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New (and Sort-of-New) Stuff!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
August 29th, 2019 7:16:04pm
4,333 Posts

Hello HP!


I've been working on some new and some sort-of-new stuff today! As you know, we lost some of our newest coding when the game was reset, so I have been working on adding that back, but I also got an exciting new thing done today!


Dark Mode

Dark Mode is here! You can swap over to dark mode by going to your Edit Profile page and switching "Dark Mode?" to "Yes" and then saving your settings. If you don't see a fully updated layout (or if you see parts of the old fall layout instead of night mode), you may need to clear your cache.


You can switch back and fourth between dark mode and the seasonal layouts anytime you'd like!



Chat Layout Poll

We need your input! Today when I was working on dark mode, I temporarily made the chat room background transparent - and it was pretty popular with those who were in chat! So, I'm polling you to see which chat experience you prefer. The option with the most votes on Monday 9/2 will prevail! Please vote below!




Before and After with Summer Layout:


Before and After in Dark Mode: (In dark mode without the box, we can make the text with dates and names more visible, but the default chat color can't be changed per layout because different people will have different stylesheets, so anyone who usually chats with black as their color [hi, mostly me] will need to use something else so that it's visible to everyone.)


Rankings Updates

I re-added our 2 new rankings categories! Also, the rankings page has been re-organized so that it's more attractive and stream-lined. The new categories are:

  • Top 25 Current Players: A player point ranking of players who have logged in in the past 7 days!

  • Top 25 Baby Players: A player point ranking of players that have joined in the past 3 months!


    I have also added 3 new achievements, one for each of the new rankings (and made sure that all 3 still award the Personal Ranking Achievement as well). If you are currently on the two new rankings or the All-Time Player ranking, you should have a new achievement!


    Club Fixes

    I have also re-added the club features that I added last week, so you are now able to make club shows up to 8 days in advance and the default entry fee amount in the show making form is now set to $2000 HPD instead of $10 HPD.


    Achievement Fixes

    The activity achievement awarded for logging in for 7 days in a row is fixed again! It should be awarding as normal now.


    If there are any other achievements you know of that are not working, please message me or let me know in the forums! I know a few people told me about some that were bugged last week, but unfortunately those posts/messages were all lost in the shuffle.





    In other news, I will be continuing to work on returning and new features, so keep an eye out on the news and on our change log.


    Also, I will be working on our new fall layout tomorrow as the game will automatically switch the seasonal layout to fall on Sept. 1st! (Dark mode will not change with the seasons.)


    Thank you for your patience through all of the last week. We really appreciate it!


    Happy Thursday, HP!




    P.S. Do you follow us on social media? Following us on Facebook, Instagram, or joining our Facebook Group is one of the best ways to receive updates from us anywhere you are!


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    Player Avatar
    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    August 29th, 2019 7:16:17pm
    4,333 Posts



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    Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
    August 29th, 2019 8:29:16pm
    29,792 Posts




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    a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
    August 29th, 2019 10:06:18pm
    1,856 Posts

    There should be an option to turn the transparency off....



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    Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
    August 29th, 2019 10:36:19pm
    2,907 Posts


    love the transparency - but only on the seasonal one.


    also yay for dark mode!! itll save my eyes!!!


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    PHISM || Hiatus ||
    August 30th, 2019 1:30:04am
    1,321 Posts

    i voted and now i wanna change it xD


    after experiencing the chat tonight i wanna say leave the white box for both versions xD

    Nq6uAjc.png ICvs2aV.png QYn0eyJ.png


    Player Avatar
    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    August 30th, 2019 11:21:50am
    4,333 Posts

    Chat should currently have the box for both versions @Phism. If it doesnt, clear your cache.

    Unfortunately I don't know if it's possible for me to make it so that you can turn it on and off just because of how it's coded. Maybe, but definitely no promises on that.


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    Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
    September 1st, 2019 6:05:18pm
    4,387 Posts




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    a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
    April 11th, 2020 9:33:43am
    1,856 Posts

    I know its been awhile...but on the top 25 baby players-i think once they hit the 50mill mark they should drop off as then theyre not considered a baby player...most of them are the same players with main accounts elsewhere, but just made a new account and will now forever have the baby player top 25 even though theyve actually been playing for longer than 3months...but to give actual new players a chance there should be a player point limit? Or once they hit the 3month mark of playing they drop off...

    Just going by what wants to be added to animal rankings..i think this should be revamped as well



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