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HPB Trade-in Sale!

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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
June 14th, 2023 4:37:35pm
6,573 Posts

HPB Trade-In Sale!


From now until Friday, June 16th at 8:30am HP time, you can trade in your HP Bucks (HPB) for HPD! 


For every 1 HPB you send to Account #1, you will be sent back $10 mill HPD!


The exchange rate is a bit different this year due to the continuous main game currency (HPD) inflation on HP, much like what we're dealing with in the offline world. With many already complaining that upgrade prices in particular are ridiculously high, flooding the market with more HPD at the previous years' rate is not a good idea, however I didn't want to scrap this yearly opportunity entirely, so I chose to adjust the currency rate return instead.


Other things to note with this sale:


- Please send all of your HPB you wish to trade in in one go...DO NOT send in 5 HPB from one of your accounts, 2 from a spare, etc. It will cut down on the millions of messages I have to process. Please consolidate all of your HPB you wish to trade onto one account and THEN send it in through a single transaction.


- Please note that it could take a little while for me to send your HPD because this is all done manually by me, blitz, and it is also currently the busiest month of the school year for me at please be patient with me, I will get all of the HPD sent out as soon as I can!


Happy trading!





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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
June 14th, 2023 4:37:47pm
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Kuwait | I Want My GSD! |
June 14th, 2023 5:00:36pm
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Oooooo! I remember last year! I moved a ton of HPB to one account, but for some reason I missed out on getting it exchanged. I hoped the opportunity would arise again. But now I'm reluctant to partake because I might need my HPB for retirement breedings etc. XD

Thanks for making this a yearly thing, though! :D



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June 14th, 2023 5:04:25pm
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sent! :) thank you again for another opportunity! ♥



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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 14th, 2023 5:23:09pm
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Can I ask how reducing the exchange rate is supposed to combat inflation? From how I'm seeing it, that isn't going to force people into bringing their prices down. All it's going to do is ensure those who are both barely able to and completely unable to afford current prices are still in the same position. 



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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
June 14th, 2023 7:26:08pm
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In a nutshell, less money in circulation = less money to use to bid higher and higher and thus jack up inflation further.

If I kept it at the previous rate, yes, those who currently can barely afford would get a dump of money, but as well those who already are sitting on piles of HPD would also get (probably a larger) dump of money as well. I can't exactly have separate rates based on what money a player currently has and if it makes them a "rich" player on the site vs. someone who has almost nothing, it's a blanket rate site-wide.

Back in the fall when we had that big forum thread about inflation, I was talking to big boss Sam about inflation asking for suggestions on how to tackle the issue. One of her suggestions was to either scrap this trade-in entirely, or to adjust the rate. I didn't want to kill it entirely, so instead I adjusted the rate, with input from the other admins.



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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 14th, 2023 8:47:19pm
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On the other hand, though, less money in circulation means less money players are then putting back into the game, in the form of buying tickets, shows, graphics auctions, even upgrades, because they can't afford it, and not simply because of higher prices. For many players, this HPB trade is a big boost to their coffers and will allow them to be able to participate more freely. Reducing the amount of HPD in circulation also doesn't address that there's a supply problem - too much demand right now and not enough people feeling comfortable lowering their prices due to the decreasing value of the RL dollar. And then being reprimanded for asking what they feel is fair/what makes spending their RLD worth it. 

If HPD is continuously removed from circulation in the form of cutting prices/reducing the HPB exchange rate, it then affects the entire community and will make it impossible for anyone on the game to be able to afford much of anything, and the game will eventually die.



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
June 14th, 2023 9:17:24pm
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Hearing that this was discussed in the fall but was not announced until now feels terrible. HPB can be purchased separately for real-life money and many people trade HPB in exchange for services or goods. You just severely punished players who engaged in both the past 12 months without any notice despite it being a discussion between staff members at least eight months ago. For example, I paid for some dog tickets for my project last fall using HPB. They are now receiving 300mil instead of 750mil in exchange for them. 450mil just gone. Staff need to start thinking ahead when they make decisions. This should've been a change announcement for next year's trade-in event, not this year's.



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
June 14th, 2023 11:06:43pm
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I don't think this was the answer. So it may drive down prices but I'm not willing to sell at this point. My rl$ is worth more than it was before the inflation but I need to get less for it in game?



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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
June 14th, 2023 11:18:34pm
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Changing the rate or cancelling the sale entirely was one of many things discussed with and/or suggested by Sam back in the fall. At the time, I decided I would sit on these ideas. I mentioned what was suggested to the other admins and said I would make a decision closer to when the actual event usually takes place, which is usually which week I predict will be my slowest of the busy month that is June at work. I did not decide that this was what was going to happen back in the fall with this specific rate, so don't assume that. I literally thought "Ok. The two options are cancel or adjust the rates. Revisit in the spring", and the revisiting in the spring was in part to see where the HP economy was and whether or not things had changed since the fall. The decision was literally made this past Saturday what the rate would be and if the sale was happening at all. Adding massive amounts of HPD into a game that is already inflated with game currency every year isn't sustainable. 

Which...upgrades are no longer going for over $300 mill like they were for a bit in the fall, but they're also not back to the $250 mill they were prior to that spike. Which is why I didn't scrap doing this entirely.

Like any sale or event on HP, we as staff know they are popular, but we are not "100% mandatory" obligated to run every single event every single year. This trade in hasn't been around forever, it only started in the past few years, and has always been a flash sale, like the random upgrade sales I sometimes have, or the random coupons that are in the newsletters sometimes. This is also not just my view on events on HP, it has always been and continues to be what Sam has also said.

I mentioned on Sunday in my news post about Moorf joining the staff that it was coming, and that it would look different. I honestly wasn't even obligated to give that warning, but I did so that people had time to move their HPB around. 

Mako, last year alone there were several players who traded in 450-500 HPB each, which had me adding $11-13 billion into active HP circulation for each of those people, not including other players who traded in less HPB. Which was more than the year before. and the year before. It has to stop somewhere.

I understand that some people may be upset, however this is what was decided by the people who run this game, under the suggestion and support of the owner of the game. As always, the running of this flash sale, and the rates of trade will be revisited again next year based on what the HP economy looks like then. If you don't like the rates, you aren't obligated to trade your HPB in, much like an upgrade flash sale. You're not obligated to participate.



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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
June 15th, 2023 3:39:31am
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As someone whose ponies currently consume HPB at an alarming rate, I don't use the trade-in myself. So, this isn't me complaining because I'm gonna be out of pocket - I am 'lucky' enough to have a solid regular income, I get that I'm one of the privileged here if that's really how we are going to be looking at it. However, it feels like the economy is purposefully being run into the ground in ways that will adversely effect other players - players who contribute a great deal to the game and who I cannot imagine HP without. Yes, the admin team get to make the big decisions; but this is a small, mature, playerbase and those decisions can have significant consequences which people are going to want to discuss, even if it is uncomfortable to do so.

The main issue with upgrade prices is that the supply problem for upgrades isn't going to go away, and consistently reprimanding those who sell upgrades for selling them at between 250-280million isn't going to help encourage people to sell more. I'd imagine that it would have the exact opposite effect; which I doubt the powers that be want to happen, given that the income of upgrades being purchased - either to use by the player or to sell - must be a hefty chunk of HP's real-world funds. You're asking people who are spending real money to take a cut on what they earn in-game. Not a great incentive, really - and as you say, nothing is obligatory. It's an auction system, there's going to be fluctuation. Don't expect a solid price without setting a functional cap.

Secondly, whilst being aware that this is somewhat futile to say in the sense that it's impossible to retroactively change things - with the best will in the world, mentioning to playerbase that the HPB trade-in was going to be 'different', without explicitly explaining what the difference was, didn't stop people going and buying HPB packs with RLD in anticipation for the sale - now they're getting 15mill less per hpb than they expected. So someone who might have purchased a 20HPB pack for $18 is now recieving 200mill HPD - essentially, they're getting less in-game money in return for their real money than they would have done even selling a 6mo upgrade at the 230million that we saw 2 years ago. So, yes, people are going to be upset, because those who purchase HPB with RLD are losing out significantly.



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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
June 15th, 2023 7:57:25am
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For the record, I never stated in my post that you or other staff members decided officially in the fall; my point was that it was not fair not to make it clear much sooner that there would be changes, given that this is a tradeable currency actively used for player-to-player transactions, an item purchasable in the cash shop for real-life money, and valued at a specific amount in the community due to the price you have deliberately created for it by introducing this sale in 2021. No, of course, you are not obligated to continue running any specific deals or keep them running in a particular manner. However, you are responsible for warning your players of upcoming changes as soon as possible that may affect their decisions to use this currency for trades or change how they invest their real-life money into the game. In this case, saying "nothing is guaranteed" is dangerous because you're potentially destroying the trust players have in you and the game. Players spend years planning significant projects and develop these plans based on changes of years prior. Removing their ability to make the best-informed decisions for these plans will create uncertainty on how to proceed. So yes, of course, you can make adjustments as needed, but do so with plenty of notice when it impacts this many factors.

Utakata's last paragraph is an excellent example of this. Choosing to publish a vague post that did not even remotely clarify what was changing appeared as a simple reminder for players to prepare beforehand. That post could've prompted someone to purchase HPB with real-life money in preparation for the sale, only to find out they had made a terrible decision. They will understandably feel misled and upset over this. As someone who has purchased HPB specifically in preparation for this year's trade-in within the past year, I feel caught off guard and like I wasted my money. I would be livid if I had purchased it within the past month or even 24 hours after seeing your post.

We would have no solid argument if the sale had only occurred once. We would be silly to assume it would happen again or in the same manner. Regarding the other deals you mentioned as similar examples (such as the upgrades, starter packs, etc), I do not see any that follow any reliable schedule based on a few quick searches; this is why we expect these to occur differently every year. Not to mention, they rarely carry the same weight as this sale does. However, the trade-in happened for two years in a row in the same month with the same trade-in value, with no mention that it may not continue in the future. The sale's existence was enough to change the value of HPB between players. Whether you intended to or not, you fundamentally changed how a tradeable currency in the game is perceived, then made it worth significantly less without warning. I wouldn't be as upset if it was only an in-game currency, but you have real-life money at play here.

It was the wrong move to handle it this way. Notice should've been given as far in advance as possible. I am not telling you or the staff to change your decision, but please understand the full effect of your choices and weigh all potential issues before proceeding with future changes because this certainly missed the mark.



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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 15th, 2023 8:36:11am
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As a player who actually did buy HPB a day or two before the official Site News post went up, misled and upset is precisely how I feel over the sudden drop in the exchange rate. HPB is not a currency I use very frequently, and now I am sitting with a surplus because I do not feel the current exchange rate is worth the RLD I just dropped.

As Utakata stated, many of us here are adults and mature players who understand that yes, sometimes difficult decisions for the betterment of the game need to be made. I do not feel that this was one of them (both the decision to leave the reduced exchange rate a "surprise" and to even reduce it at all), and I know I am not alone as evidenced by this thread.

To be frank, taking the stance of "this is how it is, deal with it, the staff doesn't owe you anything" is a dangerous position to take when the very future of HP rides on its players. By attempting to target "rich players" and avoid putting too much HPD in their pockets, you're also poisoning the well for those players and many of them will leave if and when they begin to resent being targeted for simply having spent years establishing themselves through dedication, hard work, and yes, their real dollars - even through a global pandemic and a massive recession. As Jade eloquently put it, you will affect their trust in the staff and in the game. I know it's affected mine.



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June 15th, 2023 9:16:49am
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I don't understand why ya'll are coming at Blitz.. I think that it was very nice of her to still allow this event to happen, she could've totally just scrapped it altogether and said nope, we aren't doing it this year. Like Blitz mentioned, "if you don't like the going rate, you aren't obligated to participate." 





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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 15th, 2023 9:30:52am
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Oak, we aren't "coming at" anyone. We're expressing our disappointment at decisions staff have made that negatively affect the player base as a whole. When you make a public forum such as this, you open yourself up to potential criticism that should be allowed to occur so that staff can hear and understand different points of view. It's unsurprising, though, that you are taking the stance you are, but not all of us are content to remain quiet when we feel short-sighted decisions are being made.

In all honesty, I would've prefer that the sale not run at all rather than be blindsided by such a drastic cut to the exchange rate.



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June 15th, 2023 9:35:50am
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What is this supposed to mean? "It's unsurprising, though, that you are taking the stance you are, but not all of us are content to remain quiet when we feel short-sighted decisions are being made."



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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 15th, 2023 9:37:46am
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If you can't see how simply making a vague posting about changes being made to the HPB trade-in without disclosing that it's the exchange rate itself that is being changed drastically, when it's remained the same rate for the past two years the sale has run, feels like being blindsided, then I can't help you.



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June 15th, 2023 9:42:31am
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I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, however I personally DON'T think that anyone is being "blindsided." As for the rest of us that actually think that an event like this a good thing for us to trade our HPB in for more HPD. It's a fantastic opportunity for us players that don't have tons of HPD to just toss around each week to actually get some more $$. 

Again, "if you don't like the going rate, you aren't obligated to participate."

I also feel like when blitz makes these posts, she seems to always have to deal with some comments which I don't believe are needed. 



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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
June 15th, 2023 9:48:17am
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You don't have to understand people's grievances in order to respect them, Oak.



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June 15th, 2023 9:51:19am
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Are you saying that the staff doesn't respect the players of HP and what they have to say?



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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
June 15th, 2023 9:52:25am
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No, I'm saying that you don't need to understand why other people are upset in order to respect the fact that they are.



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