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Help a Girl Out: Share your favorite recipes and cooking sites

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 6th, 2017 11:54:29am
2,902 Posts

Many of you know I'm due in December with baby number two. Baby number one is 2 (will be 2 years, 8 months when her little brother joins) and I'm going to have my hands full. My husband works 12 hour days, six days a week. Due to his schedule - the house work and cooking falls on me. I'm 100% okay with that, to the point I get more annoyed when he tries to help. 😂😂 

Anyways,  my cooking skills are nonexistent.  I'm working on finding a few easy meals and I've found some awesome casseroles. I'm just tried of testing out 'new' recipes and them being horrible. :( So I'm asking you to please share with me your tried and true favorites that even a loser like me can make (lol). 

Also, I'm wanting to get into freezer meals. Whether it's from freezer to oven or freezer to crockpot. I'm aiming to have a few meals frozen prior to baby arriving. If you have any advice / experience with this then please share.

Thank you so much for reading this. It's very much appreciated. 



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🦖🐶Kaly :: doggies?
October 6th, 2017 2:40:53pm
254 Posts

 ok a few really simple recipe's.

pork N' bean casserol

pork chops (whatever cut you prefer)

heinz baked beans (i like using the maple syrup kind)


put thin layer of beans then layer your chops with beans in between and cover with beans in casserol bake at 275 F. for 3 hours.

remove from oven and eat

-great sides are mashed taters or white rice.


chicken enhiladdas

4 small boneless skinless chicken breast (2 large if substitute) sliced

cheddar cheese (about 2 cups) shredded

half a red yellow or orange bell pepper, half an onion (veggies optional)

6 small or 4 large flour tortillas


preheat oven to 400 F.

using 1 tbsp of oil in large skillet fry your chicken until cooked at medium heat (about 5 mins)

remove from skillet add another tablespoon oil and sautee veggies until tender crisp (about 3 mins)

place tortillas on baking sheet

add a bit of shredded cheese

place some chicken and veggies (if you have) on

place more cheese fold tortilla in half 

bake in oven for 10 mins or until starting to brow and cheese melts.

dip in sour cream and salsa 

stuff face.



meals to reheat from frozen that taste awesome are......

spaghetti, mannicoti, basically any pasta, something about freezing it then recooking brings out so much more flavor. message me for recipes i have many :)





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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
October 6th, 2017 4:51:21pm
6,522 Posts

I usually just do a search on Pinterest, if that helps! Pin stuff you like for quick reference.



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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
October 6th, 2017 6:03:15pm
2,469 Posts
your welcome XD
im constantly adding to the food for thought board
I pin to fall asleep generally
i really need to organize it more but there is also a crockpot board in there and pasta stuff :)

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
October 6th, 2017 6:11:47pm
2,902 Posts

Thank you Kalypso! Blitz, I have a huge folder on pinterest but out of 10 I tried only 2 or 3 were really good. The others tasted like dog food. However, that could've been a me issue. XD 


Maha, I'll totally follow you soon. Do you have the ones that have already been tested and family approved in another folder? 


I forgot to mention my only food issue is I can't use cream of mushroom or anything mushroom, because I'm allergic. I usually sub it out for cream of celery though. 



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
October 6th, 2017 8:04:26pm
29,792 Posts

Here is one of my Pin boards hahaha. These are all casserole*coughHOTDISH*cough* recipes that are pretty straight forward and many of them I'm sure can be made ahead of time and frozen. And I think a lot of these are also pretty forgiving so if you're allergic to mushrooms, I'm sure these can easily be switched for cream of chicken or celery. 

Also here are a few more of my boards. I like good food but I also like basic recipes so a lot of these really aren't hard to make. :P



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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
October 6th, 2017 8:18:38pm
247 Posts

This is all the stuff we've tried that I've gotten from pinterest and I think my favorites are the french onion chicken bubble up and the sloppy joe bites.  They're both really quick and easy to make and they're delicious!

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
October 8th, 2017 10:17:47am
1,200 Posts

Tomato pasta sauce (3/4p):

500 gr minced meat.
a package of pasta veggies ( any combination is fine, i personally use... soup veggies.... yes strange i know, but i can freeze the bags of soup veggies and htey are ultra cheap here , and I  can also use them for soup! - just add water, 4 blocks of veggie or beef broth or combination, some mini noodles, and mini meatballs) :P )
2 cans of ready sliced tomatos in sauce 
1 small can of tomato puree

Season the minced meat with meat seasoning or dried italian herbs
Put in the wok.
Bake till brown ish.
Put in pack of pasta veggies
Bake till pasta veggies are done, and now add in the tomatos in sauce and tomato puree.
Then just cook for another 10 minutes.

In the meanwhile you have 10 minutes to cook some pasta. For more taste on pasta: Use a bit of broth. we have those tiny dried broth blocks here that i use.
Also works very well with rice.  Rice you can cook by putting some rice in the pan, and some broth, then water. Make sure the water is about 10cm or so above the rice.
Cook, stir often. The rice will swell up and absorb all the nice tasty brothwater.
Taste often so you know when its ready. Usually its ready when all water been absorbed.
Dont put it on too high fire :)
Make sauce as above!

Season everything as desired. If it is too bland, add more seasoning. TIP: Always taste in between! It will develop your senses and eventually you will know when something is too bland and what it needs!


Creamy suace:
- champignons, about 400gr
- a brocolli and zucchini
- 2 chicken filets
- 400 ml creme fraiche
- 1 broth block, best use chicken.

Season, chop (in eatable blocks) and bake the chicken filets in the wok.
add brocolli pieces and zucchini pieces and bake.
When they are less big, add the mushrooms (with or without chopping them, but never make them too small halves or 4's are fine).
bake in the wok till mushrooms look brownish and done.
Add the broth block, best crumble it
add about 1 mug of water.
Add creme friache. Everything!
let simmer in wok for 5-10 mins.
You can add more seasoning like italian of provence dried herbs and whatnot. Also a bit of pepper. You could also add a package of herbal cream cheese in there.
If your sauce is too watery, add some flour not soo much, just bit by bit until the sauce is good enough!

Good with pasta and rice.
Also you can change the veggies with  fresh spinach, for example.

==== With these 2 suaces you do not need extra salt, as the broth will provide enough!======

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
October 11th, 2017 10:55:04pm
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My blog! I'm planning to get more recipes up in the next week or two besides just the one, so check back to it :).

But also:


Here are some online recipes I have tried and I like (and that work with the instructions provided in the recipe): (I know for sure this freezes well uncooked, and then just dump in the slow cooker.) (Do yourself a favor and also add a packet of Good Seasons italian dressing mix, 1/2 cup of water, and a couple garlic cloves to this, plus some of the brine from the peppers, then after it's done you can add some flour to the juices and let it boil to thicken it into gravy. Trial and error says this is best :P.) (This one is also good with lentils instead of beef. I know for sure it freezes well cooked.) (I've never frozen this, but I can't imagine it doesn't freeze well uncooked and then dump in the slow cooker.) (I've never frozen this one either, but I'm sure it also freezes well uncooked.) (I know for sure this freezes well cooked.)


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