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November 2020 ~ Player of the Month!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 1st, 2020 4:58:45pm
8,756 Posts

November's Player of the Month!

October flew by pretty fast! All grab bags, activity prizes, and Trick-or-Treat goodies are in the process of being distributed. Thank you for your patience as the team works things out! :D
Please keep en eye out later in the month for our Cyber Monday sale and each week one of our Event Coordinators will have something going on in the Forums! Check out the HP Calendar in the News setion of the top navigational bar for happenings!

A Huge Congratulations to Moorfine!!!

Moorfine has been chosen to be in this month's spotlight! We are thankful that you are on HP with us! :D

Notes From Staff
"Moorf's an awesome player who's such a wonderful part of the community. Willing to help in a pinch and there to make players' days a little brighter!"
"Moorf is wonderful to have around in chat. She's really nice and genuinely cares about other players. Always willing to help! Her Unicorns are also amazing!"

The Interview Questions!
Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they feel comfortable answering!

......HP Questions......
1. How did you first learn about us?
I don’t remember exactly how, but it must have been on Horseland, while the ship was sinking!

2. What is your favorite thing about HP?
By far it’s the community! There are so many players who have helped me through some very rough times. I love chatting and getting know players little by little.

3. How long have you been playing for?
May made 11 years! Where on earth has the time gone?!

4. How did you come up with your player name?
Honestly, I don’t even remember, I also went by Moorfine on Horseland.

5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train?
Unicorns and Boxers! I just bred for my 30th generation Unicorn, and my 28th generation Boxer!

6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed?
I think just the fact that I have always loved Boxers in RL, and Unicorns are just fab!

7. How do you come up with names for your animals?
Honestly I have such a hard time with this, I have started just choosing bands or tv series and name them after the episodes or songs.

8. What are your current goals on HP?
I have always had the goals to be an honest and trustworthy player. One who others won’t hesitate to reach out if they need help or just to chat! Also to be available to help others when I can, without expecting anything in return,
And to have the best lines that I personally can. I think it is fun to have friendly competition with others who breed the same, but my main 2 breeds are on the rare side, so I just push myself to make the next generation better!
Eventually I hope to have to highest pointed Unicorn on the game again, Justice is still sitting at #2 though! currently I have 18 of the top 25 on the game, and 21 of the 25 top who are under retirement.

9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another player’s you admire!)
It would have to be my one and only real project horse Justice (#134640) which I shudder when I think of how much he cost me haha.

10. Who’s your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer?
My go to graphic artist is Amberellie (10), she’s fab!

11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event?
I think it would be the Mascot Contest. It is so much fun watching the competition and all the fun side events that run with it!

12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in?
Lately I have loved all the puzzles and community mini events that have been being hosted. I find myself being a bit bored and these are such a fun way to use my time.

13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share?
Honestly, just keep at it. Try to get on and train every week, and don’t overwhelm yourself with too many in training at a time!

14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite?
I can’t say I have a favorite per say, but fall is my favorite season, so the fall layout?

15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why?
I would love for HP to be more active! I miss seeing so many players on all the time. It can get a bit lonely.

......Real Life & Random Questions......
1.Where are you from?
The great Big Sky! (AKA Montana) Picture

2. What do you do for work?
I am a medical claim collection specialist. Basically I submit original claims, appeals, and corrected medical claims for the 52 state Medicaid's. I have been at this company for 7 years come January.
We also have our own small horse boarding facility where we will have a total of 10 horses come December.
Aaaaand, we also have a vacation rental lodge that we run on top of working full time!

3. Do you own any horses or dogs?
We have 2 of our own personal horses, and an old amazing dog. Tisa and Jake Pictures and Luke Picture

4. Do you have any other types of pets at home?
We have a kitty cat, well Haley (our daughter) does. Cricket Picture

5. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog?
My favorite horse breeds in real life are Friesians and Arabians.
My favorite dog breeds are Border Collies/Australian Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Boxers.

6. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
I love photography and have a small photography “business” when I have any extra time.
I LOVE to read, I’m addicted in fact.
I love to go fishing and hiking with my family.
I love ridding horses, and in fact volunteer with our local 4H program and work with about 30 kids a year helping them advance their skills and knowledge.
Anything outdoors really!

7. What’s your favorite color?
Either fusia, or teal!

8. What’s your favorite Holiday or Month?
My favorite holiday used to be Thanksgiving as it was always a time when my grandparents, neighbors, and our family would all get together for a huge intimate feast. However that tradition died a long time ago due to family fallouts :(.
My new favorite time of year is December and Christmas, having a 6 year old at home has made it a magical time of year!

9. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it?
My favorite vacation place is Belize! I have been there 3 times since 2012 and it is really the only place I get to go. Which I know seems silly. The culture and people are so kind and so amazing. It’s hard coming back to the states and back to the hustle and bustle of the human race. Picture

10. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?
Eh, not really, other than I can whistle super loud haha.

11. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why?
Probably an Arabian. I love how majestic they are, and how much life and energy they have!

12. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why?
I have my fingers crossed that we will be getting a Golden Retriever puppy in March!

13. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
That’s such a hard one! I think it would either be Ryan Reynolds, Emilia Clark, or the Hemsworth brothers. They are all amazing outside of acting and seem like such fun genuine people!

14. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
My bucket list travel locations are New Zealand, Australia, Scotland and Ireland!

15. What would be your dream job?
Being a Therapeutic Ridding instructor for either the disabled, or the behavioral challenged youth.

16. What would be your dream meal of choice?
My absolute favorite dinner is lasagna with cheesy garlic bread!

17. What is the top thing on your Bucket List?
To see the plan of The Lion King on Broadway.

18. What talent do you wish you had?
More than anything I wish I was artistic!

19. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip

20. What is something you fear?
Spiders! They are just nasty and freak me the heck out!

21. What’s the funniest joke you heard recently?
What do you can a cow with no legs?........ Ground Beef!

22. What Meme do you currently relate to?

23. Any good books or comics that you’ve read recently?
Before We Were Yours

24. Any good movies or shows you’ve seen lately?
Recently re-watched Thor: Ragnarock, it’s one of my favorites!

25. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
Right now I don’t have one and it’s driving me crazy! I spend as much time looking for something new to watch, as a whole episode I think! Any suggestions?!

A fun random photo of Moorf and her daughter Haley: Picture :)

New Nominations Open Now Through November 21st!

Please send your Nominees to me at (#22700)
All Requirements and Information can be found here: Player of the Month Thread

Thank You! :D
~Broken Vow (#22700)

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 1st, 2020 5:01:42pm
8,756 Posts

Yay Moorf!!! :D

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 1st, 2020 5:02:02pm
27,686 Posts

Congrats, Moorf!



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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
November 1st, 2020 5:06:54pm
1,706 Posts

congrats Moorf, well deserved :)


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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
November 1st, 2020 5:33:35pm
4,387 Posts

congrats moorf!!!



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amberellie - idk what day it is
November 1st, 2020 7:49:17pm
747 Posts

Yesss! Congrats Moorf!!


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Eyre ❅ be kind
November 1st, 2020 8:28:41pm
10,135 Posts

Hooray for Moorf!!!



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November 2nd, 2020 6:21:12am
196 Posts

Congrats! ❤

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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
November 2nd, 2020 5:39:58pm
1,975 Posts

Awe thanks everyone, this was honestly a complete shock to me! I love our community so much! 



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amberellie - idk what day it is
November 24th, 2020 11:48:42am
747 Posts

Happy Birthday Moorf!!


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