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I am so excited!

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Abeille {MAIN} Ardennes
November 21st, 2021 12:50:43am
191 Posts

I don't really think any of you know me all that well here, but i've been involved with horses one way or another since I was 5yo (i'm now 36). I used to ride at RDA (riding for the disabled) because I have a disability... and well, horse riding is good therapy lol. 

The place I was at a few years ago shut down and went out of business for good. The place I was at all last year and met the most amazing horse also shut down earlier this year for a while due to flood damage. They were supposed to contact me once their place was wheelchair friendly again. That was back in May that they re-opened... I still haven't had a phone call, so whatever lol. 

Buut my amazing sister told me about a lady she knew a few weeks back who wants to start up an equine therapy centre here. It's not officially open, they're still going through the planning stages and don't even have a fb page yet lol. But they have just got insurance and I am going to be the founding member. I get to meet the lady AND the horses this week! She currently has two black Standardbred geldings named King and Frog (lol) and is getting a new grey Standardbred gelding also coming in this week. They're all about 17hh!! They are going to be monstrous next to little ol' me! lol. Apparently they're all super sweet and friendly and love little children. 

This is King:
No description available.

This is Frog who was sadly abused and mistreated before the lady got him... and he's likely to be the one I work with because I seem to do best with the troubled horses! 
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This is the grey boy the lady is getting this week. Not sure of his name... but wooow he's a freakin stunner!

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Khaleesi // I’m Starving Darling
November 22nd, 2021 8:44:18am
321 Posts

Oh wow that's so exciting! Fongers crossed you can start riding soon!


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 22nd, 2021 3:11:41pm
8,756 Posts

What a great opportunity!
Please keep us updated! :D

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N.aima 8 {2025-03-09} {نعيمة} ✝️🍹 Sacred Standardbreds
November 22nd, 2021 3:27:29pm
40 Posts

Standardbreds are an amazing breed! They are super sweet! My sister's horse is a dark bay Standardbred gelding named Mr. Punch. He's a retired pacer. He was very very good too! I have a link for a photo of him on my page here. Check out the Standardbred Embassy. I always have pairs in training (both store and lined) for cheap to current breeders or free to new breeders.

P.S. Tragedy created my avatar for this account if you're interested in something like that.



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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
November 22nd, 2021 3:46:31pm
12,807 Posts

Very exciting and hello horsies!



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 22nd, 2021 4:18:14pm
27,674 Posts

aaaah that's awesome!



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Abeille {MAIN} Ardennes
November 25th, 2021 11:38:00pm
191 Posts

I wont be riding "unfortunately" lol. My riding days are over, but all those boys are enormous and i'd be terrified of breaking if I fell of anyone. I just loooove being on the ground with them and breathing the same air they breathe. I was meant to go meet them for the first time yesterday, but it unfortunately didn't happen because the weather has decided to be against me and rain all week, but hopefully next week! 

Nadhima I will definitely go looking at the Standardbred Embassy. I just brought a bunch of Standies. I stupidly brought them the day before the games new weeks, so they only got one day as 3yo's :'( They're the best breed ever in real life, and so perfect for the sort of work that equine therapy requires. Super beautiful, friendly darlings.



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