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Coding Skeletons [Closed]

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DOUNIA | Sølvfjell Dole Gudbrandsdals
April 19th, 2020 2:47:11pm
161 Posts

Thank you to all who have purchased my coding skeletons! It is super fun to watch your coding skills grow and develop :) I hope to release a Version Two in the future for purchase. Version One is no longer available.

I am once again offering coding skeletons to the public! As of right now, there are two styles available: double scroll and tabbed. Both skeletons feature guided comments within the HTML and CSS to take you step-by-step through the process of editing the coding required for a customized layout. Make sure to read the T&Cs listed below before messaging to purchase (please include the email you would like the codes sent to - the codes will come as separate emails for HTML & CSS for ease of organization).

Double Scroll Skeleton: [Preview Here] - 100mil

Tabbed Skeleton: [Preview Here] - 200mil

Interested in purchasing both? The package price is 250mil!

Terms & Conditions: Only those who have purchased and agreed to keep credits intact (terms delineated further within the coding) are allowed to use this skeleton. You can reference coding, sure, to find out different bits and bobs that make a layout work, but don't copy and paste coding and either use directly or try and rearrange things to obfuscate what you've done. To reiterate: teaching yourself = cool & awesome; stealing = nasty & naughty. I taught myself to code on HP a decade ago via looking at HP's source code and googling whatever I didn't understand. I will recognize what you're doing if you're naughty. Once purchased, you are free to use for both personal and commercial pursuits (yes, you can sell layouts in the graphic auctions using this skeleton and any derivatives you make [credits still intact]).


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
January 11th, 2022 12:25:24pm
3,988 Posts

When you bring these back, I will absolutely buy version 2 !


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awd ○ Mustangs [main!]
January 11th, 2022 12:33:55pm
697 Posts

I would buy version 1 (and 2!) if they open back up! 😉



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