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Photography Business: Official Log

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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
October 6th, 2015 6:22:40pm
927 Posts

Hey HP! This is something a little different, but in order to stop spamming the forums - I created the business log here. As the name suggests, this is an official log about my photography business. This log will be updated every Friday, Saturday & Sunday as this is currently my "Business Days/Hours" that I can set aside while in College.

 I also decided to create this as both a thank-you and something for everyone's curiousity. Before I go any further on my business log, I'd like to answer some F.A.Q's that I have been getting recently and of course you may feel free to ask new questions too! So don't feel shy! :) 


o What Kind of Camera Do You Use? - I currently use an awesome and sleek Sony CX 5000 as my "all-around" practice camera. While I may upgrade my equipment in the future (like 2018). It also has its own case and other needed assecories for my photoshoots. I love it, especially the neck strap! 

Are Your Images Stock? - In A Way, is the best way to describe this. While some of the images will indeed be allowed to use for stock, there is also some that will not be stock. These images will be either on website or sent immediately to the owner for pickup. Sorry, but non-stock images are non-negoitable no matter how pretty they look or the possibilties they could be used as stock. My images permissions are solely by decision of the horse or dog's owners. 

Have You Started Anything For Your Business? Like Business Cards Or A Website? - Yes. I have 100 business cards officially made (and in my case) that I hand out to interested clients. I also have a website, but it is currently under construction. The site should officially open by either December of this year or mid-2016.


Below are some of the farms/shows that I'll be visiting THIS month (October 2015). As I stated above though, every Friday - Sunday, this WILL CHANGE in the comments of where I'll be traveling next! So be sure to watch this post! 

o SSBC Open Western/English Pleasure Show

SSBC Open Dressage Show 

o Farms Are Currently Pending at this time!


This is merely for myself to keep track, but for all the curious stalkers who're following you can see where I'm hoping to head later this year. Note that these farms have been contacted and we're currently working out when to meet up!: 

o SPRING GARDEN RANCH LLC./SKOROVITZ RACING - Sulky Racing Track & Standardbred Farm

o WOODFORD THOROUGHBREDS - Thoroughbred Breeding, Racing & Training Farm



These are the shows/Farms I have traveled to: 





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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
October 6th, 2015 9:45:43pm
1,854 Posts


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
October 7th, 2015 4:09:18pm
2,126 Posts

SO excited for you :D Can't wait to see the images ♥

Paints since 6-8-14


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
October 7th, 2015 8:12:20pm
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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go.
October 7th, 2015 11:46:00pm
1,056 Posts

I am so happy for you Equ. It seems like your photography business is really taking off. I am so jealous you spend your days snapping pictures of beautiful horses. Congratulations on your successes so far! 

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"That's Jaime fookin Lannister"


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
October 11th, 2015 12:06:51pm
927 Posts

Well, HP - I have just attended my last SSBC Show until October 31st as Biketoberfest has officially been launched; therefore, it is time to give you all the official news from the weekend.

Now, before you ask, "Does this mean this log will be dormant?!" Not at all! While, yes, I will not be attending shows, I will still be dedicated in my equine photography & I will be associating on farm calls and offers that I had been scheduled during the showing weekend by breeders. All/Any information that is known will be posted her Friday - Sunday. 

So, Saturday's Western Pleasure was wonderful! There was some awesome moments (both in-show and just cute), as well as some good downtime with the breeders at a big party they threw. I met lots of gorgeous horses and got lots of good pictures from the show! Unfortunately, Sunday's show was kinda a bust but I was still able to get some picture, so please let me know if you're interested in browsing the Show Album of my weekend! 

Secondly, I got some amazing news and I truly hope that it follows through; many of you probably know the great real-life legends of the Quarter Horse Industry, no matter what their profession was at the time. I have recently been offered a job and to any of those knowing breeders, you shall squeal with glee! 

The owner of Triple H Quarter Horses offered me a position to photograph his stallions, his foals & his broodmares. While I do not know the babies or broodmares at this time I'm doing pictures of (They stated they will regard me all the details and the horses they'd like me to photoshoot at their ranch), I DO know the stallion bachelors that they would like me to photograph. 

The first stallion is named Whiskey Zipped - He is a 1997, 15.3HH chestnut stallion who is out of the legendary sire Zippo Pine Bar and his dam is Sippin' Whiskey who has produced superior performance, ROM halter and ROM performance offspring. Whiskey himself, has proven to be a champion as his parents and has racked a phenomenal show record in his 17 years! He is said to have gotten his father's temperament and all his babies have won in performance. 

The second stallion is named Potential Asset - He is a 1998, 15.3HH bay stallion who is out of NSBA Hall of Fame sire Potential Investment. His dam is Assets who is a Congress Champion. All of his foals have performed fantastic in the show-ring (including his filly "Financial Asset" who won 5 categories in the Open Western Show!). He is also the full brother of Gotta Lotta Potential sire of Lazy Loper


This is all the news I have for now, I will continue to update when more information is known, so watch this space! 

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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
October 11th, 2015 4:57:18pm
1,854 Posts

I said this in chat but zOMG YOU'RE SO LUCKY!


I can't wait to see what you get from that AQH breeder farm. Oh lord that sounds like an offer straight from heaven.

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awd ○ Mustangs [main!]
October 12th, 2015 10:31:02pm
698 Posts

That is so awesome! Like Chao said, you're so lucky!!

I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more about your awesome experiences!



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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
October 12th, 2015 11:10:45pm
2,126 Posts

Ahh, I can't wait either!! -happy dance-

Paints since 6-8-14


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
October 27th, 2015 9:25:41pm
927 Posts


It's time for another log update! I can't believe it's already my birthmonth, WOW! Anywho, I'll definitely be on my feet as this is honestly one of the most booked months I've had since I started my photography. I'm super psyched! Below is this month's planner & news!: 


I'm very sad to say that the Dressage Show has been cancelled due to lack of participants, interest and weather. Therefore, there will be no pictures of this show.  This is one of 5 last shows for the year until 2016, so it's very sad to see that they're not running. 


SPRING GARDEN RANCH - Home of FL's training Standardbred Racetrack! I'll be going there Sunday; hopefully, there is as big of a turn-out as I'm told there is and I can get good pictures of the Standies in their Harness Pace! 

TRIPLE H QUARTER HORSES - Many of you remember I said that I would be visiting the Triple H Ranch after their Congress Show - I got a call 2 days ago and we have scheduled the photoshoot! I will be meeting the horses listed above on Saturday, November 7th, 2015 in the evening. I will happily show the pretty horses, cute foal and broodmares upon my return! 

WOODFORD THOROUGHBREDS - I have managed to make an appointment! We have scheduled the photoshoot on Friday, November 13th, 2015 from 7AM - 12PM.


Yes! You read that right, a local farm named Marcody Ranch is interested in my photography of their horses and would love to use my photos on their charity calendars! No more information has been leaked nor a set date at this time, but the offer is indeed confirmed! 

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
October 27th, 2015 9:43:31pm
8,756 Posts

Awesome news!!! :D

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