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new fuzzy addition

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Freiheit ; gone
July 3rd, 2017 10:42:11am
41 Posts

So for a while now I've been trying to give Honey, my almost-5yr old DMH girl, another companion. We got her from a kitten from my brother's cat, and after a couple of weeks of having her we took in my sister's Burmese, Cleo. We had them together for a couple of years and they got along like siblings after almost a month. I was told I was really lucky with that. However since having given her back to my sister in early 2014, Honey has been, more or less, an only cat. We tried adopting a 6-month-old male from the RSPCA in late 2014, but he was incredibly boisterous and wanted to constantly jump on her and play; Honey is a very quiet and chill cat that prefers just to sleep. So she was having none of that, and so we found a friend to take him in early-mid 2015 (and apparently he does really well now as an only cat). We decided not to try again. Until a couple of months ago 

We decided not to try again. Until a couple of months ago, when I was looking at a cat rescue's Facebook, and saw a gorgeous girl. She was somewhere between 5 and 8, and they do a 30-day trial period to see if the cats are a good fit for the new homes. Awesome. So we tried that out, thinking that maybe we just needed an older girl that had a similar temperament to Honey's. Sadly, by the end of the trial, we hadn't clicked with the new girl, nor she with us; as we live in an inner-city apartment, I felt like she really missed the outdoor access to a garden (proven by when we returned her to the sanctuary, her mood immediately improved when she could run out on the grass).

Then a co-worker's cat had kittens. 1/2 Ragdoll, 1/4 Burmese (mother), 1/4 Siamese (father). OH MAN. A tiny litter of 3, 2 girls and 1 boy, and OH MAN. Well, I was sold on their cuteness, and the fact that I know from prior experience what Ragdolls and Burmese are like, and figured that getting a kitten from its litter will be way easier to train (unlike the older girl we tried who was already set in her ways), and will potentially be easier for Honey to get used to. I went to visit them to see which of the 2 girls I wanted; one of them was more submissive than the other when it came to playing fighting, and she wasn't really the instigator. 




~ pictures below! ♥





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Freiheit ; gone
July 3rd, 2017 10:49:59am
41 Posts

And then we have a grumpy Honey, judging me from her box of jealousy XD



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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
July 3rd, 2017 12:03:56pm
1,854 Posts

oh my God that kitten is so cute. I just love rag dolls. We think that's mostly what Peep is. 

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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
July 3rd, 2017 1:30:33pm
465 Posts

Oh my goshhhh! That face! That little button!! 


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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
July 3rd, 2017 2:04:14pm
247 Posts

She's so adorable!!  And that name is so cute  :D

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
July 3rd, 2017 2:18:16pm
927 Posts


-screams and flails at the cuteness-

OK, first off, being a lover of Burmese, Ragdolls and Russian Blue cats, I'm completely in love with this sweetheart!

Secondly, I've been looking to add a new addition for my two cats and have been running into a similar problem as you have with Honey. My cats are strictly indoors and both my boys have unique personalities that make finding a third roomie for them quite difficult. Tubby is naturally shy and submissive towards other cats, so he's very easily bullied and taken advantage of, but also wants his space from time to time; Boots - his brother - is similiar to Honey and is an older cat, who spends most of his days sleeping or relaxing on the windowsills of the house, hiding away on his own. He is not one for playing or harassment from other cats, where as Tubby is more willing for gentle play. As such, I have gone through various different canditate cats with sadly little success as many are either too rough, too boisterous and dominating or prefer to be indoor-outdoor cats which do not work in my current location. Getting one of these breeds have been on my mind and I have gone through a few who seem like the perfect candidates, but I'm a bit hesitant to try it. Let me know how Nuala works out for Honey, please, as I may be taking one of these kiddos home!!

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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
July 3rd, 2017 3:41:37pm
29,792 Posts

Oh my gosh, so precious!!!! ♥ Poor Honey xD



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 3rd, 2017 3:45:03pm
4,333 Posts

OH MY GOD! SOO cute!!!! Ahh! Love all that fuzz -literally becomes heart eye emoji-.


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
July 3rd, 2017 10:33:21pm
2,469 Posts

oh the fuzz

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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
July 3rd, 2017 11:10:07pm
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Freiheit ; gone
July 4th, 2017 4:21:18am
41 Posts

Hehehe and she's just sooo tiny. She slept with me in bed last night - although I did wake up every hour to make sure she was ok/if she was moving around; any time she ventured towards the end of the bed, Honey would hiss and growl from wherever she was on the ground. Soooooo tired. T_T 


@Equ - yeah i'll for sure let you know how they go. Honey is kinda slow at adjusting now she's older :| I'm just really hoping for my sanity's sake that its sooner rather than later. I was stressing out so much last night before bed that I actually felt physically sick with dread, because when we were trying Charlie, she hated being left outside of the room so we had to let her in (or be kept up by her scratching and meowing), and they would constantly encounter each other throughout the night. Waking up to brief cat fights is not fun. @.@


But at this point it's just Honey being a grump, and Nuala is scared of her hissing and growling.


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
July 4th, 2017 10:00:21am
1,854 Posts

If you can get some of those like... Aromatherapy things. Feliway has a calming stress relief and Jackson Galaxy has a ton. They are helping us get Cordelia adjusted to the other cats. A lot. 

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Freiheit ; gone
July 5th, 2017 2:47:53am
41 Posts

Cheers Chao! I just had a quick look at the Feliway stuff and yikes is that diffuser expensive here! As for the Jackson Galaxy ones... I dunno which one would be the one to get XD Thinking probably Safe Space and/or Changing Times, cos there's no bullying involved really just general territorial 'omg get out of my space how dare you' -insert over dramatic voice here- haha. ;; edited note: jackson galaxy does not ship to australia. :|


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PHISM || Hiatus ||
July 5th, 2017 3:27:59am
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okay, im stealling her. yep. shes gone poof!

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Zadkiel »
July 5th, 2017 3:43:43am
1,333 Posts

new kitten is adorably cute.

I have decided if i want a cat i want a rag doll!


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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
July 6th, 2017 1:42:47pm
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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
July 6th, 2017 8:11:24pm
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Cuteness overload!!! *melts*

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Freiheit ; gone
July 25th, 2017 10:59:35am
41 Posts

^ what even are cats?



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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
July 25th, 2017 1:44:48pm
465 Posts

wat, there's more. she's so cuteeee :3 :3 :3

how is honey adjusting these days?


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Zadkiel »
July 26th, 2017 1:41:29am
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tana ;; gone
July 26th, 2017 7:47:19am
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Cats are floofy derps and that is why I love them :D



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