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Updates and Cash Back!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 20th, 2014 10:22:49pm
4,333 Posts

Hey guys!


As many of you know, we've been working on bringing the economy down to make things less inflated and easier for new players to catch on for quite some time.


You may have noticed a drop in prices of items all around the game. This is good! It means that the money is worth more, so you have to spend less of it to get the same amount of stuff!


But, at the same time, we've noticed some concern and the economy on the game sort of stalling out. So we are going to do a few things:


1. A few mods will be working on a "pricing guide" which will be put out and updated periodically so that players can see what things cost now, versus what they used to cost, so it's easy to see that everything is moving down in the same trend!


2. We are going to have a sale until August 1st on "luxury" items in the regular store. This will be to reflect the current prices and help some people out who may be struggling with the new price trends! Training tickets, extra shows, mass feeders, and dividers will all be 50% off.


3. Finally, we are going to offer an in-game "cash back" incentive for multiple upgraders until August 1st!


This counts for upgrades you do yourself OR sell in the auctions.

  • If you do 2 upgrades you will get 7 mill HPD

  • You will get a 3 mill HPD bonus for each upgrade you do above 2.

  • And if you do 20 upgrades you will get an extra 10 mill bonus :).


    To get the reward, please message me with your transaction IDs by August 3rd :).


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