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Do you live or frequently visit the East Coast?

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' f l u y t » fabled friesians
March 10th, 2017 10:17:22pm
23 Posts

Hey guys! I'm pondering making a big move in the next couple months from Seattle, WA to either Rhode Island, Maine or Connecticut. I don't know many people from that area and have never visited that far East either. What are some pros/cons of that area, difference in cost of living compared to western WA, and overall, would you recommend living there? Thanks! :)



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
March 11th, 2017 12:15:58am
8,756 Posts

Maine is a really pretty state!

I grew up in Connecticut left for the Midwest due to college and haven't gone back since really.
It's pretty pricey to live there. It's much more condensed people & traffic wise. Maybe things have chanced since I've been gone, but eh, I like it out here in Missouri soo much better.

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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
March 11th, 2017 1:20:45am
465 Posts

I just moved to NYC from Northern California! I love the east coast so far. I find it's a lot more dense than the Bay Area, I love how many cities there are to visit within a four hour radius. I love the weather differences, it's more humid than California (might not be a big change for you though?). If you do decide to take the leap and you have the time, driving across the country really helps you process how far you're moving and deepens your appreciation for how big our country is! And it's just plain fun. ☺


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amberellie - idk what day it is
March 11th, 2017 2:04:16am
747 Posts

I'm from Connecticut!  It is pretty pricey to live in, depending on which County you want to live in! I really love Connecticut (I'm originally from Florida), but anywhere in New England is lovely!  Very historical!  Rhode Island is very pretty.. I suppose the only thing I heard about Maine, is that you kind are out in the middle of no where!

Pros:  The Northeast always has something going on.. because the states are small, you can take day trips!  I really like to go to Vermont for their Blueberry Festival!  The Big-E is a HUGE fair that happens in September and it last's for I believe 3 weeks, that's in Massachusetts.  NY hast NY State Fair.. you're close to Eastern part of Canada, so you can go to Toronto for the Royal Winter Fair! 

Cons:  You just have to see which county you can afford to live in! 


If you need more insight into CT, you can message me!


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' f l u y t » fabled friesians
March 11th, 2017 2:16:37am
23 Posts

Thanks, BV! :] there's very few places more expensive than where I'm living now XD Some places in California and New York City have Seattle beat, but I'd imagine most other places would be an improvement. Do you know how public transportation is?


I'm so glad to hear you're liking it, Diva! I feel like Western Washingtonians and Northern Californians have very similar cultures in general, so it's a positive sign that you're able to appreciate it over there. I wish I had a car right now cause I'd do that roadtrip in a second XD but alas, I do not. Did you move for a job opportunity or did you have to search after making the decision, and if so, what did you find the job market was like?


Sorry for the many questions. I'm just trying to get as much information and as many opinions as possible before I do anything because I have to make a decision within the next month.



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
March 11th, 2017 3:02:47am
8,756 Posts

You probably live in a better county than where most of my family are in Amb! :p
But yes lots of great historical places and things to do for sure! From what I remember the public transportation depending on what town you're in is ok. There's also train stations pretty much throughout the state. I have a couple friends that take the train into NYC for work and they don't seem to mind the commute.
The Big E is def something to go to at least once! They have a horse show and some concerts, and just a bunch of awesome stuff during those weeks!
I love upstate New York, like Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, all of the Adirondacks really. Very pretty up there!

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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
March 11th, 2017 6:01:15am
465 Posts

I moved for school and my husband was able to keep his job over the move. He works from home now so the transition for us has been quite seamless. There are lots of jobs out here, though! (In NYC at least.) What kind of work are you interested in?


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
March 12th, 2017 11:14:23pm
2,126 Posts

 I live on the East Coast, North Carolina.. so not much help! I know further up north is a little more expensive than it is here.

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March 13th, 2017 5:29:10pm
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I live in Connecticut too, but I've been here my whole life.  For the most part, I really do love it around here.  It's a beautiful state, and the weather never really has crazy highs and crazy lows.  And autumn around here is literally to die for.  Plus you really can do day/weekend trips to all different states.  My friends and I drive all over in October for all the different pumpkin/fall festivals in the New England area.  I think I'd prefer for it to stay a bit warmer, but thats all personal preference.  For the most part it's lovely around here, but like Amberellie said, you just have to pay attention to where you go; certain areas are super expensive around here.



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' f l u y t » fabled friesians
March 15th, 2017 12:32:49am
23 Posts

Thank you guys so much for all this great information! It's really helped me a lot in weighing out the pros and cons and to design a better plan. I know for certain I'll be moving east in July! :) I intend on doing a few housesits between now and then to get a better scope of the area. What are some of your favorite towns? I've been eyeing Kent, CT - looks adorable, but not sure how likely I'd be able to find a job there.



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