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Hurricane Dorian 2019

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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 2nd, 2019 8:33:11pm
3,988 Posts

For all of my fellow East Coast HP’ers. 

Stay strong and be safe! 


Just wanted to post a general good vibes/sending thoughts etc post for everyone.


love always




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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
September 3rd, 2019 6:19:18am
927 Posts

Thank-you, Sat, and wishing the same safety to all!

My thoughts are also extended to those in the Grand Bahamas or know those near. May they all equally be safe, and strong, like all of us on the East Coast. The damage Dorian is hammering them with is absolutely heartbreaking.

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
September 3rd, 2019 11:34:26am
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Also hoping that everyone stays safe! Check in with us when you have a chance so that we know you're safe.


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September 3rd, 2019 6:20:26pm
3,521 Posts

Prayers to everyone! Shouldn't hit me until Thursday, but we're expecting power outages and LOTS of rain obviously. Maybe my grass will turn green...



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 4th, 2019 11:52:05am
3,988 Posts

EQUUUUU 💕 long time no chat love! Hope you’re doing well! 

Check in - still doing well! It will not be hitting us until super early Thursday morning. So just trying to relax and keep all the animals calm. 

My heart is breaking seeing these images of the damage this storm is doing. Nature is a strange and wild beast. Stay safe everyone!! Much love to all of y’all! 



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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
September 4th, 2019 12:03:33pm
927 Posts

I know, it's been awhile lol. Went on hiatus, but I'm back for real now! :)

Update #2: Hurricane Dorian has showed my area of Florida great mercy from her wrath. Her cone has changed course to miss us completely. From 6AM - 7AM we felt a small surge from her Cat 2 bands as she started moving NNW at a good clip of speed. Our power and internet shuttered a few times with the hard rain, but never fully went out. As of 12:25PM EST, we are officially out of the warnings and the storm has moved on. We sustained no damage or even flooding to anywhere local. All stores are beginning to re-open and re-stock for normalcy. Thank-you to everyone who sent their prayers/good vibes/love and helped us stay safe through this storm. It could have been so much worse than it was.

I hope everyone else still in Dorian's path gets the same good luck we have. I also hope that the heart-breaking tragedy in the Bahamas can findthe ability to repair itself the best it can. And find the same comfort and love we've been given during this extremely difficult time for them. ❤

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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
September 4th, 2019 12:14:11pm
1,200 Posts

Stay safe everyone, much love!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
September 4th, 2019 12:38:02pm
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Thanks for the updates!
Hope everyone else is doing alright!

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rhea. ♫ shires
September 4th, 2019 12:40:24pm
257 Posts

Thank you for your thoughts. Looks like we're going to get storm surge and wind D:. 


My thoughts are with anyone involved/dealing with Dorian! Please stay safe.


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September 5th, 2019 5:32:24pm
3,521 Posts

So with the path change Dorian took, it's headed straight for me in the Carolinas. All day I've just been seeing rain and strong winds, we have some storm surge, and there are tornados all over the place. I'm a tad bit inland so the full force hasn't reached me yet, and fingers crossed we don't have much happen!



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 6th, 2019 1:54:56pm
3,988 Posts

Yama, you must be close to me or not too far. Sorry that the storm has caused such issues! I hope you are still safe and doing well! 

I hope everyone is doing well! The storm thankfully surpassed my part of SC (I'm very close to Savannah, GA) so, we didn't get too much damage other than a lot of heavy wind and rain. We are safe! 



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September 6th, 2019 3:37:03pm
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We got a bunch of flooding happening from storm surge and the rain, power is out in a lot of places (I have a generator but I'm also close to a high school that acts as a shelter). Trees are down and people's trailers and roofs are super damaged. We even had tornados! Funnily it's bright and sunny today. 



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 6th, 2019 4:18:30pm
3,988 Posts

Goodness! Sounds like your town definitely took the brunt of the storm, but I am glad to hear that you are okay atleast! These storms are wild in every sense... 



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PHISM || Hiatus ||
September 7th, 2019 1:45:50am
1,321 Posts

How is everyone doing? Being from the west coast with no cable/news coverage, just want to make sure everyon eis doing okay, I know this storm def did some damage

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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 9th, 2019 10:52:30am
3,988 Posts

Hiya Phiz! 

On my part of the coast in SC (Hilton Head), we thankfully did not get too much damage! We stayed safe and I am beyond thankful for that! 
( I work in property management, so it would have been a nightmare had the storm not passed us by). 
Other parts, Charleston and Myrtle Beach (farther north from me) got hit pretty bad. Power outage, storm surge/flooding. But, everyone seems to be okay. 

It basically hit Florida and the poor islands of Bahama's the worst. My heart just breaks for everyone on that island. 



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