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Private shows discussion

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g r i m o i r e » home to The High Priestess
January 3rd, 2018 3:07:05am
152 Posts

So, I hate to bring this up again but I honestly want someone to explain to me how having animals automatically accepted into shows when the creator of the shows accepts them makes the game less challenging? I really can't understand the logic behind this.


For those of us in other countries I'm sure it would be extremely helpful. Also, for those of us who don't feel comfortable giving our account information to others. I just really don't understand how removing one step can take all the challenge out of this game. I feel like it would make the game a bit more fun and not at all less challenging. I'm sitting here at 4 in the morning frustrated because I haven't been accepted into shows I paid for yet and I did end up asking someone else to do it but I'm an anxious person and I want to know what's going on with my pixels. It's messing up my sleep schedule and, I know it may sound stupid, affecting my life because I have to stress about when and if I'll be able to enter my horses. 

I just...can't understand the logic behind it being less challenging and if someone could give me a good explanation I would really appreciate it. Also, please don't tell me if I don't like it then I just shouldn't enter my horses into private shows. It's ridiculous. Maybe we can take a poll to see who would like to have automatic acceptance or not? 


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g r i m o i r e » home to The High Priestess
January 3rd, 2018 3:07:24am
152 Posts



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Aspire || Dutch Harness Horses
January 3rd, 2018 3:12:21am
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I thnk as soon as your horse is accepted that it should be entered, kinda sucks to go back and fourth. request the spot then wait for it to be accepted then go back and enter the horse... if your forgetful like me I always end up doing it last minute 


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g r i m o i r e - Basset Hounds
January 3rd, 2018 3:23:24am
101 Posts

That's exactly what I mean. I think it's a silly step that overall detracts from the fun and steps into the stressful.


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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
January 3rd, 2018 3:24:46am
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I don’t have a good explanation for you, but I will say that, even being on HPT, I’ve experienced big anxiety from waiting for people to accept shows. To the point where I only purchase from people who are professional and consistent and whose show creation / accepting schedule works with mine. The anxiety I got over missed shows and wasted money stopped me from having fun. For awhile I was willing to buy fewer private shows from people I trusted rather than try to scoop every show up. Right now, I’m lucky to have found a number of great folks who provide a great service.

All that to say: I hear you on the anxiety that the wait creates. It sucks and I hope it doesn’t stop the game from being fun for you. xx


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g r i m o i r e - Basset Hounds
January 3rd, 2018 3:42:29am
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It really is on the edge for me. Private shows are much needed for high pointed animals so without dealing with them it's pretty much pointless. I have a few players that are reliable but most don't provide the quantity of shows I'm needing.

I mean I get the need for the game to be a challenge but this is one step that is only challenging for me in that I am having a hard time not being anxious about it. It's also causing me to be on here way more than I need to be because I'm constantly checking to see if they've been accepted yet. I really enjoy the idea of HP but I'm beginning to wonder if it's good for my overall health. That sounds dumb but it feels that way. I know I should take a step back but I've devoted a lot of time, money and energy into my projects and I want to give my all to them. 


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
January 3rd, 2018 3:51:33am
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Accepting and entering shows being separate things is part of the challenge of using private shows because it adds an extra step to the process. Using private shows is not meant to be an easy thing. It's a perk that allows you to train higher pointed animals, so making it easy would take a difficulty out of HP. 


If we did make accepting and entering shows one thing, there would be a whole can of worms of problems with the wrong animals ending up in the wrong shows, etc, which would involve admins having to not only reverse that for each individual animal/show, but as well entrance points. 


So, like it's been said before, it's not going to happen unfortunately.


If you haven't already, I suggest you try a) finding people whose shows run/are accepted at times better for your schedule. Maybe other players who are not in North America who also have similar alternate time zones to HP's? and/or b) find out from those you currently buy from when they will be accepted by weekly so that you don't have to keep checking back, and/or c) ask your current providers to try to accept them by X day/time because of your time zone. 

Edited to add:

Not to mention, if we removed a step with private shows, it would literally just be one more click than training with public shows. Which again, defeats the challenge of the privates.



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siib 🦈 [ Gone ]
January 3rd, 2018 4:06:45am
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So, and I'm sure I'm going to be late on this and I apologize if someone else has already mentioned these points...


  • Sometimes the wrong horses get entered and then requested into shows (seriously, this is a thing and it's happened to me). The ONLY way staff can prevent someone from sneaking by into a show is to delete that animal from the accepted page before the player can enter them. I had this happen where I was just moving too quickly one day, accepted a player, and they entered before an admin could be reached. I never got paid for that show spot that they had never even asked me for. While this was my fault, this happens often enough that it would make no sense to take away the ability of staff to remove these animals. You don't know how furstrating it is until you're in that position.
  • If your having trouble with shows not being accepted until hours ahead of when they run then you need to find someone else. Point blank. Most people I work with accept at least 24 hours ahead of the run date which means I have, at worst, an hour in the evening to get my act together and enter them. I also have 4 pairs of personal animals in private shows and 1 partner pair in private shows.
  • If you're worried about letting other people on your account, there are mods here for a reason. :) Some of us even offer training (not me, I don't do that anymore, I have enough of my own animals haha). You can always hire a mod specifically to enter privates! My advice there would be to make your show schedule in your notes and just discuss it with whomever you pick. If you need good refernces on trustworthy trainers you can message me as well, I can tell you some of the players I personally use.

Now as far as what I mean by show schedule: 


Player / Show Title / Price #Act / Date
Player / Show Title / Price #Act / Date
Player / Show Title / Price #Act / Date

Mon: 0
Tues: 0 
Wed: 0 
Thurs: 20
Fri: 20
Sat: 20
Sun: 20

Total: 80


That is pretty accurate to what my account notes looks like (and it's set up on any account I have private shows running on). This way I can see who has what show, what title I need to search, how much to send and where to send it to weekly. I also pick days that run later in the week so that I have more time between requesting on Monday or Tuesday to when they run. 

The few shows I have that run on a Monday or Tuesday are accepted by Thursday or Friday the previous week and I can get those entered before I log of HP for (most of) the weekend.

I DO understand that private shows can be a bit frustrating but there are logical reasons within the HP programming that do not allow for changes. I'm sorry that you guys find it frustrating but my only advice, as somone who consitently trains using private and public shows, is to find a good system that works. A show schedule combined with a trainer where needed. I'm happy to help everyone figure it out but unfortunately it doesn't look like the system will be changing.


As someone who also suffers from anxiety, this is a game and it should be fun. If something is taking away from your fun then you should step back and refocus yourself on the point of the game. We all want to do our best, that's human nature, and a lot of us do put a lot of time and money into the game, but it should never stop being fun because of such a small point as entering certain types of shows. :( 


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Sassafras Tango
January 3rd, 2018 4:20:17am
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It would surely be quite convenient that if when your animal was accepted into a show, it was also entered into the show at the same time. I don't think anyone would dispute that fact. The problem is that HorsePhenomena is already a pretty simple game at its core. The idea of the game is to buy animals >> click a button to enter them in shows >> breed animals right before they retire >> repeat with offspring.

Sam put in some additions to that core gameplay to make it more competitive and fun. One of those additions is being able to enter private shows (amongst other things). Private shows are competitive because not everyone can afford them, at least not in bulk. That's why people save up millions and billions for projects (for tickets as well of course, but a lot goes towards a personal monopoly on private shows). They also add an edge and are coveted in gameplay because they can allow your animals to accumulate double or more the amount of points the animal would have had, had you not entered it in private shows. 

Just think about it-- instead of 1.3 million points by retirement entering in only public shows (no tickets), your horse or dog could get to at least 2.5 million if you entered it in 80 private shows for its entire game life (also, no tickets). You actually probably wouldn't even have to enter 80 privates its entire lifespan to reach 2.5 million points. But, that means that for both horses and dogs, your animal could make it on the Top 25 Young, Adult and Senior rankings. Also, generally speaking, it would be considered a high pointed animal which would create some awesome lines. You can sell backup offspring for more money from this animal, it would give any project offspring a great headstart, and you have kudos and bragging rights, not just for this animal but also for the lineage it creates.

To me, this sounds like a pretty awesome addition. And everyone knows that a reward that great doesn't come easily. That is the logic behind "how having animals automatically accepted into shows when the creator of the shows accepts them makes the game less challenging".

I think what most people with massively pointed, historically epic project animals are most proud of is the fact that they put in so much work to get that animal there. They spent real time saving up money for it, advertising for tickets and shows and support, requesting tickets and shows, and entering private shows. If everyone could do it, if it was easy, then the outcome wouldn't be as fulfilling.

I apologize for the novella, but I just want to try and explain my opinion as thoroughly as possible.

I agree with you. I don't like that my animals are not entered when they are accepted into private shows. Do you know how many times I have missed entering shows because I forgot, or was too tired and just went to bed, or because HP midnight is my 9pm and I didn't get online in time to enter? Do you know how much HPD I lost because I didn't enter those shows but already paid for it? It's frustrating and I kick myself every week it happens but I do things to remind myself to enter these shows in real life, and I put in real effort and real time to make sure I log in and check on my animals and make sure they are entered. And my Dogo Argentino, Jalousie, is 2.09 million points before retirement, and has been on the Top 25 Young, Adult and Senior dog rankings and I'm really proud of that! I honestly don't think I would be if I hadn't put in so much work, time, and dedication. That's the point. If it was easier to enter private shows, the game and my pixel animals would become, at least to me, just a tad more obsolete...and pointless.


Since your time zone and daily schedule have difficulty syncing with HP, I would politely message the players that make your private shows and ask them what specific time they actually make the shows. For example, if someone makes the private shows at 12pm HP time on Sundays, then if you log probably right before you go to bed, you can enter those shows. Or even (your) Monday morning. If these shows, let's say, are set to run on Wednesdays (HP time), and the creator accepts all requests on Monday at 5 pm (HP time), you should still have 2 days to enter your animals in the show. 

Maybe making a schedule for yourself so you know when you should log in to check on the shows? Again, I think communication is key with the creators of the private shows. You can probably message them and ask them accept at a certain time so you can enter at a certain time.

I'm not saying you should just stop entering private shows if it's too hard. I am saying that if your having difficulty entering private shows, and it is getting irrationally too hard in real life for you to enter them, you should try to find a way that works. Maybe you'll have to message these players and explain your situation and ask them to help you, maybe if they can't help you, you'll have to find someone else to provide your private shows, maybe you will have to make an HP friend that you trust to log into your account and enter the shows, maybe you can ask an RL friend to log into your account and enter the shows, maybe you'll have to create a timer or reminder on your computer or phone to check your accounts so you can monitor the shows at your normal hours.





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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 3rd, 2018 4:26:16am
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(Is one of siibs Tuesday providers)

It’s a little more work but sometimes finding multiple people to make shows is better than buying in bulk. I feel your frustration about the times zones and I only did it for a month long long long ago. But like others have said it would take the difficulty out of the shows without the wait


when I personally make shows I make mine Monday usually about 8-9am hp times. My shows run Tuesday. So that’s 8 full days. 

I also accept shows Thursday’s, Friday at the absolute latest. Or even earlier if everyone gets in. I’m one of those there is no excuse aside from an act of god type player. So that’s a full 4-5 days to get shows entered. Also it’s ok to enter shows for the following week using the current weeks health. No reset needed. It all makes up in the end. 

Also what are your point goals. You may be able to find a few players who are super strict with when they make shows and accept verse the few big show providers. 

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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
January 3rd, 2018 4:36:43am
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Basically with what's already been said, if you have a hard time trusting the right person with your account info to enter your animals in private shows that run ealier in the week, you can find a mod or admin who offers training as a service, that way you know your account and account information is all kept safe.

I actually only recenty started entering my horses into private shows, and I'm finding I like the results my horses are getting. Granted, I don't have them in A LOT of privates, just a few, but because I like the small results I'm personally getting with them, I don't mind much taking the extra step, because it's that extra step I have to take to get the extra results I want.  

But the way siib has she show schedule set up is perfect! You can request shows that run later in the week so you don't have to be online waiting for the horses to be accepted. Can use the earlier week days to request for the later ones - that's normally what I do. I can't even begin to count how many times I missed 10 privates because the shows ran a day earlier then what I normally train for. c,: So I just make sure all my ducks are in a row and enter them for Wednesdays or Thursdays. 

But like Blitz and Siib said, the game should be here for you to enjoy and not get anxiety or frustrated from, your overall health is 100% more important than getting your pixels some high numbers. 



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PHISM || Hiatus ||
January 3rd, 2018 4:48:14am
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I am going to have to agree with all above, and I'll make my point short and sweet because this is how I see it. I live in Caifornia, which is 3 hours behind HP time, like Sass says, there has been so many days/weeks that I miss out on my shows purely because I forget, or I lose track of time. Being as HP is a global game its something we all have to mold to our own time zone. I mean jesus, I probably miss out on 99% of bingo because I'm at work, or being lazy and sleeping. But as far as shows goes the number one advantage is the outcome in points.

10 private shows = 30k points (on average, or more)

20 private shows = 60k points (on average, or more)


This means, that on the average 'point goal list per age year' you would only have to train 20 shows per animal, per week to match up with the public shows.

You literally only have to do 25% of the work then public shows to get the same amount of points, which is why I have accepted the fact that I have to pay closer attention to private shows, shoot. 25% of the work vs 100% with the same points by retirement time? IM GAME! -is so lazy-

In Germany you are 6 hours ahead of HP time, while that does seem like a lot there are players in countries such as AUS who are (correct me if im wrong) 16 hours ahead of HP time!


I would get with players in those countries, or in similiar situations and ask them for advice on how they keep thier schedules on track, maybe they buy from one specific show seller? Maybe there are more options out there for you!


Mods training was a good one, because we are on all odd hours of the day/night, and obviously we cant steal/hack/etc or were fired, which would SUCK!

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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
January 3rd, 2018 5:16:30am
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I am going to agree with what everyone has stated before.  I've privately trained so many animals over the years that it's now just second nature for me. I have top All Time Ranking on both horse and dog, and OMG the blood, sweat, and tears that went into both of them!  It was so so so so much work and money, but honestly it was ALL worth it.  Without that grind it just seems like it would feel as good, ya know!?  I'm a gamer though and can really appreciate the grind and time it takes to get to the top.  

Another option I might add is maybe buying your own upgrades instead of upgrading others.  Maybe start your own little hoard of upgrades so you can make your own shows for whatever days you want and then accept when it's good for you.  I currently have 40, but I worked my way to it.  I started with 1, then 3, then 6, then 10, and then worked my way up in counts of 5.  Soon enough they will be self sufficient.  I currently only have to pay out of pocket when I get lazy and don't keep up on them (ie. it expires tomorrow and there's no upgrades in auction, etc.).  It isn't a short term solution, but definitely something to work towards if it's something you are interested in.

Lastly, I have a TON of extra time on my hands as of lately.  If you want to hit the hay but are worried about your animals being entered PM me (or FB as that's way easier to reach me, but you'll have to add me. haha).  I'm on PST which is 3 hours behind HP time.  I'm almost always on, and if for whatever reason I can't be I have all of our staff members to reach out to via FB to do any last minute entering.  We are all about doing each other favors on this game, and I have plenty of IOU's out there.  This is such a great supporting community and I don't even have enough fingers and toes to count the times other's have saved my booty!  If you want to work up some kind of schedule or what not shoot me a message. ☺


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Administrator Original KoniBob ᴵᵐ ᴿᵉᵃᵈʸ~ |🌈| 🏳️‍⚧️▲🏳️‍🌈| Life is 3 ways sideways.
January 3rd, 2018 3:58:49pm
564 Posts

I've read through this entire thread and agree with the reasons that have already been given as to why we should not have the "accept" also enter the horses in shows. As someone who provides both private dog and horse shows to two seperate people, I don't ask for payment until I've accepted them, because I can trust they will pay me. If they want to pay early, and I don't get their horse or dog accepted before the cut off, I refund. Its just easier. 

I live in HP timezone, so 8am HP time is 8am for me and still its hard for me to get horses and dogs entered sometimes simply because players forget to enter or my work calls me and is like HEY WE NEED YOU. It happens. If you are worried about your horses getting accepted or entered, we mods are here. Theres is at least ONE of us on at all times. I'm on 90% of the time between the hours of 8am and 11am, or 3pm to 6pm HP time because of my job. Sundays I'm here almost ALL day. Literally. 

I love the community here because so many have saved my butt when it comes to shows, PMing me that I forgot to accept on an account but accepted on all others or similar things. I've slowly been accumulating upgrades so that I can do my own private shows eventually as well. I'm up to 4, all of which were upgraded by others for me. Getting your own upgrades will help with that because you can have your own shows to enter in instead. 

Messaging the player that you're waiting on is also helpful. Message them and ask when they will put up the show and when they will be accepting horses into it. That way you'll have an idea. Try and work out a schedule with them that better fits with your hours and if something can't be worked out, find someone else. 


Basically, there are so many ways to accept and enter shows that if they were combined it would make it way too easy and lose the competitive feel. As a few others have said. This is a game and personal health comes first no matter what. I took a 2 week break over the holidays because work was killing me... literally I couldn't walk for a day and I was having anxiety attacks. Not fun. But with the Support of the mods, and other HP players I was able to relax and come back stronger than ever. If you ever need someone to help train, just throw me a message and I'll see what I can do for you

^-^ The game is supposed to be fun and challenging and I think it fits the bill as it is!


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