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This has annoyed me for a long time...

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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
August 16th, 2013 7:05:07pm
1,042 Posts
It is ridiculously hard to continue to make graphics when mine go through the full time with no bids and they look like this -> http://farewelldesigns.deviantart.com/art/From-The-Sea-391607557 with all the work i put in then some idiot who knows how to copy and paste some precut/pre mane and tail painted, over used crap onto a picture and call it done and yet they get like 15 mill + every time!



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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
August 16th, 2013 7:05:31pm
1,042 Posts
this must be seen by the world >.>



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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
August 16th, 2013 8:14:39pm
1,797 Posts
This issue has been raised on several occasions, and I completely agree that it is very frustrating. It is, however, something that cannot be changed by force. If members of the HP community want to pay an extortionate amount for something that lacks any creativity or effort.. well, I guess it's up to them. All you can do is bide your time and be patient. As with everything, someone will come along at some point and give you the credit that you deserve!I know I'm not much help, but try not to let it get to you ~too~ much.



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aphrodite spare 5
August 16th, 2013 8:31:13pm
1 Posts
I agree :( I do hate seeing images with precuts/premade horses and get so much for them when they just put them on a background


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alyphira retirement
August 16th, 2013 8:52:40pm
24 Posts
It's been a bit annoying for me too. When I used to spend more time with full body graphics before I went on too long of a hiatus, I always hated seeing my work, by HP's standards through auctions, barely scraping up anything near pre-cuts. It's almost made me want to use them since it requires such little work. Especially since when I was doing full bodied horses, the horse prepping and such too me ages. So I understand here. However, like it's been said, if people want to spend that much money on pre-cuts, then knock yourself out. The only thing that can change this is if people start recognizing and are willing to stop buying pre-cut manipulations.


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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
August 16th, 2013 9:45:35pm
2,907 Posts
another thing, is A LOT of people DONT credit both the original image AND the precut. So maybe with us enforcing this, people will realize that "hey thats a precut - aka a shorcut". Maybe that will help with the pricing issue.I do agree that on HP people dont get paid for the amount of work put into a graphic, unless of course its a "well-known/popular" artist.


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Absinthe .:.Pomeranians.:.
August 17th, 2013 12:45:06am
318 Posts
I have also had this issue with my graphics. I would spend hours and hours on graphics, feel amazing that they were just how I want them, and then I would get an insulting bid of like 10,000 HPD. I literally almost threw my laptop against a wall last time that happened. I practically cried. Because then I would see people with stuff that looks like they did it in MS Paint get like 20 mill for their stuff. I'm not kidding, I almost quit over that. It's the #1 reason why my graphics are now free. Over the 2 years I've been here, no one has thought my graphics were worth more than 20,000 HPD. So I have decided to just offer my work free.I'm not here to bash anyone's work. I'm not here to make any graphics artist feel bad about their work. That's not why I'm posting this. I'm posting it because I completely understand where you're coming from, Fare. If I get in trouble for posting this, I'm sorry. But this has been an issue for me for 2 years and quite frankly I'm tired of being quiet about it...


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Denim .. going home!
August 17th, 2013 4:54:13am
155 Posts
Farewell I love the image you did for Lyla and Id like to order pics in future :) also I think it was worth more than the 20mill I paid (I didn't think I'd win it for that).I do know what you mean though its too much based on reputation, I have the same problem :(


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
August 17th, 2013 4:17:52pm
4,333 Posts
I can understand why you're frustrated :(.But just like in real life, there's not much anyone can do about it. People like what they like and buy what they buy.Like Bin said, maybe having to credit it as a precut will help.


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Mobius // is admiring her new layout with her TBs
August 17th, 2013 7:11:31pm
316 Posts
I understand where you're coming from.You take so much time to make your graphics and then somebody gets a butt load of money for something they took five minutes for or didn't do half the work you did.It stinks because it seems people pay more for the junk than the good.Like lots have said,I guess it's just in what the people like,no matter the time put into it...


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bunny• • • {offline}
August 18th, 2013 1:45:35am
24 Posts
just because someone uses precuts doesn't mean they don't put effort into it.i use precuts in some of my manipulations because it was a horse i wanted to use anyway, so why spend time cutting it out again when it's done for me?although i have seen quite a few sloppy pictures in the auctions where it is clear someone has just pasted the precut horse on the background and added text/credits. with no effort put into making the horse look like it belongs... which is frustrating, but you really can't do anything about it.


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