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Point Charts

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siib 🩈 [ Gone ]
January 10th, 2018 3:06:38am
2,627 Posts

I found these two charts in my notes on an account (lol). Which one do you guys find more accurate??


  1. ●060k -- 3 years 

  2. ●120k -- 4 years 

  3. ●180k -- 5 years 

  4. ●240k -- 6 years 

  5. ●300k -- 7 years 

  6. ●360k -- 8 years 

  7. ●420k -- 9 years 

  8. ●480k -- 10 years 

  9. ●540k -- 11 years 

  10. ●600k -- 12 years 

  11. ●660k -- 13 years 

  12. ●720k -- 14 years 

  13. ●840k -- 15 years 

  14. ●900k -- 16 years 

  15. ●960k -- 17 years 

  16. ●1mil -- 18 years 

  17. ●1.060mil -- 19 years 

  18. ●1.120mil -- 20 years

  19. ●1.180mil -- 21 years


  1. 3 years old - 60k

  2. 4 years old - 120k

  3. 5 years old - 200k

  4. 6 years old - 280k

  5. 7 years old - 360k

  6. 8 years old - 440k

  7. 9 years old - 520k

  8. 10 years old - 600k

  9. 11 years old - 680k

  10. 12 years old - 760k

  11. 13 years old - 840k

  12. 14 years old - 920k

  13. 15 years old - 1mill

  14. 16 years old- 1.1mill

  15. 17 years old - 1.2mill

  16. 18 years old - 1.3mill

  17. 19 years old - 1.4mill

  18. 20 years old - 1.5mill

  19. 21 years old - 1.6mill


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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 6:40:14am
13,574 Posts

I would go with a mix between the two, sort of...

The beginning of the second chart is more accurate to me, all the way up to 15-16, but after that... I've never gotten a horse to 1.6 mill on regular training unless it was double points month. 1.4-1.5mill seems to be the max for me, at least for lined horses. My stores usually max out at 1.3 mill.



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primrose ‱‱ truth, dare, spin bottles ♄
January 10th, 2018 6:51:37am
2,687 Posts

I also agree, a mix of the 2. Like i can easily have a store in regular publics hit 1.3-1.4 mill by the time they turn 21 :3


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♄
January 10th, 2018 8:45:51am
4,524 Posts

I was going to say a mix between the two as well before reading the comments.  However, chart 2 is actually attainable with 100% hand picking shows and entering club shows.  I've done it before! :D


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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 8:46:47am
13,574 Posts

True that, but some of us don't have that much time on our hands xD



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♄
January 10th, 2018 8:53:35am
4,524 Posts

OH EXCUUUUUUSSSSEEEEE MEEEEEEEEE! Make way for miss TANA that apparently is too cool for school and has a life or something. WHATEVER!



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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 8:54:45am
13,574 Posts


Actually Tana just has way more pixels than should be considered healthy xD



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♄
January 10th, 2018 9:01:37am
4,524 Posts

I'm slowly getting mine back up there! lol  I add 8 more every week or so. haha


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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 9:07:29am
13,574 Posts

OK but I have 138 on this account alone. Then across the other accounts, it brings my total pixel number to like 200.

Do you see my problem??? lmao this is why I'm starting to downsize. Slowly.



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♄
January 10th, 2018 9:08:25am
4,524 Posts

Tana, you has a prob... LOL  


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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 9:11:58am
13,574 Posts

I told you so lol



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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 10th, 2018 1:41:16pm
2,469 Posts

First is first gen. Second chart is usually 4th gen ish

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g r i m o i r e - Basset Hounds
January 10th, 2018 1:49:24pm
101 Posts

I use the one from Chance:


Point Goals

3 years old - 60k

4 years old - 120k

5 years old - 200k

6 years old - 280k

7 years old - 360k

8 years old - 440k

9 years old - 520k

10 years old - 600k

11 years old - 680k

12 years old - 760k

13 years old - 840k

14 years old - 920k

15 years old - 1mill

16 years old- 1.08mill

17 years old - 1.16mill

18 years old - 1.24mill

19 years old - 1.32mill

20 years old - 1.4mill

21 years old - 1.48mill


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siib 🩈 Gone
January 10th, 2018 2:20:17pm
4 Posts

 Yeah I usually get 1.2-1.3 with my store lined horses. I've never gotten 1.6 from a store (def not hand picking shows y'all way too lazy, Tron I admire your gumption).

I just found it amusing that I happened to have both of these charges saved in my notes, and I can only assume it was me keeping an eye out to see which was more accurate back before I felt comfortable knowing when horses were on and off track. At this point, I don't use the charts anymore haha.

(also, this is Siib I'm def training oops)


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 10th, 2018 2:51:34pm
29,792 Posts

I’m one of those weirdos that hand picks shows. 😁 I feel it’s definitely worth the extra time. But I am totes ok with no one else doing it, cuz that makes it easier to find those shows. 😉



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tana ;; gone
January 10th, 2018 2:57:07pm
13,574 Posts

One day I will have a reasonable amount of animals and I will hand pick shows, too!



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
January 10th, 2018 3:00:39pm
6,522 Posts

I agree...mix of the two. More towards the first one if it's a store horse. More towards the second if it's lined, especially long lines! Those gen points are amazing when you hit higher generations!



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catt ` SPARE
January 10th, 2018 3:07:16pm
3 Posts

Ido dogs and i usually get between 72-100k a week sometimes :D i had stores retire at 1.5mill but theres more horses on the game= lets points gain from shows haha .


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siib 🩈 [ Gone ]
January 10th, 2018 3:16:21pm
2,627 Posts

Well, considering what Catt pointed out anyone think maybe one of thse is a horse geared one and one of these is a dog geared one? lol I've done both so it's entirely possible I saved one and then the other for that account at different points.


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peach || pointers
January 10th, 2018 3:51:52pm
149 Posts

I think there is a difference in dog and horse points, if that's what you're asking lol. I've trained dogs forever on here and decided to pick up a horse breed and was super discouraged by how poorly the horses did compared to my dogs. Most of my store dogs got to 1.6 mill and that was work only like 5-10 privates a week but my horses would get to 1.3 mill with the same amount of privates. 


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 10th, 2018 3:57:30pm
29,792 Posts

My MFT lines are actually a fairly decent representation of what points look like for horses in enter all only done in one day (my Carnival Cruise lines), my enter all over a process of a few days (my Royal Lines), and daily handpicked shows (my Classical line). They have been tainted somewhat now as my Classical line I now do 90 shows and 20 privates, but there is still quite a variation between the other two. 



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