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Dog DNA results

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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
December 26th, 2019 3:15:34pm
181 Posts

Have any of you done the dog DNA tests? (I know it's all the craze right now)

I did one for Gizmo, his largest percentage unsuprisingly was Kelpie (which is what he was sold to me  as)
But he also had a large percentage of Rottweiler (I knew it was going to come back either Rotti, or Dobie, I just wasn't sure which.)


The big suprise however, was the fact that his next highest percentage was Shar-pei
Which I had never even considered, but toatally makes sense. He  has the spotted tongue, and he has always had loose skin. 

The next was german Shepherd, which isn't that  big of a shocker,
and then Golden Retriever, which I never would have guessed.


What have you guys learned? c:


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
December 26th, 2019 10:44:41pm
8,756 Posts

I don't have a dog, but whenever I do get one I plan on doing a test for it!
It's always cool to find out what's all involved! :D

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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 26th, 2019 11:41:14pm
3,849 Posts

I so badly want to do one of these for my dog, but I've heard so many bad stories of scam companies that I never know which one I should trust/purchase. Some of them ask for a PICTURE of your dog to be included. Why would that be required if you're just basing it on their DNA sample? D: I hope to do this one day though! It would be nice to know since I have my own ideas of what breeds she may have!



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December 26th, 2019 11:57:12pm
943 Posts

I heard good things about embark a youtuber did one through them


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Scor. {Belmont first? Not feelin' it =/}
December 27th, 2019 12:09:55am
181 Posts

I have heard the rumors about the scams a well.
I did do Embark though, they seemed to be the safest.

They did not require a photo, but they do allow you to add one.
They also don't ask upfront what breeds you think your dog may be (Which is where a lot of the scams I read about originated)

I also like Embark  because they have less reports coming back as all 'supermutt' or unspecidfied 'breed type'
While it is un avoidable sometimes (I did get a small percentage of 'supemutt' myself) I feel they did a good job of trying to get real established breeds.

I am pretty pleased with the whole thing. I just did the breed test (Not the healtlh) and have considered upgrading, but I'm not sure I wasnt to dish out the extra hundred xP

Not wanting or being able to breed, traits don't really matter to me, and while the health information would be useful it's all pretty speculative.


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December 27th, 2019 12:15:43am
943 Posts

This youtuber did embark just for the health part


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
December 27th, 2019 3:09:53am
3,849 Posts

I'll have to look at Embark then!



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
December 27th, 2019 6:23:35pm
2,926 Posts

I don't remember which one we did, but we tested our GSD pup just because she has characteristics that aren't at all aligning with a shepherd (like her very long ear floof and not short but not long body hair). My money was on a gsd/spaniel mix :P

Turns out, she's mostly germans shepherd but her next highest percentage is Amstaff, which was totally unexpected, there's no physical traits that come from it. I think it mostly comes out in her behavior, because she is the most stubborn, disrespectful piece of sweet lapdog sugglebuddy I've ever met. Very smart, trains well, but pretty much totally disregards discipline commands. She knows No means No, she just ignores it xD Also, very mouthy. Going on two years old and still bites everything.



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