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Do you like cats? Clearly we do! [pictures of mine and family's!]

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White Fern Eventing//missbeyondviral ♥
November 6th, 2017 5:42:24pm
29 Posts

Just thought I'd show off my fur babies along with my grandmothers! I posted a post about a week ago when I introduced myself and some of you wanted to see what my cats looked like. I'll post a picture or two of each one with a little back story - thanks for viewing!




'Diva' Jones




The first one is my little booboo girl Diva! My friend randomly messaged one day asking about if my family would take her as she was pregnant(my friend) and didn't want the cat jealous once her child arrived. A lot of people know I work at an animal clinic and I'm usually the go-to for things like this as it's easy to find them homes sometimes but my parents were like, she's cute, let's take her, and so we did. She was so mean for 2 weeks, tho. She was scared and didn't know what to think when she arrived. She was already 8 months so she wasn't little, but now that she has been here for nearly a year she is doing great and has to be near me at all times. She likes my parents and sisters but I'm the only one that can basically do whatever to her without her being mean haha. I'm her mamma. :b







'Tito' Jackson




Next one is our little baby Tito! He literally was dropped on our doorstep in May from the mamma cat that would come around our house. Had no idea she had kittens and one day when my mom and I were walking outside the front door on my way to work, we saw this cute little grey thing run to the side of the house. Wasn't sure if it was a rabbit or not so we went and looked and he was curled up scared next to firewood. He was hissing but I scooped him and I was like MOM look how cute it is! Found out it was a boy and I went to show dad in the house and we were like DAD LOOK! He asked us where we found it and we were like yeah.. we're going to go put him back outside. Dad looked at us and was like.. well, guess we have 4 cats now, huh. So I took him to work that day, one of the vets kindly looked him over for me and he came home with us for good!










'Dillon' Fopperoon, Fuper, DillyWillyWonka




This is Dillon, probably the sweetest, shyest cat we have. Was on Facebook one night and my mom was talking about how she wanted another cat. In order of the cats in this post, we had Deano first, then Dillon, Diva, then Tito last. So, at the time of getting Dillon, we only had one cat. So anyways, I posted how we were looking and it had to be a boy etc. and this girl messaged me about how she actually just picked up a kitten on the street, only like 3 weeks old. So I told her to bring it by and we ended up keeping him. Such a sweet cat for sure.











Deano is actually the only cat that is allowed outside. The other 3 are fixed and are strictly indoor. Deano when he was younger used to be carried outside on my dads shoulder when he'd go out and whenever we'd try to keep him inside later on he'd claw at the screen door and went right through it one time lol. He's actually Tito's father(we assume) because next I will tell you about Tito's mother!











This little girl was actually the mother cat that dropped Tito at the front door. Deano is the only other cat we see around so we just assume he fathered him. She lived in our backyard for a while, didn't know when she started showing up but at the time we found Tito outside, my mom called me at work and was telling me how she found 4 more! They all got homes of course, one of which went to my grandmother. Just a few months ago, she got pregnant again and we found 3 calico kittens, all of which I found homes for and she actually went with them. :b







"Sammie" Sam




This little girl is Tito's sister! Very sweet but psycho. My grandmother took her and got her spayed and front declawed(which, I don't necessarily agree with but hey, she has a great home, so) and she is doing amazing!










Here are some pictures of our 3 indoor kitties hanging out - they love each other so much!










Thanks for looking - hope they put a smile on your face!










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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
November 6th, 2017 6:00:42pm
1,856 Posts


i have 14 kitties...7 indoor at our house in town, 2 indoor at our ake house(soon to be 3) and 3 outside kitties and a few wild kitties-one of which is a daily regular so she counts as mine haha



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White Fern Eventing//missbeyondviral ♥
November 6th, 2017 6:01:28pm
29 Posts

I thought I was bad lmao! AWWAWWWW! :b


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
November 6th, 2017 6:43:44pm
1,706 Posts

I had 27 at one time but I found homes for them, now I only have 2, had to put my 4 older ones to sleep in 2015 and 2016


will try for pics later


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
November 6th, 2017 6:48:07pm
2,469 Posts

i just have the one. but am searching high and low for number 2 since a "new kitty" has jumped to number one on my sons christmas wish list XD

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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 6th, 2017 7:06:42pm
29,792 Posts

Love your kitties!! Especially, Tito and Dillon :D I have 20 (yes, 20) cats of my own lol. I had whittled down the herd to 15 and then one female escaped and came back a mama. Now I have 5 adorable kittens too. :P



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etiqueta {canis panthers}
November 7th, 2017 12:26:56am
549 Posts

They're all super cute!


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PHISM || Hiatus ||
November 7th, 2017 3:16:52am
1,321 Posts

i wish i could have 20 cats 0.0

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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
November 7th, 2017 4:10:36am
1,856 Posts

I wish i could have all the cats!

I wanna win the lottery, buy 1600 acres, plop a house in the middle, take all the kitties and set them free! After they all get spayed/neutered and ears notched...



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tana ;; gone
November 7th, 2017 7:20:39am
13,574 Posts

Such cuties! Nightie's pic is so sassy, though!



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