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→ APOLLON SOCIETY - Knabstrupper Breed Embassy

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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
December 12th, 2018 1:10:30am
2,926 Posts

In November, I became the breed ambassador for Knabstruppers after a year of hard work on the breed. It's my pleasure to present the Apollon Society, founded in December 2018.

The name Apollon comes from one of the first and highest honored Knabstrupper stallions in the modern era of the breed. In his time, he was the only Knabstrupper to be awarded the ZfDP Approval for Warmblood Breeding. He sired at least 12 graded stallions and several state-premium mares. He was a champion in dressage, showjumping, and eventing. And in 2002, Apollon sired the first Knabstruppers in North America.

 Knabstruppers are one of the oldest breed registries in Europe. It is believed that they originated from pre-history spotted horses in Spain (the same horses that established the Appaloosa). The breed as we know it today started in 1812 with a chestnut blanket mare from the Spanish calvary. She was purchased by a Danish butcher named Flaeb and became known as Flaebhoppen, which literally means "Flaeb's mare." From there, she was sold to a Major Villars Lunn, who owned an estate called "Knabstrupgaard" in Denmark. Flaebhoppen was bred to a Fredricksborg stallion and produced a loudly colored colt. Both mare and colt were bred multiple times to produce the Knabstrupper breed, which became the most desired horse in Europe.

Unfortunately, the quality of the breed declined around 1870, when inbreeding and a devastating stable fire took it's toll. The breed was saved in 1971 when fresh Appaloosa blood was reintroduced. By that time, Knabstruppers had become quite rare.

Knabstruppers were not brought to North America until 2002, when a Texan couple set out to find Appaloosa and warmblood mares that would be acceptable to the RPSI as foundation mares for Knabstruppers in America. The mares they found were inspected, accepted, and bred to Apollon, the premier Knabstrupper stallion of the time. The first Knabstrupper foal in North America was born on April 1, 2002 and was called American Beauty.

Coloring: At first glance, the most striking thing about the Knabstrupper is it's coloring: most likely large, stark spots scattered across a white coat. Knabstruppers carry the leopard gene, most commonly seen in Appaloosas. In fact, the breed displays the same color patterns as the Appaloosa horse. Leopard Knabstruppers can have black, bay, or chestnut spots. However, the breed is not limited to the leopard pattern; Knabstruppers can also display patterns such as blanket, snowflake, snowcap, and few spot. The range of colors and patterns displayed by Knabstruppers is so wide that registries have only a few color-based restrictions: the greying gene is not allowed, and there must be skin colored spots around the mouth and nostrils.

Conformation:  Another unique characteristic of the breed is the fact that there are three distinct types of Knabstruppers with their own build.
Sport horse Knabstruppers have a slim, athletic build. This type was created by crossing the original Knab breed with the Danish Warmblood and the Trakehner. Sport Horse Knabs excell in dressage, eventing, and show jumping. 
Baroque Knabstruppers are the classic Knabstruppers. These Knabs have a broad build, with thicker necks, shorter legs, and larger hooves. They work well pulling carriages and are popular as performance horses in circuses.
Pony type Knabstruppers are just as their type suggests: Knabstrupper ponies. These are short Knabstruppers, under 14 hands, and are popular with children.

If you breed Knabstruppers or decide to start breeding Knabstruppers, check out these "prizes" and deals you can redeem from me. 

NOTE: In order to claim an incentive, your foal(s) and the parents must be registered with the registry! See the "Join" post for more info on the registry!

ALL KNAB BREEDERS are welcome to use THIS IMAGE for their Knabstruppers!

- A free mare leasing or stud booking from any of my public lines (all lines but Lost Boys and Badman) - FREE
- A free backup foal from any of my public lines - FREE
- A mare leasing or stud booking from my private Lost Boys line (currently Gen 3)- 3MIL HPD
- A discounted backup foal from my private Lost Boys line - 5MIL HPD

- Eligibility to buy the backup from my Badman pair (limit one backup per generation - first come, first serve) - 30MIL HPD
custom graphic from Mero or Famous Shamus - FREE



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
December 12th, 2018 1:10:42am
2,926 Posts

I have ambassador pairs ready to be adopted at any time! They can be viewed in the Apollon Society dividers on my page. All pairs are FREE* to new breeders and discounted for established breeders (those who have achieved 2nd gen with their own lines). Horses must be sold in pairs!

The horses in the Apollon Society Stores divider are store pairs purchased and trained regularly until adoption. These pairs are available to adopt at any time. Just send me a message stating the pair you would like to take home and place your bid of 1HPD on each animal. Store pairs are free for all breeders, even established ones.

The horses in the Apollon Society Stable are Knabs that have been rehomed with the society or are otherwise not particularly suited for starter pairs. These horses will be trained and, if not adopted, bred to continue their lines. If you're interested in any pairs from this divider, send me a message! These lined animals are FREE to new breeders and 1mil HPD each for established breeders.

* In reality, it will cost 2HPD, 1 for each horse, as Horse Phenomena does not allow animals to be sold for 0HPD. If desired, the 2HPD can be returned but you must let me know!

The Apollon Society also has a registry! View it [ HERE ].

You're welcome to submit your Knabstruppers to the listing, both active and retired. Just send me a message with the horse's name, ID, build type (Sport Horse, Pony, or Baroque), and stud/lease availability (public or private).



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Tyra ▹ High Caliber Paints
December 31st, 2018 4:59:36am
8 Posts

I'm really considering starting some of these. I actually looked them up because I saw "HP's top Knabstruppers" in your signature and had no idea what they were. xD They're so beautiful and interesting!


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
January 11th, 2019 2:00:57am
2,926 Posts

That's great! I'm so glad you're interested in starting this breed; they're absolutely gorgeous! Let me know if you have any questions or need help getting started. I have incentives available for starting the breed, producing foals, and achieving higher generations!



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January 23rd, 2019 12:32:56am
943 Posts

i have started them ! :D


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
January 23rd, 2019 12:42:32am
2,926 Posts

Woo, welcome to the Society Fitte! Keep an eye on the incentives as I have plans for them ^^ I'll also be updating the Getting Started section with pairs in training :D



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Eyre ❅ be kind
January 23rd, 2019 11:31:24pm
10,135 Posts

Tempted....but I'm barely able to keep up with the breeds I have....I'll definitely let you know though. :)



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
January 24th, 2019 5:26:55am
2,926 Posts

*tempts some more*

I've got sooo many perkssss and more coming :DDDD

Also, if you decide you can't continue them anymore, let me know and I'll take any and all Knabs off your hands to continue training myself!



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
January 29th, 2019 11:25:51pm
2,926 Posts

I'm proud to offer a free default Knabstrupper graphic to Knab breeders, created by Mero! 

The link to use the pic is here: https://i.imgur.com/Fo9FT4z.png



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Vintagio → spotted creatures
February 4th, 2019 4:04:22am
7 Posts

 I have been working on some! I got busy with school and fell behind but I'm back working on some better lines :) YAY


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
February 4th, 2019 4:43:53am
2,926 Posts

Woo, welcome aboard! Let me know if you'd like to claim any of the incentives! 



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tana ;; gone
February 4th, 2019 6:55:47am
13,574 Posts

Maybe one day...

You're doing a wonderful job with these, Mon ♥



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
February 4th, 2019 7:17:03am
2,926 Posts

Thank you Tanabeeean :D I'm very passionate about this breed and would love to see them thrive on HP!



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
March 27th, 2019 4:52:49am
2,926 Posts

I've created a Knabstrupper registry for horses registered with the Apollon Society! See the Join post for information on getting your Knabs added! 



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
May 6th, 2019 3:08:06am
2,926 Posts

If you're selling backup foals or horses from your lines, feel free to post here or send me a message! I will help you find a buyer (and may even buy a one or two myself)! As breed ambassador, it's my mission to help players start and maintain this wonderful breed.

If you're not able to sell backup foals by training age and they are facing deletion, I WILL BUY THEM FROM YOU AT YOUR PRICE! 



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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
May 7th, 2019 8:06:44am
74 Posts

Thinking about starting these when I have space for them :D



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
May 7th, 2019 8:31:08am
2,926 Posts

Woo! Let me know when you do and I can add you to the list of current breeders! I also have Knabs ready to be adopted any time ^^



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LUMOS. 🌙 basic spare 2
May 23rd, 2019 8:30:59am
2 Posts

I have started!! :D


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
May 23rd, 2019 11:33:54pm
2,926 Posts

They look wonderful! You've been added to the list of active breeders on the registry, and you're welcome to claim some incentives if you'd like :D



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Envious ^
August 4th, 2019 1:07:23am
3 Posts

We just started our lines! I messaged you to register my horses (Envi) I am so excited to get these lines started!


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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
August 5th, 2019 12:34:02am
2,926 Posts

Thanks for registering! You've been added to the list of active breeders! Keep an eye on incentives and feel free to claim any you're eligible for ^^ Welcome to the Apollon Society! :D



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