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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
December 12th, 2022 8:01:28pm
296 Posts


I am sure many of you here use DA as a place to display the more "intense" works. Is there anyone on here who have DA Core? I would like to maybe start doing YCH/YHH horse manips to earn a little extra cash for the holidays or even as a side gig... I see a LOT of the arts going to LARGE amounts of money (not that I think I'm even remotely close to charging that), but figured $20-30 wouldn't be so bad? 

Can anyone give me tips and or advise? This is a piece I am wanting to sell. Please let me know your thoughts!

SweetDreams-YCH by ccatalan91 on DeviantArt


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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
December 13th, 2022 8:08:57am
41 Posts

So, I've never really done YCH/YHHs, but I do regular commissions on DA. Currently charging only a little more than you're thinking of charging, though will probably be pushing prices up bit by bit as I'll usually work on the bigger images for upwards of 10hrs.

I've been 'gifted' a Core membership by way of diamond badges a few times, but have never really made much use of them. I know that they do allow you to sell commissions and prints etc directly THROUGH DA, but personally I haven't seen any reason to need a Core membership so far for my own Comms. If I start charging more for my comms, that may change as it will make the monthly expenditure for the membership (okay, it's not much; but it's still money) more worth it.

So basically, if you're wanting to do Comms/YHHs on DA, go for it! But I don't think Core membership is strictly necessary, the best way to get yourself known is just to churn out loads of work. But maybe watch linking them to HP as you might not want it to be (however accidentally) seen as advertising.




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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
December 13th, 2022 10:06:20am
296 Posts

I have had DA for years now but never really "used" it other than for a few pieces here and there. So I wasn't sure if having core was required to sell them or not! XD It's kind of exciting and honestly don't know if anyone will even purchase something like this but I guess it's worth a shot. I'm thinking if you're charging the same (your work is wayyyyyy better than mine) that means I probably need to come down on the price some. 


I just really suck at pricing. It's just when I see some of the prices others are charging (upwards of $80) I'm like *dead* haha. 


Yeah - I will be careful! I wasn't trying to advertise and was just trying to get a feel of how to price/how to go about doing this type of thing. I'm a struggling single mom so the extra income (if at all) wouldn't hurt. 


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amberellie - idk what day it is
December 13th, 2022 12:03:40pm
747 Posts

I use to have the Core membership and I didn't think it was worth the price at the time, so I never renewed it.  you can sell prints thru DA but they take a % out of the price kind of like Etsy.  

You can play around with the prices as starting out, I'm sure you'll adapt to a price range.  It took me a long time to figure out how much digital paintings are worth. 


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
December 13th, 2022 4:36:00pm
1,551 Posts

Agree with Amber - just play around with pricing. You'll know whether it's right because you'll have clients. If the demand is there, creep prices up; if it isn't, drop them down. But also, December/January can be pretty tight months for many people so don't be too disheartened if prices aren't what you're hoping for right now. Probably get a better idea of the real picture after Christmas.



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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
December 13th, 2022 9:38:45pm
296 Posts

I'd hate to sell a piece for like $10-15 but I guess that *WOULD* be better than nothing right? I was surprised to see someone actually even bid on that piece in the first place.. guess I need to search around DA and see artists of my level and see what they're charging. I'm kind of just testing waters there - so wish me luck *crosses fingers* 

I might try offering other things like pixel lines and various other things as well. Who knows. Thank you guys for replying. :)


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