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Hair in gum line?
LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade July 19th, 2018 6:10:57pm 915 Posts |
I feel like such a bad humom. :( I don't know if anyone remembers a post I started a long long time ago when I was explaining that our neighbors threw out a persian kitten in the winter time and she was in pretty bad shape. I am currently renting a room from my parents while I try to pay off my debt, and they have 2 cats. We took this kitten in, and the other 2 cats hate her. To the point where any time they saw her, they would attack her. The two older ats are declawed in the front, and the kitten (Moonbeam) was declawed in the front and back when we found her. It's been over a year that we've had her now, and the other two cats still hate her, but we keep them confined to different parts of the house. I live in the basement so Moonbeam has full reign of the basement, our back porch, and the kitchen. But she doesn't wander much from the back porch becaue she is a VERY VERY timid anxious creature. She's gotten a little better with my Mom and best friend, and sister, but if you try to pet her she generally bites you. She's scared of everything. I'm the only one who can really pick her up, love on her, play with her, etc, without her getting nerous and biting. (Pretty sure she was mistreated) So I already feel bad for her, and wish I could help her be a happier cat to improve her quality of life. I've thought about trying to rehome her somewhere where she would be the only animal in the household, but she doesn't do well with anyone but me and I worry that if I rehome her, they'll throw her out or take her to the HA because of her attitude. :/ Flash forward to yesterday, I was brushing her and she happened to be in a really cuddly mood, so she was letting me mess with her a little more than normal. While I was rubbing her chin area, she jumped and bit me which she NEVER does with me, so I held her down as best I could and saw inside her mouth that she's got what I'm thinking is a ball of hair stuck to her lower front teeth up against her gum line. :( I can't believe I didn't notice it before but with the shape of her mouth, you can't really see it unless you prop open her mouth and that's not something I'd think to check ugh!!! I spent hours yesterday trying to get it out, first with q-tips, but it wouldn't budge and then with tweezers and I can tell it hurts her when I'm trying to get it out, and the look she gives me is killing me. I gave up and today at her vet appointment I'm hoping they can tell me what is going on but I've never had this problem EVER with any other cats I've had. Her hair is alonger than any cats I've had before, but I've never had a short haired cat, they've always been longer haired and this had never been an issue with them. I don't know if she has a loose tooth or something or if this is just common in Persians and I didn't know because I've never had one, but I'm basically just here venting because I feel horrible for not finding it sooner :( I'm going to start brushing her more often, I usually do it a few times a week right now... and I feel like due to yesterday we've really moved backwards on trust because she's hiding and won't come out for me like she usually does. I've tried to get her to eat her medication that's supposed to calm her down for the appointment but she KNOWS when I mix it with her food and won't eat it. So I'm super anxious about the appointment today. I don't know if they'd sedate her but with how rilled up she is I'm not sure how today is going to do. :(
Wish me luck. and any advice is appreicated. |
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Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! July 19th, 2018 10:35:12pm 4,333 Posts |
Oh no! Good luck! No advice, but let us know what happens. I’m sure she will feel way better once it’s out! |
tana ;; gone July 19th, 2018 10:38:59pm 13,574 Posts |
That sounds awful! Poor kitty. I never would've thought that could happen either. I'm also not a cat expert at all lol so I wish you and the kitty plenty of luck! |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 July 19th, 2018 11:15:54pm 29,792 Posts |
oh my goodness, i've never heard of that either! poor baby!! Yes, let us know what the vet says! |
LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade July 20th, 2018 1:42:37am 915 Posts |
Thank you guys for listening to me vent! I was a basket case earlier today over this. :( The vet said it must of been there for a while, building up over time and that the tooth isn't loose or misaligned, she's just been grooming herself more freqently because we've had a big flea problem this year. Can't seem to get rid of them. The vet made it look so easy she just pinned her down and dislodged it with the nail of the thumb, it took a few times to get the whole thing out and her gums were bleeding pretty bad because it caused an infection. :( I was SO proud of her though, she didn't bite the vet or the assistant, they didn't even put the protective gloves on like they usually do! They gave her a antibiotic and I have to keep a close eye on her gums and if it's still bleeding Monday I'm supposed to call, but basically they said it brush her more, try to see if she'll let me brush her teeth, andtry to work with her on letting me open her mouth a few times a week to check for hair build up. She was down a little on weight but I'm sure it's just because that ball of hair stuck in her gums made it painful to eat (I should have noticed her weightloss too, she's just so darn hairy I didn't notice that either...) But everything has worked out! I'm still KICKING myself for not seeing it sooner... |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 July 20th, 2018 2:13:45am 29,792 Posts |
those things just happen! don't beat yourself up over it! that's such a freak occurance. = glad you were able to find it and hopefully she'll heal right up! |
Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching July 20th, 2018 2:22:02am 2,469 Posts |
Persians are a breed all to themselves, they really are the queen/king b additionally they have dental issues ALOTi know its not what you want but you did mention it so here goes.there are ALOT of purebred cat rescues out there! maybe reaching out to them not to persay rehome but even just get info *like i said they are a crazy breed*you can also use feliway plug ins, they work wonders!also your vet should be able to give you flea meds and you can buy capstar (kills instantly) on amazon (generally cheaper than a vet) long haired breed cats need daily grooming. alot of breeders/owners/rescuers actually do summer shave downs just to help battle it as they can mat up very easy. |
LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade July 20th, 2018 2:31:16am 915 Posts |
Thanks Panthera :) And thanks Maha! That's a good idea, I didn't think to reach out to rescues for information! I didn't figure she would be all that different from the other cat's I've had but she TOTALLY is! We've been treating all three of our current cats regularly with frontline but as soon as we get them flea free for a few weeks they show up again. I did talk to the vet about that, and she said fleas in our area has just been insane this year, and that she's seen that they are having immunity to frontline so I had her put in three orders of the perscription she reccomended already, so I'll treat all three of them again and see if it helps! But I will check out capstar for next time! I just hate that they keep getting fleas because they NEVER go outside and I know they must be getting inside from us but I don't know how to prevent that. I honestly thought a few brushing a week would be okay or her but I'll step it up to daily! (She could use the interaction anyway lol) - but you're right she is def the "Queen B" of the house lol |
Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching July 20th, 2018 5:46:18pm 2,469 Posts |
the rescue I donate too and is closest is South texas Persian rescue, they actually routinely rescue/transport kitties from kuwait so they are very much a seen EVERYTHING and delt with it all when it comes to the breed. I would really reach out to a rescue or even a reputable breeder (one that health tests and shows in the ring is what your looking for) and they should be helpful. Additionally I am sure there are quite a few fb groups that could be helpful as well. Personally I am a cornish rex/oriental/peterbald/siamese kinda gal so i am in a ton of those types of groups :) |
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