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Catahoula Leopard Dogs
peach || pointers February 2nd, 2018 4:00:29pm 149 Posts |
Hey everyone! I've been the Catahoula ambassador for a few months now so I wanted to let you guys know what ideas I have. To begin, I'll always have at least one pair of store dogs up for grabs. I try to hold onto them until around 500k points so I know they're set up on a good training path for others. Plus, I like to throw them in some private shows as a little added bonus for first time breeders. If the pairs that I have aren't at the point level, just reach out to me and I'll be happy to hand them over to you :) Second, I recently did a retirement breeding on a few dogs to resurrect my old lines from before my haitus. These dogs will have private lines, meaning I won't be selling any pups or back ups to the public. BUT, I have decided that with my first gen dogs that I'm using to reboot my lines, I will offer back ups to ANYONE who is interested. So now for the 'rules' you could say:
1. New or freshly returning players can have the back ups or ambassador pups for free. I just ask that you buy in pairs and if you have any issues with training and breeding to contact me and I will BUY the dog off of you for what it is worth. If you are struggling to find time to train I will account train these dogs for FREE. I, by no means, am excellent at photo manips, but I will make custom pictures for your dogs as well for free. 2. For players who have been around, the ambassador pups will still be free, but I ask that you pay at least 3 mill for any of the back ups. Again, I want you to buy in pairs. If you aren't interested in the dog any I will buy it back for the price that I sold it to you for. If you need help training I will account train for 100k per animal, with or without enter all. Catahoulas are really cool, and super pretty dogs. They're really intelligent, used to be used as nanny dogs, and are extremely loyal. I am planning to get a real Catahoula after graduation because active dogs and busy college students don't work well together. If you guys have any questions please let me know! Also, if you guys have any suggestions for how to improve or expand my ideas I'd love to hear them. - peach |
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peach || pointers February 2nd, 2018 4:01:57pm 149 Posts |
Bumping because I want people to see this and I just realized how long it was so I'm sorry lol. |
peach || pointers February 2nd, 2018 4:02:35pm 149 Posts |
I also realized I posted this from the wrong account SO you can find the Catahoulas on account 9484. |
Ollie! June 7th, 2018 10:03:16pm 71 Posts |
Hiiiiiiiii I'm super interested! I picked up a few store Catahoulas but I'm still trying to get the hang of the training and such. Really I'm trying hard to get the money to do all that stuff. Any advice? thanks to Siib for making this for me WAY back when!! |
peach ⚛ mountain curs June 8th, 2018 6:33:22pm 478 Posts |
Ollie I will message you now! I'm sorry, I just saw this |
peach ⚛ mountain curs November 27th, 2018 9:45:09pm 478 Posts |
Bumping this post because I have another store set ready to find their new home :) |
Eyre ❅ be kind November 27th, 2018 10:33:03pm 10,135 Posts |
I might be interested in a pair. I'm currently rearranging my spares and will let you know for sure. |
peach ⚛ mountain curs November 28th, 2018 3:16:06am 478 Posts |
Awesome, keep me posted! |
peach ⚛ mountain curs February 4th, 2019 1:19:55am 478 Posts |
I got twins! I only need one pup so I am going to sell the other.
93k point female, 2nd gen. AB: 10 mill
Let me know if you guys have questions or are interested! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] February 4th, 2019 1:29:03am 2,902 Posts |
-eyes- this is tempting... |
peach ⚛ mountain curs February 4th, 2019 1:30:02am 478 Posts |
This one is from a new set of lines so you wouldn't be inbreeding... just saying lol |
peach ⚛ mountain curs April 25th, 2019 3:02:49pm 478 Posts |
Bumping! Hi everyone, I have a second gen Catahoula pup up for grabs! She was born with a little under 100k points, and has been entered in a handful of private shows this week. Let me know if you want her! https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=118141 |
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