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My Mythical Horse! Ends 11/11

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mango • spare 0
September 3rd, 2017 3:21:35am
216 Posts

My Mythical Horse Breed Contest!


Contest Ends Saturday November 11th! 


Jackpot Starts @ 5 Mill HPD
Fee: 1Mill HPD to enter


for every player I will add another 1Mill HPD to the jackpot!


Prize List: 
1st Place - 55% of the final pot will be awarded to you! 
You will be awarded a first place trophy! 
Your creation will also be featured on the MHC registry page!
2nd Place - 25% of the final pot will be awarded to you!
You will be awarded a 2nd place trophy! 
3rd Place - 10% of the final pot will be awarded to you! 
You will be awarded a 3rd place trophy!


*the last 10% of the pot will go directly to the club for future contests!


i. Make up your own breed of horse. It can be completely imaginary, or a combination of two or more actual horse breeds. For example you can create a "Mini-tonka" with a combination of the characteristics of a Percheron and a Miniature Pony, or if you prefer something that would never exist in real life like a pure white Friesian horse with fins and seaweed in place of hair.
ii. Choose a body form/horse type. There four main horse types; Draft/Heavy horses, Light horses, Warmbloods, and Ponies. You can incorporate other animals in your breed if you wish (i.e. fish, owl, wolf etc.) 
iii. Choose a color(s) for your imaginary horse. Your horse can have a realistic coat color or, if you wanted, you could have a unrealistic color of horse, like rainbow or metallic gold.
iv. Choose a distinct marking(s) or feature for your horse (i.e. facial or leg markings, external features including wings, talons, fins, and or wings).
v. Name your mythical horse breed. Make it something creative that matches its temperament, appearance or abilities. (For a bonus give your horse a name! You can have an imaginary horse named anything you like).
vi. Create a fictional background story (no more than a paragraph or two, please) about your horse.
vii. For extra points - create an image of your mythical breed! You can draw it on a piece of paper, make a photo-manip, create a sculpture, a digital drawing... whatever you wish!


In order for this contest to run there must be at least 3 entrants, so tell all your friends!! 


*In order for you to enter this contest please become a member of the Mythical Horse Club to recieve updates! Monetary donations are appreciated as the club only has about 140k in prizemoney! Thank you for your interest and have fun! 


1. Saturnia [Thestral Unicorn] Money Contribution to Jackpot: 1M entry fee [ 1M entry fee from me] 


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Zadkiel »
September 4th, 2017 11:35:58am
1,333 Posts


This is pretty cool! Question for you, What if we already have a created character that is of mythical origins?


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mango • spare 0
September 4th, 2017 12:58:28pm
216 Posts

Thanks Zad! If you have one already, thats perfectly fine to enter! :D


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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
September 4th, 2017 2:52:27pm
247 Posts

I'll see if I can come up with something by the 14th!

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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mango • spare 0
September 4th, 2017 3:20:12pm
216 Posts

Good to hear catt! 


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
October 11th, 2017 12:48:17pm
3,988 Posts

Alright Amp, here is my entry! 
My Mythical Breed :
Threstral X Unicorn!
A mixture between the nightmare-ish, Harry Potter inspired undead horse breed and unicorns!


Body Type:
Light, for obvious reasons

Black, plum or a very dark dark grey. These horses need to resemble the undead and so very dark colors seem fitting.


ThrestralCorn! Or the Nightmares


Well, Threstrals are the undead horses that can only be seen by people who have seen death or experienced it through near-death experiences. This is basically just the unicorn form of that! What’s more fun than making Shiny, White unicorns something horrific and creepy!!
They would be found in the depths of the forest and could only be seen by those who believe in magic and have experienced tragic loss. 





I pulled this photo of a threstral from the Pottermore website. Imagine this with a dark black horn.



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mango • spare 0
October 11th, 2017 3:29:16pm
216 Posts

Hey Sat - this is a contest from last month's presidency - but since it looks like i wil be mythical president for next term as well i will continue the contest further into November! 


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
October 12th, 2017 12:19:26pm
3,988 Posts

Oh... Oops! Guess I should have read it more carefully... But yay!! Maybe we can stir up some more entries! 



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🦖🐶Kaly :: doggies?
October 12th, 2017 1:45:43pm
254 Posts

i. I have chosen to go with a sea worthy type mythical horse.


ii. The horse is of a light horse type 


iii. My mythical horse is of a cream body color (which he gets from the unicorn in him) with champagne colored wings.


iv. He boasts beautiful wings and a twisty horn amongst his head and also is handicapped.


v. His name is the Unipegleg.


vi. Once upon a time there was a pirate unipeg. Although he could fly he was scared of heights so...... Well one day his crew was out after this 

enormous X marked on a map. I guess they thought it was treasure or something. My how wrong they were. They sent him in first to go check it out. There

was this big box one could only assume was filled with shiny things. WRONG! he went up and opened the box and to his dismay it was filled with

a booby trap. (we will leave out the gory details here but lets just say after the trap Mr. Unipeg became Mr. Unipegleg. But it's cool as he went out a 

few weeks later and adopted a big colorful bird with a bitting problem, called him Paulie and they sailed away while eating beans into the sunset together.


heres a picture....


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mango • spare 0
October 12th, 2017 3:47:50pm
216 Posts

Creative Kaly! Haha - thank you for your entry! 


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🦖🐶Kaly :: doggies?
October 12th, 2017 3:53:46pm
254 Posts

lmbo no problem amph XD


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
November 7th, 2017 1:13:07pm
3,988 Posts

Bumping! ^-^ I also posted about this in the advertising room to hopefully draw up some new entries! 



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mango • spare 0
November 7th, 2017 3:03:23pm
216 Posts

Thanks saturnia! We need one more entry guys otherwise it will have to be cancelled 😕


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