Official Horse Phenomena > Official Announcements > Post Reply
Hey HP!
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! March 10th, 2013 8:10:11pm 4,333 Posts |
Hey guys! As you can see, we've been busy this weekend! There are several things I want to tell you about, so I apologize in advance if this update gets a little bit long! First, I want to remind everyone that Adranth is currently running a Short Story Contest for everyone on HP for some really cool prizes! Secondly, let's talk about our new layout! As many of you have noticed we've made some serious layout changes! If you cannot see the new layout (there should be no purple or gray left), you may need to clear your browsers cookies or cache (or just refresh!). Please TAKE OUR SURVEY to tell us what you think of our new layout as well as our other new features! We've also made quite a few changes to HP recently besides our layout so I wanted to make a list of them all for everyone to see (in case you may not have noticed them): 1. Our animal pages have been updated to be more organized, and you now have a points at birth column that will show your animals points when it was born (if it was orb before the changes it will just say 0 points, since the game never tracked that stuff before), and the type column has been amen out and replaced by a private notes section so owners can track breeding dates, etc. without clogging the page. 2. We now have recognized cross breeds for horses and dogs. If you have a suggestion for a breed we do not have listed, please et me know on account 1 and we will get it added! 3. You now get a message when a player sends you money! This was a player suggestion that we have added in so that people know without checking their events when they have been paid! 4. You get a reminder when your upgrade is about to expire! If you click on the link it will disappear until the next time you login, starting 7 days before your upgrade expires - we've added this in so that you don't forget to re-upgrade and lose any of your perks! 5. You can now see older news posts up to six months old by going down to the bottom of the news page and clicking the link for the next page. 6. We've updated the forums so that you can see recently added posts and topics! It is our hope that this will help everyone stay more on top of the forum's activity. :) 7. You can delete private show requests if you make a mistake in requesting, but not delete the entries once you have entered. 8. You may have also noticed that we have removed the banner on the talk page in hopes that people won't have to scroll down every time they post. 9. We also have a new feature that we can email our players with! we will use this periodically to send out links to our newsletter, etc. and also to remind inactive players to come and see us! You should check out the privacy policy since it has been updated to reflect this change. You can opt out of our emails via your profile page, and the game will not send out duplicate emails to those with more than one account! And lastly, all of the bugs on HP should be fixed. Please let us know ASAP if you see ANY bugs running around from new or old features so we can get them fixed! --------------------- I also wish to remind everyone to fill out our Staff Evaluation. Answers on this evaluation help each staff member know where they need to improve and what they are already doing well! Please respond with constructive and mature answers! This is anonymous. We have also changed up our nag. bar a bit! We are going to try this for a bit (with the interact link) and then if it isn't working we will come up with something else, but we do have limited space. You may have also noticed that a Help link has been added! We are currently revamping our help page so that it is up-to-date and more helpful for new and old players alike! And finally I wanted to point everyone to our social media pages! We will be using them to update everyone on things that are going on around HP and just for fun! So make sure you like/follow us and all of that good stuff! Every so often we might also do exclusive give-aways or contests for the social media pages! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! -Sam |
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