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Complain Away!
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! April 18th, 2018 7:32:30pm 4,333 Posts |
Okay, this is our official HP complain about anything thread! I try to always be positive, buuttt sometimes I just need to vent and get it out of my system. So, I'm venting and I think everyone else should too. (Keep it mature, obvs.) Need to complain about the weather, your BFF, your pet bird, your job? Well this is your one stop complaining shop!
I'll start: I am like SO FREAKING TIRED of the weather going up and down. It's late April and it's S-N-O-W-I-N-G. It just keeps happening and I am OVER IT. People keep saying that "this is the last time" except they said that 5 times ago and yet. I just want to go outside! |
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tana ;; gone February 21st, 2019 9:46:34am 13,574 Posts |
Very annoyed at the up and down weather. It starts with cold and snow, then warms up enough to melt it a bit, then back to freezing, so we get an ice rink for a city. Now it's back to deep freeze (about -20c/-4f), tomorrow will be about 10 degrees warmer (woop dee doo), and then back into above zero temps to melt the snow again! YAY! NOT. On the bright side, the snow removal teams, and the ones that put sand & gravel on the roads and sidewalks do a very good job, and quickly. I also have boots with studs on the soles. I'll be fine, but irritated. |
PHISM || Hiatus || February 26th, 2019 5:57:52am 1,321 Posts |
someone decided to try to saw off my catalyic converter in my honda last night. i cant go to insurane because the will claim myc ar as a total loss and insurance will no longer cover me. in addition the gates to my community have been stuck open for 2 nights (hence how they got in) the complex will not help pay my bill because theres tiny print in the lease saying they will not cover garunteed saftey. i was also laid off 2 weeks ago, so sturggling with rent. to fix my car is going to cost me 680$ thats 68% of my rent. which i have to pay, to get to work , to make my rent. i am in shambles, and its not about fixing the car, as much as its about the fact that i no longer feel safe where i live. the complex only has cameras in the common areas, not where we park. so whats to say once i get my car back tomorrow and pay 700$ they wont come bak again and finish the job and take the whole thing.
im done. |
tana ;; gone February 26th, 2019 6:50:22am 13,574 Posts |
I don't wanna wait until Monday to get a massage and I wish Tatu wasn't in Paris. It's only for work, and I'm not salty that I couldn't go with him, I just hate the separation anxiety. Sometimes I wish we had met a little later in life, so I could've gone through the whole living alone stage of my life. Just to be used to that. |
primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥ February 28th, 2019 5:52:13am 2,687 Posts |
Work has been CRAZY and I am so drained. I don't get why its fair or right to over work hard working staff and let your sloths get away with it. Like I AM SO BURNT OUT |
tana ;; gone February 28th, 2019 1:23:34pm 13,574 Posts |
I really HATE having to wake up and quickly get ready for class at 9am. Like ugh. I haven't been a morning person since I started working evenings, I like being lazy in the morning. On the bright side, Tatu will be home this evening :D |
shaenne • March 2nd, 2019 12:10:21am 1,386 Posts |
I haven't talked to my favourite RDR buddy in days and I miss him *CRY* |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 March 2nd, 2019 1:30:29am 29,792 Posts |
tana ;; gone March 3rd, 2019 9:02:55am 13,574 Posts |
For someone who actually enjoys winter, I'm with Pants. I'm sick of it and sometimes seriously consider moving to somewhere in southern Europe. Somewhere in France or Germany, maybe. I know they're not the warmest, but their winters are far more tolerable and mild... |
tana ;; gone March 20th, 2019 11:19:17am 13,574 Posts |
I just wanna get paid to read books. Is that so much to ask???? To give a bit of background, I'm sorta sick of working where I work because they don't pay for a cleaner to deal with all the vacuuming and such, but they're also really bad at doing it themselves. I could open my own place, but that's a financial and bureaucratic headache I do not wish to invite. So I guess I'll suck it up for now and clean my own stuff and to heck with the rest of them. |
shaenne • March 20th, 2019 12:15:43pm 1,386 Posts |
Gabriel hasn't text me back in like a week and part of me is annoyed but the other part of me is like "i hope he's not dead" |
Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆 March 20th, 2019 12:42:21pm 29,792 Posts |
Today is "hair wash day" and I don't wanna. D: xD so much work. |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! March 20th, 2019 3:40:47pm 4,333 Posts |
My muck boots still have mud IN them from when I lost them to the mud and I'm about to go to the barn. |
tana ;; gone March 20th, 2019 4:57:44pm 13,574 Posts |
I hate when clients don't check the ''send me a reminder email'' box when they reserve massages, because then they naturally forget and call me right as their massage is supposed to begin to say ''sorry I forgot'' :)))))) |
shaenne • March 31st, 2019 12:55:03am 1,386 Posts |
I sign my new lease on Friday 5th meaning i've only got this week to go in the hotel but i'm so over it. It's really nice but Whiskey and I are sick of being on top of eachother and Sam & Zoe are getting sick of being stuck in cages while Whiskey is inside. Then Whiskey gets sick of being out on the balcony while the birds are let out of their cages for a while. And I can't leave them in the room so I have to take them all with me when I go out anywhere and have to carefully consider where i'm going and how long it will take so I don't leave them in the car for too long. And my car stinks of dog. |
PHISM || Hiatus || March 31st, 2019 6:38:30am 1,321 Posts |
i forgot to get cat litter today, and now im kicking myself in the ass because they are down to like 1" of litter, im going to get some tomorrow, but i should be more responsible than this |
↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild March 31st, 2019 9:15:49am 3,849 Posts |
Wow, the weather has been so nice lately! BAM! 30s and threat of some snowfall.
tana ;; gone March 31st, 2019 10:18:58am 13,574 Posts |
I hate when clients show up smelling like b.o., but what's worse is showing up with the sniffles. |
shaenne • April 4th, 2019 1:54:56am 1,386 Posts |
Zoe laid an egg in her food bowl. We've made it 4 years without this bullshit, why did she have to start now?!! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] April 4th, 2019 5:57:03am 2,902 Posts |
Im ready for things to get less hectic. Things to slow down. My family to be in better health. And for people to be more honest. Bleh. |
tana ;; gone April 4th, 2019 3:18:37pm 13,574 Posts |
I'm really sick of this rain and snow mix. It's fucking April, give me actual spring weather! |