet). People are hoarding toliet paper, milk, bread, certain foods and leaving others. I'm not doing anything but continue to wash my hands and take my vitamins. I'm really not worried about it. I haven't been on Facebook in forever and will not get on now to see the hype and panic roll around with rumors. The Governor of Natural has advised that we Naturalians not travel out of state. So maybe my sister's graduation meet-up in WA is off? I'm not sure. ![]() |
![]() Kaly :: Learnin' to fly, but I ain't got wings. March 13th, 2020 4:48:42pm 123 Posts |
In South West Ontario. In my small town things are nuts. Seriously people are crazier than me this cant be good. Grocery store shelves are getting bare people buying 600 bucks worth of groceries at a time, the toilet paper thing is real I am flabbergasted |
![]() 𝒥ax ♡ wants your htix! support project NEON! ♡ March 13th, 2020 4:53:15pm 1,321 Posts |
For real though, we just ordered more toilet paper through Amazon becuase every store is out, but even then that's going to take a week to get here. It's so wild ![]() |
![]() уαмαѕαωкι March 13th, 2020 9:54:09pm 3,521 Posts |
I take the train home tomorrow so I'll find out what the tp and hand sanitizer situation is looking like lol I won't have any food either and my critters need more supplies too. Should be fun! Spring break is extended a week so us teachers can figure out how the hell we're gonna move classes online. Our department teaches foreign language in a communicative way, so we are trying to determine which video system we are gonna use. Right now we're between google hangouts and zoom. Will probably go with zoom since it has the capability to do break out sessions (so group work) and can have a large amount of people connect at once. We are also having to condense our content, since we aren't going to extend the semester. Still have no idea what we are going to do about testing... ![]() |
![]() ↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild March 14th, 2020 12:22:08am 3,850 Posts |
For the teachers, look into Discord. Most kids are super familiar with it and already have it. This can create public chats for people to discuss school topics and right now you can livestream up to 50 people because they extended the limit to allow the platform to be used by teachers affected by the CORVID-19 situation. Students can use the chat while you stream your lectures to ask questions etc. Your students can also create their own individual group chats where they can have multiple users streaming their cameras if a more face to face approach is needed for your assignments. All you have to do is create a server, send your students the invite URL, and they'll be all set. Best part? It's free for everyone involved. I highly recommend looking into it. ![]() |