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Famous Shamus }} from blood and ash, we will rise
June 10th, 2013 8:57:37pm
276 Posts
So there's most likely nothing that can be done about this, but I feel like pre-cut horses shouldn't be allowed to be used in premades and's kind of cheating. Unless you let the person know and give them a discount. It's just kind of annoying to see a horse that I've seen on DA--precut, sometimes with mane and tail already done--getting really high bids when not much work was put into making that graphic. It's one thing to use them on your own horses, but I sort of feel like it's ripping people off when it's in a premade or custom. /end rant lol



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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
June 10th, 2013 11:27:28pm
1,044 Posts
Omg yes! I hate precuts!! They always get high bids and most of them are so over used it's rediculous!!!



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• BlackFire •
June 13th, 2013 11:07:22am
307 Posts
I understand where you are coming from but I understand why people do it. Manes and tails and even smudging sometimes can take years of practice. Luckily a lot of DA stock artists don't allow pre-cuts, imagine if they all did? Sheesh.


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euphoria>> graphic in auction
June 13th, 2013 3:45:43pm
17 Posts
I totally I agree with this! Luckily there are about 5 decent precuts on DA and they are really overused, so everyone can tell if you use one cx However, I do agree with Blackfire, that hair painting can be hard, and frustrating if you get it wrong. Even so, how would you improve without making mistakes?


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Sassafras Tango
June 13th, 2013 4:38:05pm
1,233 Posts
I understand your point. I mostly agree with the idea that precuts are widely overused and it's really annoying seeing the same horse in a bunch of different pictures/layouts. However, it's happened to me a couple times where I'll cut out a horse and use it on a graphic and then when I'm searching DA for more stock, I see it was already a precut and I didn't know.



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euphoria>> graphic in auction
June 13th, 2013 4:58:00pm
17 Posts
Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with simply precuts, it's the pre-prepped and basically a horse ready to slap on to a background with no skill needed that irks me :)


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Famous Shamus }} from blood and ash, we will rise
June 13th, 2013 7:32:50pm
276 Posts
Yeah, manes and tails can be a turd to do, but it's just really annoying when you see a precut, pre mane and tail done, picture going for a ton of money and no work went into it xD. But yeah, I've had that happen where I cut out a horse and later find it as a precut, but for most of the images I've seen on here they are the ones that have manes and tails already done too.



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roooooo ♥
June 13th, 2013 10:47:20pm
1,094 Posts
I -guess- I don't mind strictly precut images, but it kind of seems like cheating if you have a fully prepped horse ready to go onto any background. Well, what I think I mean is, it seems sort of unfair to those who actually do that prepping on a regular basis and then someone can be able to hop right in and make money off of something that has very little effort. I'm not saying they should be banned, I just kind of don't have as much respect for an image made with a fully prepped precut as someone who actually did it on their own. Nothing against people who do use precuts :)


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June 15th, 2013 12:19:45am
16 Posts
To me a precut or preprepped horse is a tool. Just like brushes, or text it is a tool. One that was created by someone else. As long as the image is not slapped on a background then I see nothing wrong with it. Not every precut will fit every background. There is still alot of work that needs to go into it. If I see a precut and love it, I feel no remorse using it. If the image I love needs to be prepped I will do that too. To me its not cheating but making use of the tools at hand. Besides it isn't super hard to check it its a precut. If the image is beautiful I don't mind paying for it not matter how much work went into it.


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• BlackFire •
June 15th, 2013 3:22:02am
307 Posts
If you think about it though they still need to get the lighting and all that right on their images or they will look awful, so some work is still required :)I agree with euphoria, they are used soo much they are quite easy to spot most of the time.


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