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How is COVID affecting your life?

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March 12th, 2020 5:00:26pm
3,521 Posts

For me, as I work at a university, I'm having to completely change my daily routine. We are getting an extra week for spring break so that we can move our classes online, before completing the semester more likely online. Sports events have all been cancelled or rescheduled for way in the future. Concerts and such are cancelled. Public schools aren't closing yet but it looks like they will be soon. We of course are told to stay home and I'm excited to teach through a webcam in my pajamas cause I don't have to get up at 5:30 to get to campus by 7:30 to teach at 8:30. By cutting out my commute I'll have more time to work on my thesis and my own coursework, so maybe I'll be able to finish my degree work before April lol! The upside of the pandemic, yeah?



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Atramentum -here every now and then
March 19th, 2020 12:28:34am
417 Posts

COVID has impacted just about every area of my life. I work on a college campus, specifically in the residence halls. I am also a grad student. 

My campus has moved to distance learning for the rest of the year (through June). Residence halls are closing in the next two weeks. The student staff I've worked with all year is now leaving suddenly. Many left last week, so I will not get to say goodbye. Most students are in tears anytime I see them, and it's hard not to break down with them, because I am feeling everything they are too. But I need to be strong for them. I am now responsible for ensuring the successful unexpected move out of thousands of students in a matter of weeks.  

Most people with my job are classified as "essential staff" which means we won't be out of a job. But since I am a grad student and only work part time, I am not sure if I will be as "safe" as full time folks. If not, I will not only lose my job, but I will therefore lose my housing as well (housing is part of my compensation) and would need to move back home with my parents. 

I am also graduating this year. Commencement probably will not be happening. Family celebrations are likely not going to happen as intended. I doubt my grandparents will be able to travel to attend the ceremony -- if there is one. 

I applied and was the final candidate for a promotion at my workplace. Its almost been 7 days since they said they'd let me know the status of my candidacy. I am not sure if they are even going to fill the position now. Most schools are financially struggling, and I know mine definetely is. We just lost millions of dollars because of COVID, I am sure this will impact all hiring decisions from now on too. If I don't have the position, I will need to face the reality that the economy is now going to be awful and finding a job in my field will be 100% tougher. 

Tl;dr I feel like my life has turned upside down in a matter of days


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s u b я o s a •
March 19th, 2020 5:29:42am
352 Posts

I'm technically still a student, I qualify as a nurse April 16th. My university has shut down so our final day/presentation has been cancelled. I have a job ready in A&E which I was nervous to start anyway but to begin my first year as a nurse in A&E during a pandemic makes me feel really anxious as ill be thrown straight in o.0 

Schools are shutting down.. whilst I am OK about this the thought of home schooling the kids is daunting! My son attends a special needs school and is classed as a "vulnerable" child so his school will remain open so he will still attend. Ive still got to home school my daughter until I actually start work, then she can go to school being defined as a "key worker child".

Whilst I'm feeling confident both my husband and I have secure jobs. My father in law has been made redundant and my dad is most likely going to be the same :(

My mum and my nan are both in isolation so I'm having to try and find the essentials for them as well as us - which is difficult when there is literally nothing on the shelves :(

kpBytW3.png You have been City'd xD


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
March 19th, 2020 9:14:28am
1,706 Posts

people are going crazy here in so cal buying everything they can leaving nothing for anybody else to buy, they are also very rude seems the virus has made some forget their manners, going to the store today hopefully it wont be to bad


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peach || pointers
March 19th, 2020 9:46:43am
149 Posts

I just want to say I hope everything will settle soon now that people are realizing this thing is here to stay for awhile. And thank you to everyone for sharing their stories. I know it isn't easy.

I'm a middle school English teacher so I've been trying to find creative and engaging ways of still working with my students. I am a little frustrated that colleges were given a week to transition their classes online, while I was given roughly a day and a half to completely change my instruction. I still have students who aren't connected to my Google Classroom, and I feel those students are specifically avoiding joining so they don't have to do as much school work. I also get one angry parent email a day asking why I'm getting paid while they homeschool their child, and all I can do is forward them my live stream hours along with my mandatory work hours (8AM - 3 PM). May I also add this is only my first year of teaching? Lol it makes for an exciting first year.

I am a little worried because I was hoping to find a job at a new school next year. While I know schools will still be hiring, I'm worried some older teachers won't be retiring because of the way the economy is headed. Also unsure how schools will conduct interviews because most interviews are 4-8 faculty members, occassionally a school board member, and the person applying for the job.

As for grocery stores, my boyfriend and I have gone to the grocery store twice this week trying to find ANY type of meat. We haven't been successful, even if we go at 9 AM or 10 PM. I'm honestly thinking of reaching out to some of my 4-H friends to see if they have any meat. We've been living off of salmon and shrimp this week. 

Lastly, I am super concerned about my mom. She is in her 50s, has Diabetes, and autoimmune disease, and suffered a stroke within the last 2 years, and is literally going about life like nothing is wrong. She gets annoyed when I share my concern with her. But yeah, there is my life update! For the most part things are normal I guess.


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March 19th, 2020 10:55:28am
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We are gonna get through this guys (: bright side: more pixel training time and our rl pets are super stoked to see us all the time!

Real talk though, it is gonna be a time of transition. We got a week to "transition" our classes but most of that time was creating the continuity plan and getting it approved. Mine got approved just this morning so now I have to scramble just a bit to decide if I'm gonna try to do synchronous every class period or just one per class per week and have the rest asynchronous. I also am not sure how I am going to be teaching powerpoint based online synchronously. I wish at least one synchronous class wasn't mandatory so that I could just pre-record lectures and be done with it lol. But, we still have accreditation criteria to meet so the whole thing is honestly a nightmare trying to navigate. 

My university is closed through summer as well, students without special circumstances have to leave. So essentially if you aren't an international student you gotta go. I'm graduating this semester supposedly, but it looks like no commencement. My thesis defense is going to be held via skype. I have no idea what I'm doing afterwards since the hiring process is typically conducted over summer. Might just hop onto one of those "teach chinese kids english online" things. Could be fun?

I live in a rural town, with one grocery there hasn't been anything for days. I did snag a bunch of lettuce heads though and stuck them in the freezer. Got some yeast, gonna make my own bread. And I've been stocked on rice, beans, and lentils for basically forever. Guess I'm going essentially vegetarian for a while. Wish I had already gotten my chicken coop idea going :')

I'm here to support you guys in any way I can :D my facebook is full of funny memes on the virus, I could start posting them (: saw a tweet today about why a lot of skip rope rhymes are about plagues.....and this is why. We meme and they made rhymes isn't that cool?



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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
March 19th, 2020 11:49:44am
1,856 Posts

Pretty much the norm for me....the only downfall was that my wedding got postponed :(



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Eyre ❅ be kind
March 19th, 2020 12:54:48pm
10,135 Posts

The apartment lease I was supposed to sign tomorrow is not going to happen for awhile. I've been temporairly laid off work because of COVID, though I still don't understand why. All the other full time employees have their job, but us part-time peons were quickly cast aside. I'm updating my resume and looking for more work. It's been tough. In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy the blossoms and spring smells as spring is still going on around us, in Natural, that is. Lots of coffee, kitty snuggles, and trips out to the grocery store when I can. 

I'm sorry your wedding was postponed, aza. That's disappointing. 



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March 20th, 2020 2:58:12pm
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Here's a funny video, especially for us teachers! Watch the whole thing, it's great (:



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Envious *Stabyhouns*
March 20th, 2020 3:12:20pm
54 Posts

I am a call center rep so I am still working just from home

Colleges in my area are done for this school year. They are hoping to go back in August. Graduation is not happening for graduates in March/april they will just get deplomas sent to them.

Public and private schools are closed until we dont know when.

everything is drive thru only no going in to eat anywhere all bars are closed

govenor of illinois is going to announce at 3 today state is on lock down. 

all hair and nail salons are closed after today. I believe only gas stations, grocery stores, pharmacies and stores with essentials will be open. 

my husband is still going to work at the Hershey plant but everyone gets their temp checked before they go in and anyone who feels even slightly ill is sent home to talk with a doctor

nursing homes are not allowing visitors neither are hospitals

went to walmart yesterday to get 1 gallon of milk there was no milk, eggs, butter, frozen pizzas, chicken, hamburger, toilet paper, water or baby wipes, formula


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