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Themes From the Survey

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 22nd, 2013 1:19:47pm
4,333 Posts
As we were going through the survey, we noticed several common themes in the responses. So rather than trying to address everyone who left a name individually about the same thing, I wanted to post an update to talk about a few of them:

1. People want an easier way to enter private shows. We have been aware of this for awhile, but we haven't really been able to come up with a good way to improve it. Although, we do have now another idea floating around that could work. But a common suggestion is to enter the horse as soon as it's excepted, but at the same time people might request for the wrong horse and we can't remove them from the show once they're in. So doing it that way won't work. But we are working on a solution for this!

2. People also wanted a better way to click through their horses, and we think this is a good idea and we have a plan! So you can look forward to seeing something like this in our next major update :).

3. Always a common suggestion, two breed specialties per account. However, it's not something that we can add in to the game. The money that supports HP comes exclusively from upgrades (since we don't have a cash shop or advertisements) so we need as many of them as we can get to stay open (HP by itself is expensive to run and keep up, but it's also my full time job so the money I make here keeps me from getting another job giving me FAR more time for HP while I'm in school, if I had to get another job I don't know that I'd have time for HP at all since I'd have to work full time or more somewhere else instead of spending that time here improving the game and working with players). Breed specialties and the things that come with them are a major perk, if we offered more than one per account it could SERIOUSLY cut into our upgrade income which would be bad. Especially since you are still able to train other breeds without one, I really don't see it getting added. I'm sorry.

4. People also, which was surprising to me, suggested that we add mini-games to pass the time on the game. While I'm not 100% opposed to this idea (I think there are many benefits to having them on a game), many players in the past did not like when it was suggested before because they thought it would be too childish, so we tossed the idea. If enough players are interested, we could maybe re-visit it at some point. With that in mind, if you have any non-mini game ideas for things to do after you're done training on the game, please let us know, as we would love to hear them :).

5. A concern of many player was that they were having trouble with being able to train horses and dogs as high as some other players. The average "goal" on HP is to get your horses and dogs to 1,000,000 points by the time they retire. But there is no set amount of points that you're required to get your animals to, some players train them as high as they can, others stop at 1,000,000, and some have huge projects where they pour all of their resources into getting an animal with multiple millions of points. But keeping with the idea that the average goal is 1,000,000 this can easily be accomplished through public shows with no upgrade breed specialty, as we have tested several times.

6. Genetics have been mentioned several times. For a few years now, I have been planning another game, which is basically a more complex version of HP. This game will feature genetics. But I fear that putting them on HP will take away from the simplicity of the game. If it is something that lots of players want to see, then we can visit the idea and poll about it and such. But again, the idea behind HP has always been simplicity and more of an old-school style.

7. Finally people mentioned not really feeling like the "know" the staff on the game. I know that we all try pretty hard to be in the forums and also in chat, but is there something else we could be doing? Maybe an About The Staff page, as was suggested by one player? Or something else? Maybe each week we could spotlight something about us, like our pets, or something? Or both? I definitely need player suggestions here!

I THINK that's it for frequent/common themes. Of course, if there's something else you would like to discuss you can always message me or make another forum topic :). But I'd love it if everyone weighed in on these specific issues here!


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
July 22nd, 2013 5:45:41pm
30,152 Posts
Nooo mini games. -_- please, no. DX



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Kyuubi || Demonic Foxes
July 22nd, 2013 6:47:18pm
3 Posts
1. I think the way to enter the private shows is fine. When I getthe alert mails that my animals have been accepted I immediately justgo to the same show pages that I requested the entry on & click the'enter show' for all of them as needed. If I don't have time to do that I leave the alert mails as a reminder to do that later.2. Again I think how it is is fine, I just stay on the 'home page' & openeach animal to do in a new tab, then when I'm done close that tab &repeat till all my animals are done.3. When we had that survey that mentioned the whole gold account thing,I voted for it but since it was shot down & I've upgraded (I wasn't upgradedbefore when that vote happened). I don't see the need to have two breedspecialties per account, it actually makes it easier for me to keep trackof my animals if they all have their own account.4. I'd say no to mini-games.6. I'd say save it for HP2.


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July 22nd, 2013 8:28:42pm
39 Posts
1.(and 5?) I cannot claim to be such a newbie anymore, though I don't know much about training. To me, the proposals all sounded good until I just read Adranth and Uni... It is paramount to me to only have to train a horse once a week; I do all my 80 shows at once. It may not be the smartest way(?), but it's what I have time for. So if this new thing proposed means having to train everyday, I am not for it. Sorry if I misunderstood entirely, if so, ignore my comment. 2. Yay, once again, Samantha. That will be great. 3. Sam you keep doing whatever you need to do, to stay as involved as you are in this game. You are a real perk of HP. 4. As for mini games or kiddie game, I love that this is an adult site and left my old game when it went too kiddie. This site has PLENTY to do, what with the forum games/threads, graphics and whatnot.6. personally, don't need genetics. 7. As for mods and admins, they have always been super approachable to me, not bossy, but kind, helpful and fun. I love that they are often popping into chat, I can always get attention when I need :) Oh, but one page of profiles is also good, but I can read their pages when i have time. So who needs minigames? Go get to know your mods and admins!


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July 22nd, 2013 9:11:27pm
1,338 Posts
Whoah: I only train once a week and my animals get well above 1 mil, so I'm not sure what you meant in your post? The changes to shows being suggested are about private shows, not public shows :)


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Fantasy GSD (Main) πŸŽ€ surgery went well but now have upper respiratory infection. Limted time online
July 23rd, 2013 1:22:29am
331 Posts
I like the enter all button. I think adding any more to that would be tomuch.


I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone. Robin Williams


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House of Night - - Standardbreds
July 23rd, 2013 2:18:29am
1 Posts
1. I think the enter automatically wouldn't be a good idea, like others have said it might cause problems if you entered the wrong horse. I do have an idea that might make it easier to enter them. When you go to a horse/dogs page and then the search for shows page, when the private shows come up where it normally says Enter Show, if you have not yet entered that particular show then it could say Request Show, then switch back to Enter Show once your horse/dog is in the show. It also would save you from entering the wrong animal because you would have already gone to their page to start of with. 2. YAY! Can't wait!3. It is understandable why it would be a bad idea. I dont find it to hard to switch from account to account. You can always use more than one browser to do this as well. 4. No little kid stuff please. If it eventually happens then please make it more teen/adult friendlier. 5. As long as you train your animals every week then you can get decent points without having to spend millions of dollars. Also some players just have more time to spend on the game and since every player is different then of course everyones horse/dogs are different as well. 6. I think having genetics would make the game a little more messy, if that makes any sense at all.


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a z a l i e - 🌡 2024 APHA World, Reserve and Bronze Champion [blitzy still watching]
July 23rd, 2013 2:52:08am
1,856 Posts
Private shows: it would be alot easier to keep it the same but id like the names up when they get entered just like they show up when u i dont have to go back.several times if a horse didnt get entered....if i see it not entered then i can quickly see who i forgot....



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xxfilth Β» we are the salt of the earth [hiatus ; blitz watching]
July 23rd, 2013 8:35:29am
29 Posts
I still like my idea under an achievement is a "player of the month" or something like that. Please dear god no mini games. Like everyone else said, we ran away from that. I mean I suppose you can make it an option but if you make it kiddy-like you'll ruin hp. seriously. But I suppose it wouldnt be too bad of an idea if you dont make it mandatory like hl did. and if you dont make it all cartoony like they did. But i mean I enjoy the game on my phone "My Horse" where you do competitions and stuff. I also enjoyed a game I had a long time ago that was similar to that where you like controlled where the horse went and when it jumped etc etc. That was fun. I wouldn't mind that. But there is a fine line of being fun and being childish. I just don't want that line crossed. So if you go with that and even the thought barely pops in your mind "could this be too childish" dont do it. Seriously.


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vanilla ice. done returned from hiatus.
July 23rd, 2013 10:40:48am
17 Posts
Going back to adranths post about having the freedom to enter..I agree ! Some people who run shows will have you req and they will accept the week before and it messes with your horses health that you may have planned out if you're maxing out private shows if they were entered as soon as the show owner accepts them.. Just a thought.It would be nice having a dog and a horse breed specialty on one account.No mini-games, yay,


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Kyliga |:| Whimsical Wolves
July 23rd, 2013 3:08:58pm
77 Posts
I don't mind uni's thought on weekly trivia's or other neat little things. I really enjoyed it when there was site wide contests going on. It was a fun way to interact!

"There is a wide, yawning black infinity. In every direction, the extension is endless; the sensation of depth is overwhelming. And the darkness is immortal. Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce; but light exists almost nowhere, and the blackness itself is also pure and blazing and fierce."
-Carl Sagan


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 23rd, 2013 3:20:39pm
4,333 Posts
Yeah, I like that idea too of weekly mini contests :).


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roooooo β™₯
July 23rd, 2013 5:21:04pm
1,094 Posts
I don't like the idea of adding a page for the staff. I think it further separates the staff from the normal players. This may cause some players (especially newer players) to feel intimidated by the staff in chat or other places. Now, I'm not saying that the staff a cruddy job, because I think the team is doing an outstanding job...I think it would be cool if there was random events that would appear when you were browsing through hp. Like maybe you find a voucher for 50 points on your animal.


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Kyliga |:| Whimsical Wolves
July 24th, 2013 4:25:15am
77 Posts
Although I am for the admin stats page I can see reno's point. Especially since Adranth was mentioning earlier that all the staff are just people like us and just want to meet people and enjoy the game. Perhaps maybe on the page it will just list the staff members and their account numbers for informational purposes. This way not too much of a spotlight would be put on them, making them seem to be held at a different distance than the other players?I also feel like WhiteRoze's suggestion up there should be VERY carefully conducted if it is even considered for introduction to HP because the whole mini game thing is pretty touchy subject with most of us. I like the cleaning the stable out idea, but I don't know about it being an actual game. As for the Informational thing they suggested, I do like it. It would definitely take some upkeep, and I do not think that it could continue indefinitely for every player, eventually they would basically run out of basic stuff to learn, and it would mean a LOT of coding. However the information could be very useful to new players, especially those who do not own horses or dogs in RL.

"There is a wide, yawning black infinity. In every direction, the extension is endless; the sensation of depth is overwhelming. And the darkness is immortal. Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce; but light exists almost nowhere, and the blackness itself is also pure and blazing and fierce."
-Carl Sagan


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July 24th, 2013 4:41:42am
1,338 Posts
All the staff members with links to their homepages are listed on the credits page, which can be found in the footer of every page :)


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Freia | Vanheim Icicles |
July 24th, 2013 11:43:45am
873 Posts
Regarding private shows, like Adranth mentioned, if the shows were entered the second the horse was accepted in to said show, what would happen if the energy was at 0? I also like to request shows that are to run the next week, it helps because I'm in a different timezone than most of those whome I buy shows from. I feel in regards to the approachable mods/admins... I have no problem approaching anyone, I feel they're all very friendly and nice. :] I did mention in the survey that I'd like more mods around in my timezone or close to it, I don't know if there are any and they're just not talkative in chat or what, but I rarely see mods around midday. (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +1 hour) so 6 hours ahead of HP time.The rest of my opinions have already been voiced by others... :]



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 25th, 2013 6:14:36pm
4,333 Posts
Just bumping this up to see if anyone else has any input!


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July 28th, 2013 8:34:18am
102 Posts
"Ooo, I was also just reading the 2 breed specialties thread, and it reminded me to mention something else. Instead of having two breed specialties, etc... Perhaps there would be a way to make it possible to upgrade one account multiple times? So with the first upgrade, you have the normal upgrade perks. Then with the second, you get an extra breed specialty, an extra private horse/dog show, an extra set of horse/dog tickets, and double the paycheck, and then so on, and so forth for more upgrades? In the other thread, it seemed like the reason that most people wanted the extra breed specialty was so that they didn't have to switch accounts, so maybe working out a way to upgrade one account multiple times (instead of having multiple accounts upgraded) would work... Might be wayyyy to expensive and difficult to do though... Just a thought."OMG this would be amazing!!


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f.allen - i has the covid again. πŸ˜’
July 29th, 2013 12:53:01am
33 Posts
i just had an idea for something:there was a checkbox in the searches on horseland that i always found very was called "anywhere in name." so, if i am trying to find a specific person/horse/dog, i can type in what i know like, for example, s.chitzophrenic. well, it won't come up with a result for that because she has a "." before her name. the "anywhere in name" box searches for the combination of letters/symbols in such an order ANYWHERE in the name's text. just a thought. ;)


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July 29th, 2013 4:54:03am
1,338 Posts
You can put a % sign in front of the name you're searching and it will still show up... however 's.chizophrenic' has a period in the middle of the name, so it won't show up since it technically doesn't contain the word 'schizophrenic.. you can however, for example, search %binski and find all of binski's accounts even though she writes it as .:Binski:. :) Though I wouldn't be opposed to having an actual selection that serves the same purpose as the % symbol :P


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thanatos ; hard at work
July 29th, 2013 1:40:45pm
3 Posts
Suggestion..., make dividers free for upgrades...unless you already have since i last had an upgrade!


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