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Ability to Transfer HPP

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aveera πŸ₯‘ coding is open
May 13th, 2018 1:55:28am
267 Posts

It would be really nice if we could transfer HPP. I wanted to do a couple of retirement breedings and I thought I would trade in some of my HPP for HPB and then transfer HPB to the account where the retirement breedings are going to happen. But.. It is 4 HPP = 1HPB and I have a lot of accounts that have 6 HPP or 3 HPP. It would be really nice if I could collect all that HPP together to get them most HPB out of it instead of leaving all my accounts with 2 or 3 HPP that is useless to me right now.. If this were possible, I'd be able to trade in enough HPP to get 5 more HPB.Β 


Just a thought.


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
May 13th, 2018 5:57:05am
2,902 Posts

I had asked about this via pm a while back and I can't remember why it isn't possible but it would be nice if it was. At the moment I still just try to figure out which achievements I don't have then earn them so I can cash out HPB and transfer that way.



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LUMOS. πŸŒ™ spare upgrade
May 13th, 2018 8:52:38pm
915 Posts

I /think/ it is because the HPP is awarded for achievements on individual accounts so they are meant to stay on those individual accounts but I'm not 100% - I've thought this before too so I could use them for one month upgrades but it doesn't really bother me.Β 


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 16th, 2018 9:19:15pm
4,333 Posts

Unfortunately, it would be kind of hard to track and award HPP since they're so closely tied with the achivements on a specific account. However you can trade them in for HPD or HPB and move those, or if you want to trade them in for upgrade time any admin can move your upgrade time between accounts as long as they have the same email address.


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