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Nvidia (update thread)
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] February 21st, 2015 3:25:08pm 2,902 Posts |
So I feel bad for dropping the news of the attack on you and not keeping you updated... 2/12/15 - Attacked. Nvidia has many punctures and wounds. Athlon as two to her backleg, but was covered in blood from Nvidia. :( Vet sent me home with BOTH cats because I could not get approved for carecredit or come up with the deposit (1/2 the bill). 2/13/15 -Kitties go back to vet. Recieve treatment. Send both of them home on antibiotics twice daily. All three kitties (Torrent, who was unhurt, included) are calm and scared of almost any noises. 2/17/15 - Dog came back, animal control called. Not much help, over an hour to get here. Pretty much told me tough luck. Josh, my fiancee, got home from work at 3:30pm. Honked horn, fhought he was calling me outside. Go outside, turns out he was honking at dogs. There is the one responsible for my cats injuries and three more this time. One growls at me I manage to trip over my own feet falling mainly on my knees, but also bumping my 31week preggo belly. Wait two hours on animal control, they never show. Take Nvidia to follow up appointment hoping for good news, recieve none. Nvidia's antibiotics were not effective against the bacteria. His tail is infected, his stomach wounds are infected. Tail has to be amputated. He will be placed on different kinds of antibiotics. Go to ER after vet appointment... at least baby (in tummy) was okay.
2/18/15 - vet called. Nvidia still has infection on his stomach but after his tail was amputated he started acting better. Turned into a love bug again, started eating. Became more vocal. All good signs. He isn't messing with his tail nub, another good thing. Heading in the right direction. Made him an Instagram account to help spread his fundraiser. @nvidia_kitty
2/21/15 - got up, called vet. :( they are not open today. I miss my baby cat cat. created a facebook page Nvidia... Feel free to like and invite your friends. |
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Kirre Potter February 21st, 2015 10:16:13pm 420 Posts |
Poor Kitty! I'm glad shes turned a corner and is on the mend! and that the baby is okay! How irresponsible that the dogs owner is continuing to let them lose - some people should not be alowed animals. Thankyou for keeping us updated - Nvidia sounds like he's feeling better - vocality and lovebug signs look good! |
Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!] February 22nd, 2015 4:34:26am 2,126 Posts |
Awww :( Glad kitty is doing a little better! |
Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching February 22nd, 2015 6:08:40am 2,469 Posts |
fyi next time call the cops. where i am at the cops actually control animal control. |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! February 22nd, 2015 3:31:23pm 4,333 Posts |
Glad she's doing better! |
tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥ February 23rd, 2015 8:54:03pm 4,524 Posts |
So glad kitty is on the mend, and that your belly baby (that sounded weird... :P) is ok! I am so sorry to hear of the lack of support you are receiving from animal control and that your neighboor is so extremely irresponsible. I am a firm believer in karma, and they have what's coming to them! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] February 24th, 2015 12:06:09pm 2,902 Posts |
Hey.guys, it has been hectic. That is for sure. I'm trying to sell everything I can (my camera and wedding rings included) to come up with the money for this bill. Remaining balance: $1609. They are wanting to send him home Friday and I need $484ish bucks (30% of $1609) before they do. I'm currently $158 short. They are breaking the rest up into six monthly payments of $187. Which I appreciate, but it's not looking good as far as the rest of the deposit goes. I'm hoping I can get people to share his.gofundme and his fb page so that I may be able to find $158peiple who can spare a dollar. I've been posting all around. Any suggestions?
Oh, vet sent me update pictures: my poor now 'bob' tailed cat.
Our animal control is ran by the marshall's office. It used to be ran solely on volunteers. Then the Marshall's took over...and has kinda been downhill since there as far as response times go. |
🐈~Broken Vow~❄️ February 24th, 2015 11:19:49pm 8,756 Posts |
Oh my gosh Con! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] March 3rd, 2015 7:22:45pm 2,902 Posts |
'Vidi Kitty is home. Sorry I havent updated, things have been a little more than hectic. Our other two cats are being jerks and not wanting to accept him back into the house. Slow introductions are taking place right now. I still have a vet bill of over $600 to pay off, but I am working on doing that. A lot better than the 2000 one I had to begin with.
Nvidia is... clingy. XD But I don't blame him. I swear he HAS to be in one of our laps now. I think he thought we were going to abandon him or something. I feel so bad that i didn't have a car to go visit him the ten days that he was up there.
Anyways, I managed to misplace my laptop charger and it's dying. Gotta try to find it. ^-^ I will be back on later. thank you all for your help, advice and support. |
Whynn • Main • Dragon Rider March 3rd, 2015 7:32:06pm 604 Posts |
Maybe the SPCA will do something if this guy is neglecting to care fo his animals the correct way. I would call them. They usually go to action quicker then the police do and/or animal control.
But glad things are getting better! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] March 4th, 2015 9:55:36pm 2,902 Posts |
Slowly,but surely. I cut off my internet to save money, so that's why it's been so hard to update. :( I am going to keep the gofundme up so hopefully I can continue to get donations while I attempt to find work. It's really hard. I'm offically eight months pregnant ... No one wants me. |
tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥ March 4th, 2015 10:45:23pm 4,524 Posts |
I'm so sorry to hear that no one has hired you yet. :( I hope they do soon! |
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