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So I had an idea..

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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
August 29th, 2017 12:49:27am
2,687 Posts

So in light of the Hurricane that just hit Texas and Louisiana, I had an idea. I wanted feedback.


So many of us can't control weather, health and many various situations that arise. Causing many of us to miss out on HP and animals and accounts go neglected. Or we have to find trainers and sitters last minute. But with certain situations we can't be online and have to focus on other things in real life. Forcing us away and abruptly from our beloved hP.


so my idea was to have a team, of a few players who would help fellow HPers in their time of need. No cost or expense to the person needing the help. That way whatever they are enduring they can focus on it and leave things to the team. This would be more for like illnesses, death in a family, natural disasters. Things no one can control. 


Im also aware that many players make money off of account sitting and training. 


This is only an idea for those players who need the help and can't actually access or have the time to be online while dealing with evacuations, helping with a sick relative or are in the hospital themselves.


its a rough draft and I'm still trying to come up with things to where this won't interfere with things. But I have been there, sick in the hospital, dealing with an abusove bf and trying to leave him.. etc. and after watching how badly Houston got hit. I just want players to know they have a family to help them when they need it the most.


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
August 29th, 2017 12:51:50am
2,687 Posts

Or if you hire a trainer the team can always help with making shows and the more nitty gritty things..


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
August 29th, 2017 12:53:52am
2,126 Posts

I like this idea!

Paints since 6-8-14


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
August 29th, 2017 12:59:23am
2,687 Posts

I figure so many can't stay online to find people. Would be helpful to have like a directory for trainers and if you need assistance due to emergencies there can be a list. And many of us all have outside contacts to people too. So it would just be like an added network


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
August 29th, 2017 1:01:03am
2,126 Posts

True! I've needed help several times :)

Paints since 6-8-14


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
August 29th, 2017 1:02:34am
927 Posts

I do too! This is a great idea! Having recently gone through this, doing training is really the last thing on your mind when your loved on is sick or you're trying to things settled after a Hurricane or something.

Maybe you could make something similiar to a Mod Squad? Have a team between 5 - 10 players that list different roles and their hours? That way you could always have a trainer? Because I know many have wonky hours and that limits trainers to those people away from others who REALLY need a training service ASAP. Or that trainers are on when they're dealing with issues. So then an even split could help everyone! c:


Though not a disaster, you could also have one for colleagues perhaps?

ZzCnWpE.gif le3kqfv.gif

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kaleiya ☀️
August 29th, 2017 1:36:37am
234 Posts

This is a wonderful idea! I'd totally be down to help out.  

Horse Phenomena's Top Fox Breeder


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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
August 29th, 2017 2:39:38am
247 Posts

This is an awesome idea!  I know when hurricane matthew came through last october we were without power for a few days.  Obviously I still had my phone and was able to access the internet using data but we were stuck using our cars to charge our phones.  Luckily it didn't hit us hard at all but if it had we probably would've been out of power for well over a week.

It'll let people focus on real life problems instead of worrying about setting up private shows, training, breeding, etc.

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
August 29th, 2017 4:10:00am
2,469 Posts

This is completely awesome and why I love hp ❤️

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tana ;; gone
August 29th, 2017 8:15:27am
13,574 Posts

I'm down!



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
August 29th, 2017 7:49:33pm
3,988 Posts

Count me in! Such an awesome idea! 

I can donate my time/training as well as shows for those in need! 



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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
August 29th, 2017 8:53:28pm
915 Posts

I do offer training services to make an income, but in this case I would be completely open to free services for players going through such times!! xx


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Alma ; ✨🌙 hiatus
August 29th, 2017 10:11:13pm
94 Posts

This is a wonderful idea! I would love to help.


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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
August 30th, 2017 5:20:58am
2,687 Posts

ok so ill set up a page soon :)


i will create a directory of trainers, their time zones. 

and will create a list of individuals who will be able to assist in case of emergencies :)


im gonna hunt down a layout maker XD


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
August 30th, 2017 12:15:46pm
3,988 Posts


I can make simple ones! Translation : I can edit the background pattern and graphic of the free ones Aoi Haru has on HP Helper! 
If you want a temporary one until someone else can make a fancy one 



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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
August 31st, 2017 2:51:59am
1,975 Posts

I would be more than willing to offer my help free of charge. :) 



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Khaleesi // I’m Starving Darling
September 1st, 2017 1:23:23pm
321 Posts

I love this! I would be down to help as an emergency trainer as well!


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Minette 🌙 can we, can we surrender
September 6th, 2017 8:34:13pm
247 Posts

I might potentially need training done next week depending on the strength, where, and when Hurricane Irma hits

Macy May Keel bugs Gray page pon


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
September 7th, 2017 2:43:51pm
4,333 Posts

Way late to the party, but I think this is a great idea! :).


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