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Tell me about your Mums and Mother Figures

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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 15th, 2023 4:48:46am
4,026 Posts

In honour of Mother's day yesterday, I invite you to share a memory of your mum/mother figure/woman(women) who is important in your life.

Let's get a collection of positive memories and stories flowing.


Simply add to the thread below by 11.59pm on the 05/22/2023 to win a cool 3 mill.

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
May 15th, 2023 9:21:48am
2,902 Posts

Honestly, I don't have a mother figure in my life and I haven't for a really really long time. I have a mom, but she's just ... idk. I've always had to more or less take care of her. I suppose the closest thing I ever had to a mom was a neighbor when I was kiddo. She taught me how to crochet when I was seven/eight and she always made sure we had clothes and food. We don't talk anymore and haven't in years, but she was such an amazing person who was kind and generous and owned the two prettiest dogs ever (a husky and a malamute).



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 15th, 2023 9:45:23am
4,026 Posts

Family is who you choose 💓

Thank you for sharing 

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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May 15th, 2023 11:20:59am
699 Posts

My mom is absolutely kick ass. She is the only girl with SEVEN brothers. She had me, finished nursing school, and became and abolute legend in the cath lab and helped launch her hospitals cardiovascular program. We did NOT get a long when I was in my teens, it was an absolute nightmare for both of us but once I was finally an adult and realized *she was right* about a lot of things I gained a lot of respect for her. She is so caring, funny, and smart and wish her all the relaxation in the world.


Right now shes spending a month in Portugal and Spain and she and my dad love sending me pics on the beach while I'm at work. >:(

“Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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Tifisati -
May 15th, 2023 1:11:40pm
510 Posts

My mum and I didn't get on the best when I was growing up and some of that was my perception that I felt she tolerated me but didn't like me - I still remember she called me an enigma. I daydreamed and stayed in my own little world as I hated reality (I now know I had depression at a young age and hid it).

Now that I'm older and wiser I am in awe of my mum as she was by herself with a partner who was not the best and she had 5 children (the 3 older ones only had a year gap between each of them followed by a child 5 years later and then another 2 years later). It can't have been easy - no money, no support but we had what we needed. 

A good memory that I have is my birthday when I was around 9 or so and my father yelled at me so I hid upstairs in my room.  I went and watched out the window to wait for my mum to get home and when I saw her park the car she got out of the car with something hidden in her jacket. She came in to the house and shouted me downstairs and put a kitten in my arms. I called him Smokey and loved him.  

I value my time with my mum now which I didn't used to.


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 15th, 2023 5:59:34pm
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All about the positivity!

I recognize that I'm rather lucky in that my mom is the best. She was always there for us, even through my teenage years when I rebelled and we didn't often get along. Going away to university really made me realize just how much she did for my siblings and I growing up, and the distance gave me a whole new appreciation for her. I have more in common interest-wise with my dad, and mom might not always understand me, but as adults we can both recognize that now and get along well 99.9% of the time.

I actually got her this mother's day card this year, which is hilarious because it's true:


The inside says this: From your totally together and extremely well-adjusted adult kid - Happy Mother’s Day.



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
May 15th, 2023 6:19:46pm
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I'm so sorry to hear many haven't had the mother figures they deserved :( For me, I am fortunate enough to celebrate two special ladies in my life:

1. My Mum is an absolute legend. She was a single Mum for a lot of our childhood, but still managed to open and run a very successful business while juggling three young kids. She strived to provide us with everything we ever needed as we grew, and is always ready with a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. She is the most vibrant, wildest, funniest, most loving soul, and I feel very fortunate to be her daughter. Now that I am a mother myself, I rely heavily upon her advice, and even though she lives interstate, she is only ever a phone call away. She is an amazing Nana to my son, taking him on crazy adventures and making sure he makes incredible memories. 

2. My Nana is the most remarkable woman I have ever known, and her strength inspires me endlessly. She was a bad-ass in her youth; a motorbike-riding, rodeo-riding, gun-toting bikini model in the 50's, at a time when women weren't really supposed to be doing any of those things. She was refused education, and so packed her bags and went to Adelaide to enrol herself in beauty school, where she was offered a modelling contract while she studied. She absolutely hated it, and so enrolled herself in business school instead, where she was the only female student, and then returned home years later to marry and take over running the family cattle station, taking it from moderate success to one of the largest stations in the South-East Mallee. She is a second Mum to me, making sure I grew to be a strong, independent "don't need no man for anything" kinda gal, whilst still reminding me to be graceful and ladylike, (she does NOT appreciate the fact that I cuss like a sailor). It breaks my heart knowing that she is getting on in age now, I really don't know what I'll do without her. 



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sunday •• collies
May 15th, 2023 10:25:43pm
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my mom is amazing! she was always hard working as I was growing up, working one job during the day and then coming home and teaching piano lessons as a second job in the evenings. she then went back to school to be a teacher, eventually getting her masters and PhD in education! I admire her so much and she has worked so hard!

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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
May 16th, 2023 8:52:05am
27,686 Posts

My mother-in-law is an amazing woman! She's always there to help me when I had adulting questions (even the really stupid ones). She's always treated me like her own daughter, and I love her so much. We compare hot guys together (somehow not as awkward as it sounds; it's hilarious)... one year I got her a calendar for Christmas. It had pictures of puppies! It was a fundraiser. They just happened to all be held by shirtless firemen. Ahem. Anyway, she fell over laughing, it was the best. I'll never top that. 



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May 16th, 2023 10:40:00am
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Let's see. My mum and I were leaves kind of off and on, and just being able to have any sort of relationship with her is more than I could have asked for this year.

However, there use one woman I work with, let's call her E, that is very much the mother figure in my life. I'm next in line to be a branch manager of a county library and E's taught me literally everything I know- incoming/ outgoing books, how to be petty to customers with 100's of dollars of fines, and most importantly, going to bay for me whenever real life gets a little too real. She's just the all- around best.

I got her flowers in a bee- keeper jar this year only to find out that she had a week long of leave as soon as I dressed up her desk- needless to say I've been babysitting her flowers for her. :)


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May 16th, 2023 1:36:47pm
699 Posts

LOL Blitz I need that card!!

“Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
May 16th, 2023 6:23:37pm
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My mom has always been a very wonderfully solid figure in my life. She was a SAHM and homeschooled me and my brothers. She grows a big garden every year and raises laying hens. She is a farm wife and it takes a lot to shake her up cuz you have to be flexible and ready for any changes that come your way. She was a rock while I went through chemotherapy and radiation treatment for leukemia when I was 10. Driving 4 hour round trips to my doctor, staying in the hospital with me when I had infections. While I came out on top and eventually became a nurse from my experiences, she is definitely not the nursing-type and I know now how wearing that was on her more than just in the sense of her daughter being sick. My dad is the typical farming workaholic, so my mom was the one that took us camping, fishing, and hiking. She was the one that taught my brothers how to throw a football and hit a baseball. She helped take of both sets of grandparents in their old age, up until the point that they needed so much help, she was physically no longer able and they had to go to the nursing home. She taught me how to sew and bake and cook and play piano. She and I both love traveling and have gone on many, many roadtrips together, with her as the main driver and myself as the navigator and we make a great team. She loves genealogy and has spent hours upon hours of research on both her and my dad's sides of the family and wrote books of information on each. While we are not the kind to talk on the phone everyday (we actually both hate talking on the phone hahaha), we have always been incredibly close and I do miss seeing her as much as I used to now that I have gotten married and moved 3 hours away, and I don't go home every other weekend like I did when I was single, but we still very much keep in touch on facebook messenger and see each other every couple months. We have made lots of amazing memories together and I'm sure we still have many more yet to come.



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May 16th, 2023 7:28:30pm
11 Posts

My Mom was an incredibly strong single parent with a multitude of health issues. She passed away 14 years ago, at only 42, so I didn't have much time with her. There's never enough time. Despite being sick and in and out of the hospital constantly, she still managed to be the sweetest, most positive person I've ever known. She was my best friend and the only one in this world that I could confide in and talk to. I don't want to make this a super sad post so I'll end with some happy memories.

We both loved animals so we volunteered with our local SPCA and when I signed up for 4-H, she helped me raise three goats ;many goat shenanigans ensued. :D She taught me to love music of all kinds, but especially music from the 70s and 80s that she grew up with. We also shared a love of books and I have some awesome memories of going to the midnight Harry Potter book releases with her and having a blast with all the other wannabe witches and wizards. 

When I was about 10 years old I became a die-hard professional wrestling fan. We didn't have much money when I was growing up but my Mom always managed to get tickets and drove my best friend and I all over the state of Florida to various matches. We had a blast. I miss her like crazy. 



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Event Coordinator Foxi
May 17th, 2023 9:47:44pm
202 Posts

My mother has always been supportive of my riding, and I cherish the moments we have together! She has an adorable relationship (built on carrots!) with my gelding.


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