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Anyone KETO?

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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
May 9th, 2018 2:55:08am
915 Posts

Anyone else follow a keto diet? I was not the best cook before I started and it's really helped me be more creative!! I use facebook groups and books I've bought on kindle for most of my recipies and I just look up my fat bombs on google, but I'd love to see your favorite recipe sites and favorite products!


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
May 9th, 2018 3:20:53am
927 Posts

I'm currently not on a Keto diet, though I have seen some recipes on Pinterest!

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
May 9th, 2018 4:27:24am
2,902 Posts

No. I want to be but I cannot diet. I was dieting and it was killing my milk supply (nursing baby) and impacting my baby so I stopped until he is weaned. 7 more months. In the meantime I am collecting Keto reciepes and watching my family drop weight like crazy.



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Sassafras Tango
May 9th, 2018 4:50:59am
1,233 Posts

I used to do the keto diet and plan to one day get back on it. My sister is strictly on it and she's lost a lot of weight. I mostly use Google or Pinterest to find recipes. I found a really great chili recipe on I cooked it to go on a camping trip, and then just heated it up at the site.

Also, I highly recommend increasing the amount of spices you put in. Do a taste test to see if you like it. I had to put in about triple the amount of spices to get it to be flavorful. 

chili recipe




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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
May 9th, 2018 12:29:28pm
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my mom wants to do it but its just ming boggling with all the cheese bahaha

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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
May 9th, 2018 3:31:20pm
2,126 Posts

I've done it in the past, then had issues with my gallbladder and had it removed. I want to go back on it, but I've forgot a lot of the information I learned lol.

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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
May 9th, 2018 3:59:22pm
4,681 Posts

I've wanted to try a keto diet in the past but the obstacles of being (a) addicted to carbs and (b) living with my parents for the time being are keeping me from it. :P I sometimes joke to my coworkers that I'd drop 20lbs overnight if I could quit sweets, but it's a bear of a challenge. Maybe once I get back out on my own and can do my own cooking and meal prep on a more reliable basis, I'll give it a shot! As-is, I've been trying to cut back on the sugary snacks, with mixed success.


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 9th, 2018 6:21:19pm
4,333 Posts

I'm not keto, but I eat relatively low carb by default because I eat gluten free and I'm not a huge sweets person. Definitely not keto-level low carb though. I love some of the recipe ideas though! And I've been trying to increase my fat and protein intake because I'm hungry literally all the time.

There's a group on Facebook that someone on HP added me to called Lazy Keto for Women and they post tons of inspiration and recipe ideas!


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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
May 9th, 2018 7:32:24pm
915 Posts

Equ, I'll have to look more on pinterest!! I use it mostly for quotes lol. D:

Concourse, hopefully by the time you can start I will be a pro so feel free to message me!!!! I have already helped one friend start, and she's doing awesome. I am more of a dirty/lazy keto because I have supplements that will put me back into ketosis if I eat too many carbs lol... but I'm working on getting stricter.

Sass, thank you!! That looks AMAZING and I'm going to have to try making it this week or next!!!


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aveera 🥑 coding is open
May 26th, 2018 10:36:16pm
267 Posts

Starting on Monday! Need to loose 15 pounds by October so I can look hot at my cousins wedding :D


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
May 27th, 2018 4:02:08am
3,849 Posts

Just started keto today!



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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
May 27th, 2018 4:04:18am
2,907 Posts

Im so addicted to sugar, and carbs. I want to try this, but really dont think I have the willpower lol
And its soooo much cheese, and im lactose intolerant - and tend to not like many alternatives.


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
May 27th, 2018 11:55:48am
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Ive heard good things about Keto. And ways to eat out and still be on it :) 


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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
June 4th, 2018 8:16:56am
915 Posts

YAY AVEERA AND KINSLEY!!! How are you guys doing so far? Message me your IGs so I can add you. That's where I shamelessly post my food lol, along with snapchat. But lately I've been thinking of making a new snapchat just for my food because my friends say all I ever post is food and they never get to see my face lol

Binny, IT IS SO HARD AT FIRST. My favorite things in the world were fried ANYTHING and pasta pasta pasta. I have a recipe now for keto friendly chocolate mud cake that I make in the microwave when I'm craving sweets and it really helps. I'm getting better at coating things in almond flour or/and cocnut flour to make things crunchy for that fried feel, and I've found I love zucchini noodles so that really helps lol. Also I was OBSESSED with chips. I still miss BBQ and sour cream and onion chips and slip up and buy some from the vending machine at work sometimes (usually around my time of the month) but if I'm home I just microwave cheese til they are crispy and dip them in sour cream. I am turning into the queen of substitues, and just willing them in my head to taste similar lol.

I'm lazy keto though, I haven't been tracking my macros. I basically just stay away from carby foods, and test myself with strips a few hours after I eat to make sure I'm still in ketosis. I also use exogenous ketones, which help if I go over on carbs on accident. I've been wanting to buy extra collagen products but haven't yet.

I'm looking for new friends to add to IG, Fitbit and MyFitness Pal BTW!!!~~~



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