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Orphaned Kittens.

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May 14th, 2019 2:58:31pm
269 Posts

This morning on my way home from class I stumbled upon four newborn kittens (umbilical cord still attached, but dried out) on a sidewalk, without touching them I thought they had passed and I was going to bury them. I reached down and touched one, it was ice-cold. All of them must've been dumped or sitting there all night after birth. I went to scoop them up and I heard a soft cry from one of them, my heart started pounding, I was surprised it was still alive. I went through and rubbed them all on their chest, they all moved or cried a little. They all were still alive! 

I quickly wrapped them in my spring jacket and held them close to try and warm them as I sped walked home. On my way, I saw a female cat hit in the middle of the road (she had the same coloration as the babies), she looked as if she recently gave birth from the extra skin in her stomach region and she looked full of milk. I knew then, these kittens are now my responsibility. When I got home, they were still barely moving and cold. I ran warm water over each of them (keeping their heads out of course) and watched them slowly come back to life. Once I had them warm and dry, I put them in a box with a towel and went to do research on how to care for them.

After, I ran to Wal-mart with the babies on board (lol) to pick up supplies. I ran inside got a heating pad, cat milk replacement, and the tiniest baby bottle ever. I sped home because they were starting to deteriorate and become cold again. Once home, I put the heating pad in the bottom of a box and a towel over the top and placed the babies inside. They slowly started to come back to me when the pad started to warm. When they were warm, I warmed their milk and fed them such a tiny amount it didn't look like they ate at all. However, after I fed them they started worming around more and more, and their crying became louder. I waited about 20 minutes and tried to get them to suckle from the bottle again. This time they knew what was going on and really went in! Thank God. 

I'm currently writing this maybe 30 minutes after I fed them and they're all sleeping on the heating pad in their box. I have yet to check genders, as I was more worried about making sure they were alive and eating. You'll get an update on if they're boys and girls later today, maybe we can come up with some name options together! For now, my full grown cat is very interested in what's going on but doesn't really know what they are. She never had a batch of kittens of her own but I'm hoping she will attach to them, help bathe and warm them. 

I plan to make a vet appointment later today just to make sure I'm doing everything right and to see if there's someone that has more time to care for these four. In the time before the vet appointment, have any of you raised newborn kittens, if so do you have any tips?! All the help I can get is more than welcome, I know the basics of caring for them but it's going to be a long road and hopefully a beautiful ending!




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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
May 15th, 2019 3:33:41pm
27,686 Posts


Seriously, though Reuel, you're an awesome person for doing this for them. and oh my gee are they adorable. If I lived close to you, I would take a couple of them from you. :P



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May 15th, 2019 7:18:18pm
269 Posts


We went to the vet... *suspense* Eeny, Miny and Moe have come home with me, I'll catch you up on Meeny in the next paragraph. I'm happy to tell you that three of the four kittens are in wonderful health. The vet said that they are the perfect weight for their age and look over all amazing for what they've been through. The vet was and the staff was shocked by their story and how that they're all still alive. The vet is sending over the all clear paperwork to the shelter and I should receive a call later today or tomorrow about if they can take the kittens in or not. I've been warned that it's the birthing season and all the shelters are quite full at the moment. The kittens are obviously too young to receive their vaccinations so I am not allowed to bring the kittens around any other cats. This works out fine, due to my cat not being interested in anything to do with them at all anymore and just does her own thing. I will be keeping the kittens in my bedroom as a sort of a "quarantine" area for them.

As for Meeny, I explained to the vet the issues I've been having with him eating. She spent most of her time looking at Meeny, I knew that wasn't a good sign. She took him back to look down his throat and do an x-ray and came back with bad news. Meeny has a birth defect where he's got esophageal issues and surgery at this point and time isn't an option. This can be life threating for this tiny guy. His issues cause him to regurgitate food to where he cannot get food down to his tummy, and also when he regurgitates he risks the chance of food getting into his lungs. If food gets into his lungs, it can cause pneumonia and other infections. The vet was happy to hear that I haven't had any signs of milk entering his lungs such as coughing, sneezing during feeding, and milk coming out the nasal passages. The vet was beyond shocked that I was able to keep him alive this long, which breaks my heart. Meeny is going to be kept at the clinic for around the clock care and will be fed via tube and syringe from now on. The vet said that there is a slight chance that as he grows it becomes less and less of a severe issue. For now, he's on antibiotics to prevent infection and other medications (she told me but they had big names that I can't remember) to help his defect. If Meeny makes it to an age where he can eat soft cat food, he will be automatically entered into the shelter to where he can be adopted. I was sad to let him go, but I know he will get the proper care he needs and will have the best fighting chance. Prayers for little Meeny and his future are more than welcome. He will need them over the next six weeks until he's old enough to try and eat soft cat food.



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May 15th, 2019 7:19:16pm
269 Posts



And then there were three... As for the other three, I was beyond happy to hear that they are in perfect health. As I type this, they just finished feeding and are snuggled in their box on their heating pad in a milk coma. They act much like me after a big Thanksgiving meal, in need of an immediate nap afterward, lol. These kittens made my day today while at the vet. Whenever someone else would pick them up, they would cry and cry. However, when I held them they would go quiet, maybe give a soft coo and wiggle in my hands. They seem to know my scent already, that I bring food, warmth, and help them relieve themselves. The little action these tiny creatures did made me so happy, I saw it as a way for them to say thank you. I've been amazed by how much these tiny lives have changed in front of my eyes the past 24 hours, they look like completely different kittens and are growing more rapidly than I expected. The changes that happen over a 24 hour period in kittens this small are so dramatic. If/when these kittens leave me, I will be sad to see them go but I know if they go to the shelter they will be in good hands and have all their needs met. I've grown attached to these little beans and it makes me mushy thinking about letting them go, but happy to know they're healthy and happy now. :) 



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noxhidis | foxes
May 15th, 2019 8:07:06pm
74 Posts

Aw, poor Meeny! :( I've never encountered a cat with that condition (megaesophagus, I think?) but I know it makes caring for them a challenge, especially when they're itty bitty. Hoping things will turn out alright for the little guy. I'm glad to hear the others are doing so well, though! That's fantastic! :D

Again, it's so awesome of you to have saved them! Clearly the beans are grateful, too lol.


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May 15th, 2019 8:27:56pm
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I'm hoping Meeny makes it, the vet wasn't very sure if he was. Kittens this age can go downhill so quickly, it's scary. I'm hoping to get the call from the shelter any minute now, as much as I love these guys, I just don't have the time for them. :/



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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
May 15th, 2019 10:47:48pm
2,970 Posts

IF Meeny has made it, there are LOTS of videos on megaesophagus on Kitten Lady's YouTube channel, Facebook page and I think she has a website. She recently had a kitten called Badger, who had it. He's now a big boy and has a new family!



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May 15th, 2019 11:44:56pm
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Meeny is out of my hands now, I don't know any updates about him or what will be completely done to treat him. I'm hoping the vets do what's best and try everything in their power to help him, I just don't know enough about the stuff to confidently help him. I'm more than blessed to have them be willing to take him in and not ask for any payment as I am a college student with no money to spare. This vet is the vet that I also take my full grown cat to and I've never known them to give up on an animal. I'm hoping to look on the shelters page in 8-10 weeks and see a little Meeny bean (& possibly his siblings if they're accepted) sitting there ready for a new home! 


P.S. to all "Orphaned Kittens" forum followers - I will be keeping the vet clinic, the vets/staff, and the shelter name(s) anonymous out of their doctor & patient confidentiality. At this facility, all "drop off" or incoming animals are meant to be anonymously taken in. I also live nearby the vet clinic, so to keep my personal information well... personal, I will not be sharing this information! 



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tana ;; gone
May 16th, 2019 5:46:16am
13,574 Posts

I'm sorry about Meeny, but I hope he pulls through! You did your best, and the other 3 are doing great! You should be proud of yourself ♥



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May 16th, 2019 6:42:38pm
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I'm so happy about ALL of the baby kitty updates!  You are such a good baby bean mom, and as you already know, it is no small task!  Best wishes to little Meeny, I hope all goes as well as possible.  Definitely keeping him and the other babies in my thoughts and prayers!  Meeny is however in the best hands possible to be as healthy and comfortable as possible!  AND you were the first warmth and love he ever got to experience (and Eeny, Miny, and Moe)!

There is another instagram if you have it of a kitty who has/had a similar problem as Meeny: wolfie_smiles
I'm not sure if it was the same defect, but it sounded very similar.  Wolfie has also grown into a big, handsome boy :)

I am the biggest sap on planet Earth, my eyes welled up with tears when I was reading how the kittens respond to you.  Ugh, this whole story is just so so so sweet.  You are my hero :)




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May 16th, 2019 8:13:38pm
269 Posts


Eeny, Miny, and Moe have all been accepted into the shelter, YAY! I will be snuggling and giving my final goodbye loves to these guys and will be dropping them off today. I am beyond ecstatic to have these guys accepted, as they will get all the love and attention they will ever need there. I am also sad to see them go, as they are my little beans. :) I'm so excited to see their final transformation pictures up on the shelter's website in a few weeks time when they're ready for their forever homes.

This shelter is a no-kill and it's so important to adopt animals rather than purchasing one from a breeder. By adopting an animal you are not only giving it a second chance at life, but you are opening up a spot in the shelter for animals like Eeny, Miny, and Moe to come in and get the help that they need. Always always always, check shelters before you go out and buy from a breeder! You never know what might be there and what may steal your heart away. 




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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
May 16th, 2019 8:24:58pm
27,686 Posts

I'm so happy for them and you!!



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May 16th, 2019 8:41:05pm
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YAY!!  Not to be super repetitive, but I am oh so happy for both them and you too!  I am so glad all has worked out as best as possible, all because of YOU  :)


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sihtric ♡ working on coming back {Nad watching}
June 25th, 2019 5:59:34am
322 Posts

I know its been a long time since this has happened, but this makes me so happy! I have bottle fed 12 kittens over a couple of years and I have one of the tweleve with me today. She is such a sweet and loving cat, she loves people almost like a dog. Thankfully you where able to get them into a shelter that doesn't kill animals. Bottling feeding 4 at one time can be rough, though when I got my 4 at one time they at least had their eyes open and I wasn't working. Within the last year I bottle fed two puppies for my co worker and geese those guys where a night mare, way louder than kittens.  But this makes my heart so happy! 


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