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Code it okay?

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July 31st, 2013 5:20:37pm
116 Posts
I recall some very upset members who found other players that learned to code by tweaking, dissecting and re-inventing codes from their pages. However, from ready this, it seems as though almost all of our iconic coders have learned the same way.

At what point does it become stealing? When/is it ever ok to tweak codes to make them your own? Should original coders be asked in advance or notified after?

I'm very curious on this topic.

Nautical Nonsense


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`liato ϟ
August 1st, 2013 12:09:56pm
29 Posts
I think most people were annoyed when someone just copied their codes and changed a few colours. That's when it's just plain lazy and insulting. But if you actually CHANGE things to suit, aren't taking something that is specifically unique, and learning from it I don't see it as a problem.


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August 1st, 2013 1:34:49pm
198 Posts
I agree with liato. I don't mind if people use my codes to learn - I think we all do this at some point or another. Plus, it's not like any of us ~invented HTML~, so it's probably all been done before and not exactly original. I think a lot of the more 'well-known' coders on here have very distinct styles, which you can see in both the coding and the final product. We might have learned from tweaking and looking at others' coding, but in the end we all interpret and use things in different ways.However, it drives me NUTS to see my (and others') exact style sheets or coding formulas being replicated elsewhere. Just last week I found a page using my old CSS (with different colors); the player had removed the credit, but I know for a fact that I have never made them a layout or helped them with coding, so I was pretty annoyed. To me, that is the coding equivalent of stealing someone's graphic and slapping text in Comic Sans on it...As for using others' codes: ask first, ESPECIALLY if you intend to actually use the code on here. (Sometimes I will mess with codes to see how they work but not use them in the end, especially if it's something really unique, like when Cerulean first started doing the accordion layouts.) I think most people, myself included, will have no problem with it if you ask first. Personally though, I don't think you should offer coding services if you can't honestly write it yourself. But that's just me.


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August 1st, 2013 5:51:52pm
1,338 Posts
I'm always willing to help people out with questions, or send them bits of code that they're looking for, and I really don't mind people looking through my coding.. However, I would really like it if people ASKED ME first before copying something directly out of my layout and using it.. Several people have asked me where I got my original accordion code stuff from and I've linked them to the resources I used and offered to help them figure it out if they need.. I've also had people just go into my layout and copy it directly from my code without asking or telling me (I know for one case, I actually had an error in one of my codes that I had done and then the person who copied it had the exact same error in their coding...), however I'm not gonna chase someone down and yell at them for it.I will however be super angry if someone straight up copies my work, just changes the image and font colors etc. and doesn't ask or put a credit 'orignal coding by uni' or something... I work really hard on my codes, especially my more 'unique' ones, like the lightbox style and the accordion/iframe combo I built.. and I would be extremely upset if someone ripped that off from me!I think it's fine to look at people's source code to see how they did something, but it's not okay to rip people off and say that it's your coding when all you've done is switched the colors... It especially grinds my gears when I see people who've taken others coding and are then selling it to other people for profit. So yes, CSS is an open source type of deal that no one really owns, but that is straight up theft and lack of originality. If you can't code yourself (or at least be polite enough to ask someone for permission to use their coding), then don't code.


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August 1st, 2013 7:40:01pm
198 Posts
Very much in agreement re: profiting from using others' coding. I have had this happen before, and it reallyyyy ticked me off. My coding is not super special or amazing, but I did write it myself from scratch.If you can't recreate the code by yourself (as in, you need to copy and paste from someone else), imo you are not 'a coder' and you shouldn't be receiving any profit from it. The only person I copy/paste from is myself, with exceptions like liato's public codes or Uni's (very helpful) nav bar fixes. Basically, if you don't do the work, you shouldn't reap the rewards..


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August 2nd, 2013 1:50:31pm
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Well I personally (not that you are or aren't going to specifically look at my coding.. just in general) would like it if I was notified BEFORE any of my work was looked at, tweaked etc. and I would give my permission.. not sort of an after the fact thing..Also, I don't think it's fair to say no ones coding is nice, I think there are a lot of great coders here! As for 'inventing' new styles, you'll either need very extensive knowledge of programming, CSS, javascript, etc. or you'll need to go hunting around google for new styles, which isn't really inventing anything at all...


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August 3rd, 2013 3:35:27pm
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I personally do not code. Whenever I order/pay for coding to be done by someone else, I ALWAYS ask if I can tweak (not just a colour here and there, that shouldn't matter) or if I can re-use their base code for PERSONAL layouts (not for re-sale) and ALWAYS credit them like "original coding done by player 12345" somewhere on the layout. I've never has a coder upset with me after asking if I could do this, they generally are just happy I actually asked, instead of just stealing and using. Just because I 'paid' for it, doesn't make it mine to re-produce elsewhere without permission... Just as artists/manippers wouldn't want their hard work ripped off with tiny changes (as mentioned above) I respect coders as we all should.. it doesn't look easy!


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August 19th, 2013 10:31:10pm
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I am resurrecting this thread because I have not had just one, but TWO incidences of this today alone. :| Guys, please, if you're going to steal someone's code - DON'T TRY TO SELL IT. We all check the auctions and I, for one, can recognize my own code immediately, even if it's been messed with... and even if you just "borrow" only one part.Learn how to do it yourself, and THEN offer it as a service/put it in the auctions. PLEASE.


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