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38 ways to make dog owning easier!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 19th, 2013 7:30:10pm
4,333 Posts
Found this on Pinterest! Thought I'd share it here.


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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
June 19th, 2013 8:06:01pm
1,042 Posts
These are actually really great tips!! I think i might try the apples with chicken broth for mine that would be a perfect way to help them with the texas heat (:



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~*s+ephanie*~ || polish arabians ||
June 20th, 2013 2:10:34am
29 Posts
love love love this! Will definitely have to try a few with my dogs. thanks sam!!!


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trig โ„๏ธ the best is yet to come
September 7th, 2013 8:50:33pm
3,615 Posts
I want to make the frozen chicken broth/apple treats!

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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July 8th, 2015 3:35:33am
16 Posts

This is really awkward and I hope there's nothing against bumping a dead thread, but I saw this on the front page not far from the top (well, there's only one page in this section anyway) and thought I'd say this:

About #2: make sure to read the ingredients on your peanut butter! Companies are starting to put Xylitol in the ingredients (actually I think it's more common in chunky peanut butter which is the type of peanut butter cited). It's a type of sweetener (often found in chewing gum), and it is EXTREMELY TOXIC TO DOGS AND CAN BE FATAL! You can read about it here. Instead, some other really good treats can be pieces of cut up chicken, hot dog, or various fruits such as apple slices (but avoid seeds!). Just do NOT feed: avocados, cherries, grapes, onions, walnuts, nuts, or raisins. If you're unsure, be sure to do some research!


Otherwise, since I'm already posting...

#5: bones like himalaya chews and bully sticks help to distract your dog when you can't play with them as well. Treat balls and puzzle toys work, too! If you can't afford that or don't want to, you can put some treats in an empty cereal box. If you don't mind the noise, you can also take two empty milk jugs and tie the handles together with rope. You can also make your own doggy popciclesย  by putting treats and water in an ice cube tray and freezing them.

#7: Again, treat balls and puzzle toys. My dog is already a slow eater, but if you put a toy in there, he would likely just pick it up and move it (since we have a puzzle toy like that). In that case, there are bowls specifically for slowing down a dog called slo-bowls.

#8: You can also make a fleece tug toy. You can read how to here. There are also soft toys you can buy that come with no stuffing.

#35: A good rule of thumb is if you can't stand on the ground barefoot for 5 seconds, then you shouldn't walk your dog on that surface. You can also invest in some booties or go to a park instead (where there is grass).

Can't say anything about some of the rest (especially for ones like making your own flea shampoo), but otherwise some good ideas.


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