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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
May 25th, 2017 5:06:12am
2,126 Posts

I was looking over some topics, and it got me thinking.. Most people prefer only two offspring per breeding pair, has anyone ever actually did a "public" breeding with another player? By this I mean you have your stud already UP for stud and didn't have someone approach you to ask. I know I've let one of my retired Paints be bred for someone, but I was asked since clearly he was retired. I just wish we had more of a "stud market", I'd love the chance to use other stallions with my horses. I know since I started playing the two rule of thumb has applied.. SO.. Why do you feel anything over two is too many? Would you stud out your studs? 


 I'd love to be able to search Paints for stud and pick a stud for a mare, sometimes it just sucks having two put together already. IMO of course :p Of course if you're have lines you prefer to keep private to yourself that's completely different. But I do have a few sets of "public lines" that I'll buy outside foals to add into etc. 

Paints since 6-8-14


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tana ;; gone
May 25th, 2017 7:24:56am
13,574 Posts

I wouldn't mind doing this for any public-lined animals from any of my breeds! The thing is, no one really seems to try advertising their studs, they just breed backups. I guess people would have to start doing it more so it could catch on. I'm fairly certain the stud fee could be around 1mill per 10k points that the foal would be born with (so it would be like selling a backup), or more depending on the stallion's lineage, breed, and points. I personally would still like to stick to the 2-foal rule, so I'd replace the backup breeding with a stud slot, and I'd maybe advertise it and the highest bid wins? I dunno, I'd like to hear more ideas as well!

I also buy outside lines if I can! It's nice to have variety in pedigrees, but I'm picky about lines and I will make sure they're likely to be safe for a very long time. This is especially true for animals with really long lines, as sometimes the owner(s) of foundation animals have long since left the game... Every case is different, I guess.



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Zadkiel »
May 25th, 2017 10:52:56am
1,333 Posts

I think its a lovely idea to have public studs. But We dont really have a point to them other than trading lines. Its not like there are stats or gentics that you are trying to get. 

As such we all tend to buy a horse and its mate. They are trained together and have similar points. Therefore when you breed them you know you have the maxium points available. If say I had a horse for public stud, Say he was only 6. Some one had an outside mare that was about to retire Sure they could breed to my 6 year old stallion but there is no real point. My stallion will not be at the max points.

As for the 2 breedings thing. Ive always applied it to mares more than stallions.


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
May 25th, 2017 1:23:19pm
2,126 Posts

I understand the age difference, that would be bad. I guess I'm thinking more like 16 years and up. I just like the thought of having other studs to use. The lines bother me also. I'd really want to make sure it's a safe line. 


Paints since 6-8-14


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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
May 25th, 2017 1:33:10pm
465 Posts

I'm into the idea of developing more of a public stud market! 


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 25th, 2017 3:44:51pm
4,333 Posts

With the new awards system, the incentive for going to outside studs would be the potential for higher born points, and a longer pedigree for generational awards!


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
May 25th, 2017 4:41:04pm
4,524 Posts

I've always kept my lines primarily to myself and did back ups occassionaly.  My reasoning behind it is I don't want to over populate the Andalusian market with my lines so that a lot of them out there all tied into the same stallion/mare.  It makes it hard to sell lines in the future as well as finding mates outside of your own. 

As for actual public stud I'm wary to do it as I'm scared of someone crossbreeding without it being an HP official crossbreed.  I have no qualms with breeding one of my horses with theirs if someone asks, but I am just so protective over my lines that I tend to just do the private option to make sure.  When I don't have a mate for whatever reason I find a player that has one and then message them if it's ok with them.  I've never had anyone say no yet! ☺  I also am one of the weird ones that don't really care what their age is as I'm more interested in their lines. :D


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
May 25th, 2017 5:03:54pm
30,152 Posts

Seemed like it was a lot more common occurence on HL for whatever reason...idk why. 



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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
May 25th, 2017 5:24:12pm
2,687 Posts

I agree with tron.


tho it would be nice to also breed a project mare/female to someone's project stud since some of of only focus on one more then the other like if someone had a high pointed trake made I'd be open to discussion on breeding to tui 


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
May 25th, 2017 6:49:08pm
927 Posts

I agree with Tron here in this instance, especially her point on outside lineage. Being a Gypsy Vanner breeder,the market and seemingly overall demand for the breed is quite low. Right now there is literally only one page of young Vanners {i.e being aged from yearlings - 10 year olds} currently on the market, whom are owned by Insomnia, even though there is a total of 50 pages of them in the search; due to this, you're truly cutting down the middle line. That being said, unlike most breeders, I don't see overpopulation of the market a real worry. It is much more realistic of having to buy a store stallion or mare right as the next generation turns three years old so you're primarily sticking to store lines than fresh bloodlines from another breeder.

Would I allow the public to breed? To an extent, yes; without any rules or certain requirements, I'd be pretty uncomfortable with an open-breeding concept but with such requirements also opens the ability of having 3 foals from a line than just the typical two. I have always stuck to the rule of thumb of having two foals per horse, especially when I ran my Infamous Vegas line back in 2015, but that was due to AQH's being an extremely common breed and high, steady demand for prodigy stock. Gypsy Vanners are in a completely different category, with a lower market and demand, so therefore I would probably allow a maximum of three breedings to a serious, interested breeder, with the third being an auctioned back-up.

This is a good idea and I do agree we need more diversity and connections amongst other breeders, but I feel that this system would only be more successful with a thriving, common breed than a rarer one as demands are much higher. In order for this to take-off successfully with a more rarer breed, the main things would be raising the demand of buyers for the breed then maybe the open-breeding could be easier established.

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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World, Reserve and Bronze Champion [blitzy still watching]
May 26th, 2017 3:55:43am
1,856 Posts

I hardly ever do outside breedings because well i usually only train one pair at a time and theyre usually pretty awesome and im stingy! Public lines i basically train and then just sell the foals and send the parents to the old folks home.

I hardly buy outside lines due to the fact i like owning the whole line



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