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Breeding FAQ

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primrose •• 15 years!?
August 18th, 2013 4:03:57pm
86 Posts
I think it would be SO amazing if someone were to make a IN DEPTH breeding FAQ. Meaning, what ages to breed at, point calculations, how to create lines and keep them running, how to keep track of pedigrees, etc. I know there is a small one already in the Help section, but I know for a fact that new players have a really hard time with managing this and figuring out how to keep up with the 'bigger' players who have generations and generations of lines.

I would even pay HPD for someone to make one for me!

What do you think?


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February 18th, 2014 8:56:02pm
50 Posts

To you all who have horses/dogs with several generations - do you just start out with a lot, or do you get new store horses/dogs to pair with each one you breed? Trying to figure out what route I want to go. 


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Absinthe .:.Main.:.
February 18th, 2014 9:13:32pm
552 Posts

Belle -- I usually just start out with, say, 3 breeding pairs, and then I'll buy from the store to pair up with the offspring to keep them going if I don't want to combine them right off or if I don't get that matched pair from breedings. I gradually add more if I want to do separate lines (and buy dividers to stick them in) and it just evolves as I go along into more and more.


Breeding Quality Horses & Dogs Since March 2011

You can find me on accounts #1313, #19779, #19736, #20416, #20408, #20309, #15766, #19133, #20415, #22043, #44154, & #23006


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
February 18th, 2014 9:20:37pm
3,615 Posts

belle, I would say most players start out with 2-8 pairs and then add in store mates as they go on. There are some players that start out with a ton of pairs but it can get overwhelming if you have that many to train. I think what they're trying to get when they do that is an animal that has a "full pedigree" like this horse of Adranth's link

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
February 19th, 2014 12:11:22am
1,854 Posts

Two to four pairs is my default. If its a new line I'll usually keep 8 animals, if I'm continuing a line I'll keep four. How many is personal preference really. I have 24 animals total now between all of my accounts.

Link Tree


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
February 19th, 2014 1:22:55am
815 Posts

I started out witha few pairs then added on. I did not start out with 5 pairs simply because I couldn't handle it. I would have my lined dog, then buy a store mate since my breedings rarely matched up.

Ive gotten a larger amount of breeding pairs lately so I can try for that "full pedigree"


------------ Other breeding stuffs that I use *DOGS*-------------

Breed @ age 13 for backup, will either sell or keep if final breeding isn't what I want/I forget to breed.

Breed @ age 15 for final breeding.

(Dams x 0.04) (Sires x 0.03) = Pup


****Point charts for store animals and lined animals can be found on my page under Shelties****



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Envious Arctic Wolves
February 23rd, 2014 2:44:11am
92 Posts

The idea of a full FAQ for breeding would of been an amazing thing wish it happened.


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Serenity | Halfway on Hiatus?
April 16th, 2014 2:39:13am
27 Posts

This would be so helpful! I understand the concept of breeding and all... but I know there has to be some perfected method out there! It seems like there are enough people willing to contribute. I haven't learned much about breeding yet, so I wouldn't have any info to contribute. But if it's the man power that's lacking, I would be willing to help out! 


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January 20th, 2017 6:38:40pm
1 Posts

I don't know how to breed the dogs,horse,unipeg,pegasus I think it would be easy to breed it once this game does put the breeding option on both male and female


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 21st, 2017 12:47:42am
2,469 Posts

you can just go to the male dog page 


the stallion page and go from there

kinda like you would have to do if you wanted puppies or a foal in real life

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LadySword04 *~* ♔ Home of The Dashing Danish Warmblood Empire ♔ *~*
January 21st, 2017 3:09:00am
5,626 Posts

Formula for points is: 


(Mare Points x 0.04) (plus) (Stallion Points x 0.03) = Foal Points

The plus sign keeps getting deleted for some reason.....


I would love to help too! 


Just let me know what you all need! 


 Thanks for such a wonderful idea! :)



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May 15th, 2018 6:34:02pm
22 Posts

Searching through old forum posts and stumbled across this one. Totally wish it happened! Did it? 


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PHISM || Hiatus ||
May 16th, 2018 5:10:09am
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It didn't but I think this would be awesome to work on! I think Ill start drafting something =D

Nq6uAjc.png ICvs2aV.png QYn0eyJ.png


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HP Helper
May 16th, 2018 7:06:31am
64 Posts

HP helper is totally behind this idea and may put a special section on this on there page in August when there 3rd birthday rolls around, atm there’s a lot of dust and noise going on at HP Helper HQ getting things ready for an awesome celebration month with a lot on our to do list but this will be added too. If you would like to help get this moving please msg HP Helper with what you know about breeding especially a formula for the point calculation on foal points -the awesome prez may work on a miracle calculator to do it for you- Lol 



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LadySword04 *~* ♔ Home of The Dashing Danish Warmblood Empire ♔ *~*
May 17th, 2018 1:54:27am
5,626 Posts

What a Wonderful Idea! 


I am definitely Interested in helping out! And as proof of my eagerness to participate, here's some information that can be included! :)

I have you covered for the Point Calculations!


Formula for Horses: 

(Mare Points * 0.04) (plus) (Stallion Points * 0.03) = Foal Points. 


Example Calculations for Approximate Point Values for Foals: 

Mare and Stallion with 1 Million Points Each = Foal with 70,000 Points.

Mare and Stallion with 1.2 Million Points Each = Foal with 84,000 Points. 

Mare and Stallion with 1.4 Million Points Each = Foal with 98,000 Points.

Mare and Stallion with 1.6 Million Points Each = Foal with 112,000 Points.

Mare and Stallion with 1.8 Million Points Each = Foal with 126,000 Points.

Mare and Stallion with 2 Million Points Each = Foal with 140,000 Points.

Mare and Stallion with 3 Million Points Each = Foal with 210,000 Points. 


Let me know if you need anything else! :)



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
June 1st, 2018 3:22:20pm
6,522 Posts

Love this idea! especially seeing as this is a frequent question in chat by new players!



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tana ;; gone
June 1st, 2018 3:27:07pm
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Well the point formulas have been posted, as well as breeding ages, so what's left is creating and maintaining pedigrees. I know it's been touched on already, but really it all depends on what YOU wanna do and how much time and money (real or HPD) to dedicate to this. You can start with 2 pairs or 100, it's all up to you. Then you keep combining foals and go for the fullest pedigree possible. Sometimes this requires gender changes, and those are expensive. Just remember that the players with long, full pedigrees have been at it for years and have very likely invested some amount of real money into the game. That means you also need to pick a breed you can stick with long-term. Like I said, in the end it's all about you. Nevermind what others are doing, because if you try too hard to emulate another's work, you might get discouraged and the game won't be fun for you anymore.

EDIT: if anyone cares about how I do my lines, here goes. First the Finnhorses and then the side breeds.

I started off with only one line (the first divider on my page) and always kept 4 or 8 horses in training. After becoming the ambassador of the breed, I added a bunch of other lines pretty quickly and each divider had 8 horses in training at all times. I would combine all foals and if I didn't have any spare HPD, I'd use stores. The important thing was 8 horses in training. Obviously that meant lots of training every week and for a while, I managed, but then life changed and I got busier and bored of certain dividers, so I have them now in the Suomeksi (''in Finnish'') divider and I'm gonna breed them down to 4 horses, which is how many I keep in every other divider except the first. I will likely throw the second and third dividers into Suomeksi eventually as well (it helps to have all animals at the same age or similar). 

If you're wondering how I avoid overbreeding or inbreeding, it's simple. Never breed more than 2 foals and sell the backup one (or if you have a rare breed that's hard to sell, don't breed backups at all unless someone asks). So I only ever keep one foal from every pair and that's how I avoid inbreeding. 

As for side breeds, the number of pixels on each account is kept much lower (gotta work on lowering the amount of Paints I train lol). Usually 8, max 20. For those who hoard breeds, it's easier if you have a partner, because you train fewer pixels yourself, but have more animals in training all the time. For the side breeds, I rarely use cash shop items, so there probably are more store horses in the lines, but personally this doesn't bother me. I combine foals into pairs and supplement the lines with store pairs if I wish (and I usually do). 



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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
June 1st, 2018 4:18:20pm
1,486 Posts

I bid yo ;)



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LadySword04 *~* ♔ Home of The Dashing Danish Warmblood Empire ♔ *~*
June 4th, 2018 12:55:22am
5,626 Posts

I created a helpful chart that I use to keep me organized. 


I prefer to use Numbers to keep my pairs together and avoid breeding the wrong pairs. You can use letters or any combination that works for you.  


Please disregard the "Pub" as this is my personal short-hand for my Public Lines. 


Anywhere that you see new numbers added, for example in Generation 2 there are 3 new pairs, numbers 3, 4 and 5, please note that these are new store horses. 



Hope someone finds this useful. :)









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