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Mango's Epic Quest: Valhalla - Chapter Five

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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
May 27th, 2021 2:52:31am
2,926 Posts

Be sure to read the previous chapters!
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV

Scattered and lost, the fleet is helpless. But in the midst of the darkness, the cold, the isolation, help has found them. Three monstrous beings appeared bearing riddles and knowledge - the three children of Loki.

They claim that this voyage has divided the gods. Some view it with displeasure, believing that mortals have not yet learned true humility. Others claim that mankind are beings of free will and deserve the chance to prove their worth by reaching their destination. Still others refuse to cast judgement, far too removed or uninterested to see the value in the debate. And then there is the opinion that cares not for one side of the argument over the other, but simply enjoys the chaos. And that opinion belongs to Loki.

He is interested in how the voyage ends, which paths will be taken and what end will be reached - if only to see how his fellow gods react. As is his way, he meddles. He has given the voyage his blessing and offers information. With his three children, he has given the Vikings three letters: L, S, and O. 

They can tell you what these letters mean, but first - a little game.

Because with Loki, everything is a game.


Welcome back to Chapter V of the Epic Quest - Valhalla!

Here’s how the Epic Quest works: I will host an activity each month that plays into the story being told. You’ll earn small prizes for each activity you complete - like points, HPD, or cash shop items. You’ll also earn XP points, and the player with the most XP points at the end of the year - December 2021 - will win the grand prize:
1. A fully coded tabbed layout from me featuring a graphic themed after this year’s quest and
2. Matching animal CSS and
3. A 1-year upgrade!

Participate in the Epic Quest activity every month of the year, and you’ll earn a special prize:
1. An official HP achievement and
2. A store pair with 100k points.

If you haven't joined yet but would like to, check out Chapter I to figure out how to create your Viking! You need to message me with a clan, a specialty, and a name - then you can join one of the crews below!

If you have any questions about the quest, prizes, or how it works, don’t hesitate to message me!


Loki has blessed your voyage! But you must play a little game to understand the information he has provided you with.


It's time to test your knowledge of Norse mythology! Below, I've provided a starting trivia question. The first Viking to reply with the correct answer to my trivia question earns an XP point. They must then ask a trivia question themselves! A different Viking will then reply with the answer to that trivia question and ask their own.

Loki's trivia question: Who forged Thor's powerful hammer, Mjolnir?

The rules:
1. All trivia questions must relate to Norse mythology in some way!
2. You can guess an answer and provide your own trivia question to keep the thread going, but you'll only earn an XP point if the answer is correct!
3. You must provide a trivia question with your answer - no question, no point (even if the answer was correct)!

Loki: Here's my trivia question!
Mango: Here's my answer - it may be right or wrong! And here's another trivia question!
Jormungandr: Here's my answer to Mango's trivia and here's a new trivia question.

Each correct trivia answer with follow-up trivia question asked - 1 XP point
Participation (at least 1 trivia question answered and asked - does not have to be correct) - 10k points on an animal
BONUS: Posting the last trivia question before the deadline - 5 XP points

You have until 11:59 pm HP time on Thursday, June 3 to post your trivia answers/questions!




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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 27th, 2021 2:32:30pm
6,522 Posts

Gah too slow again


What's the name of the shore of corpses?



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
May 27th, 2021 2:33:08pm
27,686 Posts



A rainbow bridge connects Earth and Asgard. What is its Norse name?




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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 2:35:47pm
2,272 Posts


Who guards the bridge?



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 27th, 2021 2:38:06pm
6,522 Posts



What does he require less sleep than?



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 2:44:16pm
2,272 Posts

A bird

Who did Odin loose an eye to?



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 27th, 2021 2:47:33pm
4,026 Posts


Although he gouged his own eye out

In Norse mythology, the sequence of events leading to the end of days is commonly called what?

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 2:49:42pm
2,272 Posts


What did Odin trade his eye for?



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 27th, 2021 2:59:34pm
4,026 Posts

Enhanced Perception, gaining knowledge of past, present and future events.

If Asguard was the home of the gods, what place is Midgard?


Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 27th, 2021 3:05:39pm
6,522 Posts


Where is the home of the giants?



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 3:06:23pm
2,272 Posts


What is the land of the dwarfs?



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 27th, 2021 3:08:32pm
6,522 Posts


Goddess of love?



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 3:13:45pm
2,272 Posts


Who is her counterpart?



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 27th, 2021 3:56:31pm
4,026 Posts

Freyr is Freyja's counterpart


What is he the god of?

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 4:01:15pm
2,272 Posts

Peace and fertility, rain and sunshine

Who is his father?



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 27th, 2021 4:04:58pm
4,026 Posts


Once a warrior has earned his place in Valhalla, who is he carried there by?



Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 4:22:16pm
2,272 Posts

Valkyries carry the chosen to the afterlife

Who are the Valkyries?



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
May 27th, 2021 4:41:11pm
4,026 Posts

The Valkyries are a group of maidens who serve the god Odin and choose who will die in battle.

How was norse mythology passed down (in the olden times)

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 5:14:10pm
2,272 Posts

In the form of poetry

Whose murder was planned by Loki?



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
May 27th, 2021 7:33:36pm
6,522 Posts



Where did Loki first appear in the Prose Edda?



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
May 27th, 2021 7:37:44pm
2,272 Posts


What was Ratatoskr's only job?



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