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Emergency Vet Bill Advice?

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
February 14th, 2015 5:53:12pm
2,902 Posts

On the 12th of Feb the weather here in Georgia was beautiful. In my backyard (which is FENCED in securely) I have a cat kennel that I built to keep the cats contained, but allow them to enjoy pretty weather for an hour or so outside on pretty days. So on the 12th, I had let them go outside. I had a bit of an emergency pop up and had to run out the door. They are in a fence in a fence and I figured they'd be safe. What I didn't realize was I basically left them abandoned in a death trap. A small / medium sized black dog (according to neighbors) managed to get into my back yard and then proceeded to destroy it's way into my cat kennel. My black cat (torrent) made it up a tree without injury, our white and brown tabby (athlon) only received one puncture wound to her leg and was stuck in the kennel despite the top of it being busted open due to her hurt leg and our blue and white tuxedo kitty (nvidia)...well... he is lucky to be alive. He received multiple lacerations on his body and his skin was ripped off one part of his tail to the point his bone was exposed. 

Neighbors seen the owner of the dog go into my back yard to retrieve the dog...this is the part that makes me the maddest. She came into my backyard, saw what her dog did...and just left them there. No note, not apology... nothing. For this reason alone, I am actively seeking the owner to achieve the proper legal process. Anyways, back to the story... I rushed Nvidia and Athlon to the vet they looked over both and said she wasn't injured (they missed the small punctures due to her fluffiness) and that he needed a lot of treatment. I reached out for donations that night as we just bought a truck that day (it was the emergency that popped up...we finally got approved for a loan and had to go sign it and put our down payment down ($500, everything in our bank...we didn't have a vehicle until this happened my sister had to give us a ride to pick it up). Because I couldn't come up with half the vet bill they sent both home without even starting treatment on Nvidia. The next day I reached out for help and I received some. I also received my last paycheck from my job I just lost and put all that towards the bill. They begin treatment finally when I took him back the next day. My vet bill was $857.58... because someone was irresponsible and their dog got into a fenced in yard and into a secure kennel. Because I was doing the responsible thing the local Animal Control told me I had to do to let my cats enjoy warm weather and I had them contained or on a lead. Even though my cats were spayed/neutered and they were only out with me and stayed by my side. So far, I have paid a good bit of the bill, but I am still $299.18 short... Do you guys have any idea? I've already exhausted all my resources and I am trying so hard to come up with the rest of it...



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Hello My Fallen Quality Paints since 2010
February 17th, 2015 8:40:48pm
1 Posts

When my mare needed surgery last summer to remove her 3rd eyelid and squamous cell carcinoma I posted it on Gofundme.com and got a few donations, paypal also has a way to set up a donation account. most of my donations came from friends, family and people my mom works with. My mom also put a donation jar in the break room at work.

So sorry to hear about your cats. when I was younger we had a similar situation happen with rabbits- they werent so lucky.

I hope they heal fast. best of luck.


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
February 17th, 2015 9:21:01pm
2,902 Posts

Well... they came back again. I almost got bit and I fell. Most of it was on my knees but my stomach is hurting. I am waiting on Animal Control yet again... then I will be heading to my vet appointment and then to the ER. My doctor told me to give her at least two hours to move. I swear... if something happens to my baby cause these dogs... 




My neighbor's roommate followed them home and spoke to the owner. Not really sure what was said. About to go over and figure it out. 





Edited to Add: Neighbor claimed she had no dog with a red collar. Then when they came around the corner she claimed she had no idea how they got out while letting them back in her house. 



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shaenne •
February 17th, 2015 10:27:54pm
1,386 Posts

Now that your neighbour/neighbour's roommate knows what she looks like, where she lives and what a pitiful liar she is, ask if he/she would be prepared to testify, and then go to the police and bring that horrible horrible person down. Now it's not only your cats that have been terrorized by these little menaces, you've been physically hurt while trying to avoid being bitten by them on your own property. Do not let this go. This pathetic excuse for a human being needs to be held accountatable for the things that her dogs have caused. This would NOT be taken so lightly if they were big dogs, and people forget that small dogs can cause just as much damage and injury.


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
February 18th, 2015 2:01:57am
2,902 Posts

At er at moment. Neighbor let me know pound went to owners house. Cats check up went back. Antibiotics were not helping. Infections set in, got bad. having to amputate tail. New bill is $1200 on top of the $300 I already owe. 


I know it isn't allowed normally, but... Sam, is there anyway I  could maybe and share a  gofundme here?



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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
February 19th, 2015 12:59:05am
1,854 Posts

You've got dogs that are attacking people now. If it's animal on animal, at least cops here kinda. Uh. Don't care as much. My parent's dog unfortunately killed a cat in the neighborhood, and only seized the dog for a day or two. My parents had to pay to license her and verify vaccinations but other than that they still haven't had to pay up for the unlicensed dog ticket and. Well. That's all that they got charged with. But with attacks on people, trust me, they'll go after them hard and quick. 


Care Credit is the only reason we were ever able to afford Galahad's... almost $800 dollar final vet visit. GoFundMe seems like it's the best for that kind of thing. Reach out to people you know and they'll reach out to people they know. 

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
February 19th, 2015 1:39:59am
2,902 Posts

With Sam's go ahead, I am posting the gofundme link here. Please share it and help me get the word out. I did not hear anything from the vet today and I am hoping that no news is good news. 







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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
February 20th, 2015 12:55:09am
2,902 Posts



UPDATE!! Nvidia's infection on his stomach is still looking pretty bad. He is eating now at the vets office and they are more confident than ever he will pull through. When I dropped him off they told me it was 50/50. Since they amputated his tail they said he has been feeling  loads better. 



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