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shaenne •
November 8th, 2018 7:38:44am
1,386 Posts

Red Dead Redemption II.

I am still obsessed with RDR1 but mostly just online multiplayer because it's wicked fun to join a posse and do stuff. Not to mention there's this one guy on my PSN list that is SUPER fun to play online with. He always has his mic on and he's super sweet so I like to crank up the PS3 if I see him online playing RDR.

But I am OBSESSED with RDR2 omg. I'm sure all you who have me on fb are sick of my RDR status updates by now lol.
I am almost 2 weeks late to the party because I didn't have a PS4 yet but I FINALLY GOT ONE WITH THE GAME WITH IT AND IT'S SO MUCH FUN. There is SO much to do. The interactions are amazing.

The horses are amazing! I am yet to break the white Arabian but I have a buckskin American Standardbred (Adelia) and she's awesome. I'm really attached to this horse lol. I also have a palomino Standardbred (Athena) that I got before the buckskin, but she is basically a pack horse now that I take with me when I go hunting. She is a bit faster than Adelia who hasn't reached her full potential yet, so sometimes I take her out bareback to rope a deer.

I am still getting used to the fact that they don't automatically dodge trees and buildings and any other stationary objects like they do in RDR1 lol. Also other people don't move out of the way like they do in RDR1 and i've had many head-on collisions because I forget.

I am in Chapter 3 right now and just finished the bank mission.



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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 8th, 2018 12:54:46pm
4,681 Posts

I haven't played much RDR2 myself yet but I've been watching my boyfriend play quite a lot! I insisted he go hunt down the white Arabian pronto and it's definitely worth the hassle!! The no auto-dodging bit scares the crap out of me (he's plowed into a few trees and stagecoaches and I always feel bad for the horse...)



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tana ;; gone
November 8th, 2018 1:09:46pm
13,574 Posts

I've also been watching Tatu play a lot, it's so entertaining! That made me play, too! I'm super out of experience with gaming, so I kinda suck, but it's still fun! I'm worse at shooting, but better at riding compared to my man lol!



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shaenne •
November 9th, 2018 9:32:10pm
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Everytime I crash my horse head first into a tree all I can think is "oh god please don't be dead" lmao.

I don't want to rush through the game but at the same time I desperately want to get into West Elizabeth for a good look around without being hunted down the second I hit the shore lol. I want to see how everything from RDR1 looks with the new improved graphics and detail!!


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tana ;; gone
November 9th, 2018 9:34:04pm
13,574 Posts

Tatu annoys me with his reckless riding xD

Also, I had a hard time sleeping after playing the first time, because all my brain could think of was rdr2!



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shaenne •
November 9th, 2018 10:02:39pm
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The worst is when you're chasing someone in a mission and accidentally hit a tree or a rock, or you t-bone a NPC and both you and your horse go flying through the air in different directions lmao.


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audacity • come back?
November 10th, 2018 1:37:59am
405 Posts

My boyfriend is playing this on the PS4 and I was on my laptop when I found myself staring at him playing it ( I NEVER LIKE HIS GAMES) And he looks over at me and goes, "Yeah, I knew you'd like this one." The graphics are INCREDIBLE. It's beyond realistic. Once he gets bored with it I'm taking over !!!


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 10th, 2018 4:09:28am
4,681 Posts

Auda you hit it on the nose - Mike is planning on buying a new 60" TV on Black Friday just to do the game justice! xD


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shaenne •
November 10th, 2018 5:01:08am
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Start a new game save for yourself! It's SO much fun, even if you don't want to play the actual game, just start a new game save, do the first couple of missions to get a horse and then go out and explore. It's amazing. In RDR1 the "edges of the map" or game boundaries are pretty obvious but in RDR2 it literally feels like you could just ride forever and ever reach a boundary. I've gotten myself lost several times lol.

I was super super late to the RDR party, I didn't get the original game until 2016 lmao. But it hooked me right from the start. Even when I wasn't doing missions it was super fun to just wander around on my horse.

The graphics in RDR2 are incredible and it makes me so happy. And the horses are so life-like! I have a 55" tv and I am so glad LOL. We have a 32" flatscreen in the spare bedroom that sI will probably have to use if I want to play and Danny is watching motorsport (it's his one thing :P) and I am not really looking forward to it LOL.

This is my current horse, Adelia. She is fantastic.


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shaenne •
November 10th, 2018 1:27:38pm
1,386 Posts

I lost Adelia D:

I am so mad about it too. I paid the $330 bounty to release lockdown on the town I needed to get into to do this stupid freaking mission. I rode in and they shot me down and apparently killed my horse as well. When I respawned my 'temporary horse' was there waiting for me and just my custom saddle left where Adelia was.

Hopped onto my temp horse and rode into town and started the mission with no problems.


I really liked that horse :(


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audacity • come back?
November 10th, 2018 3:38:40pm
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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
November 10th, 2018 3:57:05pm
927 Posts

Zach and I have had many experiences in Red Dead II. He pre-ordered the game way back in September before the game even released. He got the Special so we got the reverse-grey Thoroughbred mare that we lovingly named Comet because of the C on her forehead. These are our top 3 experiences (though we've had WAY too many. I'd spam this forum with all our adventures. We've put 86 hours in our game in just a WEEK and we're STILL not finished with everything it offers. It's awesome!)

1.) We were exploring the game with Comet one night and we come across this gorgeous Olympic mountainside somewhere past Strawberry, following the Upper Dakota River. It was raining and there were elk, pronghorns, deers, loads of animals where we were; we decided to take advantage of this and go hunting because Arthur had not eaten for a week game time so we had severe damage on our cores. We also had O'Driscalls following us from raiding one of their bases before coming there too so that didn't help either. We hunted down this 2-star elk and saw some farrier guy with a pretty palomino. We called out to him and the horse kicked him then ran away. We chased after the horse and lassoed it, finding out it was a Standardbred mare who had really good stats. We took her back to Valentine and named her Oriana. She's now our hunting pack-horse and Comet is our primary. 

2.) Literally RIGHT after we got "Ori" from the prior interaction, a bounty came up and we SEVERELY misjudged how these would go. Zach was under the assumption they'd be like RDR 1's, but oh we were so wrong. We go up to this cliff face chasing the guy and "Ori" fell off the edge and died in the river. I was legit crying over that horse. Thankfully, the game didn't save yet so Zach restarted it and we got Oriana back. So, we then immediately switched "Ori" out in Valentine for the Tennessee Walker you get in Chapter 1 (who we just call Patches) and did the bounty again. We got the guy and Patches was totally fine since we knew more what to do. 

3.) Last night, we decided that it was finally about time we started doing some the gang mission (literally we'd just been in free roam the whole time. This map is MASSIVE, it's insane!), so we chose Charles' mission to hunt bison. After we completed it, Zach decided to look around and loot the camp to get supplies (we like doing that on trips to save from riding to towns constantly). So I point out this billow of smoke and we ride out to it on the way we see this Oil Derrick that got destroyed with a warning note from Cornwall. We looted the area and then I saw this horse herd, which we studied. We got closer and all the horses ran away from us, except one. We found this beautiful - but skinny - black and white American Paint mare, already tamed but no owner just standing there a few feet away from the derrick. We named her Eclipse

So now we have 3 FREE horse mounts (I exclude Comet since we paid for her in the Pre-Order)! :D

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shaenne •
November 10th, 2018 4:44:27pm
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I am legit so miffed about losing adelia that i'll load a previous game save. i'm not gonna lose that horse.



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shaenne •
November 14th, 2018 2:00:11am
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I loaded a previous save and got my horse back because my replacement sucked and I didn't like any of the others I was using lol. I had a to re-do a couple of missions but that's ok, i'm all caught up and moving on with my girl.

I also broke the white Arabian last night and it's awful. I don't like it at all. Way too small and way too skittish. I like big horses and something that isn't going to throw me at the slightest threat lol. Not to mention it's actually not the best horse in the game. Apparently the best horse is the black Arabian, available to purchase from the Saint Denis stables once you reach chapter 4. I might buy the black Arabian and keep it stabled until I decide I need it lol.
I could just persevere with the white Arabian and bond with it until it stops being so dumb, but I think i'd rather just stick with adelia.

I'm in chapter 6 right now and i'm not enjoying it as much. I mean I am, but the mood has changed so much and it's depressing lol. This game is giving my feels a thorough beating.


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shaenne •
November 15th, 2018 11:15:49pm
1,386 Posts

All I will say is when you're finishing chapter 6, make sure you're using a horse you've bonded with fully.


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Kaly :: Learnin' to fly, but I ain't got wings.
November 16th, 2018 1:38:03am
123 Posts

I'm in chapter 2 currently my main horse is "Thor" the black shire from camp mission.  I just got the legendary white bison and now am chasing the white Arabian around. Little bugger keeps attacking me if I'm on foot good thing my trusty huge Thor is around to protect me. 


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shaenne •
November 16th, 2018 4:12:05am
1,386 Posts

I got mine relatively easily although it took a few attempts.
Go to the spot where it generally spawns and create a manual save.

My first attempt got messed up (danny sat on the tv remote and changed the channel and she was gone by the time I changed the channel back lol) and I couldn't get her to re-spawn so I loaded the save I made when I got to Lake Isabella.

My second attempt was going well until I accidentally hit the wrong button and launched myself at her with the lasso, scaring the crap out of her resulting in a swift kick to the head and her taking off lol. I chased her around for a while but I couldn't get close enough to call her, and if I did she'd take off before I got the opportunity to calm her.

I re-loaded my manual save again and she was standing in the same spot as before and I had another go. Third attempt I got close enough to mount but I forgot to hold my left joystick down and got bucked off.

Re-loaded manual save and tried AGAIN. Fourth attempt I got her lol. It was super easy the 4th time because it was so straight forward.

Use a fresh attempt every time otherwise she'll just keep taking off. Slowly walk close enough to lock on with the lasso, call her to get her attention, then slowly move forward and keep an eye on the calm bar. As soon as the calm button becomes available hit it, don't wait. Keep walking closer slowly until you get close enough to pat, then mount. Hold the left joystick down and move it in the same direction as her. It takes no time at all to successfully break her once you're on.


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
November 16th, 2018 7:24:47am
2,687 Posts

yall make me wanna get a PS4 and just to play RDR2 lmao


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shaenne •
November 16th, 2018 10:03:07am
1,386 Posts

You NEED to!!

I have a new horse now. A TB stallion I caught. He’s fantastic. He is excellent at dodging trees and rocks and he doesn’t freak out when a threat is nearby. He’s great.

I am playing through epilogue now and it’s fun although I miss certain things from the story.



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Kaly :: Learnin' to fly, but I ain't got wings.
November 16th, 2018 1:00:47pm
123 Posts

I have xbox 1 edition do you have an xbox 1 pei?


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
November 16th, 2018 4:41:56pm
1,797 Posts

The urge to buy a console just so I can play this game is INSANE.

Which brings me to my next question...

Which is best? XBox One or Playstation 4?



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