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Show Glitch and Possible Aging Glitch?
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 June 4th, 2018 10:49:08pm 927 Posts |
I do not know if anyone else is having these problems, but this is something that started last week near the end of Double Points Month. It is very hard to explain, but I will do the best I can. In the first week I noticed this, I entered my horse in the typical 80 shows, the horses got their boost before the run (as they do) but then the shows just ran and I got no more points so they idled around 700 - 800,000 I think. I also ignored it because I didn't keep track of the points. This week, on Saturday, June 2nd, due to an emergency, I showed my horses late at 9 - 10PM with 80 shows, then at 1AM on Sunday, June 3rd, I got 80 health again and could train again so I had 120 showsaccumulated on all accounts. The shows for this week on my horses from 6/8 - 6/11 are just gone and the shows that currently remain are not accumulating any points to my horses past their start. They're now just sitting at 912,295 and 834,090 where they did after the show adds with no gains. There is also a possible glitch with Wicked Traveller, who is sitting at 11 years where as Kharma is only sitting at 9 years of age; I bought her when Kharma was only 2 so that means she should only be 10 I believe? I could just be hallucinating too from everything at least here. Again, this is only my main account, my others work totally fine. Anyone else having this? Thanks!!
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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 June 4th, 2018 10:52:50pm 927 Posts |
Urgent bump!!
Eyre ❅ be kind June 4th, 2018 11:01:44pm 10,135 Posts |
Bumping for you. I haven't noticed any troubles as I don't quite have the point gain system figured out. |
BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025 June 4th, 2018 11:22:24pm 6,522 Posts |
I've poked Sam on the points part, but I can tell you that both Kharma and Traveller are the correct ages.
The reason you're confused on that is because Traveller ages on Sundays and Kharma ages on Wednesdays.
If you look at their birth dates on a calendar, Kharma was born on March 28th, which was a Wednesday. So this Wednesday she'll turn 10. |
BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025 June 4th, 2018 11:31:05pm 6,522 Posts |
DP because I'm replying on Sam's behalf RE the points aspect of your question!
If the shows you were entering weren't private, chances are they were flooded and thus your horse(s) just didn't place in the top 50 when the show ran, and thus, didn't get any more points than the initial entry ones when you first entered the shows. ^^that will explain more about entries, placings, etc.
Hope that helps! |
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 June 5th, 2018 3:21:23am 927 Posts |
That does, Blitz, thank-you so much! ♥
Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] June 5th, 2018 4:16:19am 2,907 Posts |
Blitz to the rescue! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 5th, 2018 10:42:05am 2,902 Posts |
I haven't ever had an issue with no points gained in my dogs, but I don't watch my horses. I swear at one point I had a male and female corgi pair and one day I looked and they were both female o.o |
BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025 June 5th, 2018 4:12:31pm 6,522 Posts |
Because it was double points month, it's more likely as well that the shows you entered are flooded and thus your odds are less of placing. |
siib 🦈 [ Gone ] June 5th, 2018 4:24:08pm 2,627 Posts |
Con, there's been a couple issues with that in the past if I'm not mistaken so def take that sort of thing to an admin. :)
& ditto on what the admins said for points/aging. |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 5th, 2018 6:03:28pm 4,333 Posts |
Just to give a little more information on point placings, only the top 50 placements in a show place - on a normal day there are over 150 animals entered in any given public show, so 100 of those anmals aren't gaining any additional points. Usually this goes unnoticed because you'll usually place higher in some shows and not in others so it evens out, but sometimes the odds aren't in your favor and there is no point gain beyond extrance points. The absolute BEST way to help this is to make all of your public shows, and make sure that you have your maximum allowed 5 basic accounts and are using those to make public shows as well. Our server can only handle so many autoshows, so all players need to be making thier shows as well. |
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