Official Horse Phenomena > Official Announcements > Post Reply
New Clubs!
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 4th, 2013 4:15:16pm 4,333 Posts |
Hey guys! So, as you can see, our new clubs have been put up! :). We thought it would be a good idea for us to post a news post to go through all of the changes with you (since there are a lot of them). It is our hope with the new clubs that they will become active and give everyone on HP a little something extra to participate in! Remember though, the clubs won't magically become active, people have to participate! So, club presidents make sure you make your shows, make contests, and handle your registry! And players, make sure to register those horses and enter those contests! To kick everything off, HP has donated 5 mill to each of the clubs for contests and such this month! Options for Players 1. We took out the "popular vote" option. Once again, only regular votes, by upgraded members, count towards the total. 2. Your animals can still be registered with the clubs (horses with horse clubs, and dogs with dog clubs) and if they are accepted it will give them 1,000 points! If it's your breed specialty you will get 2,000 points! It will, though, cost you $1,000 HPD to apply which is non-refundable and will go to the club's bank account! 3. Clubs can still make shows, but only for their respective species. It will award double points of regular shows (so 4,000 points for first place, 3,880 for second place, and on down to zero points after 50th place). Only registered animals should be able to enter the shows, and shows will reset each Sunday now like regular shows do. All money from the shows will go to the club presidents! 4. In order to submit your animals for registry, you must become a member of the club (which will cost $10,000 HPD if you're an upgrade, and will be free if you're a basic [so as not to hurt basics by charging for this], going to the club's bank account) and then you will automatically be a member of the club! Club presidents cannot accept or reject members! 5. Players can also now report clubs to the mod panel (like you can with player and horse/dog pages) for inappropriate content, issue with president (as in president is breaking rules, or not being active - NOT because you don't like them), or other. Options for Presidents 1. Presidents still have the same options they had previously (editing the club layout, accepting/rejecting registry, making shows, etc.). You can still also post with the club alias in chat (which is bolded). 2. With your registry acceptance/pending animal list you will now see these stats about the animals: the pending animalâs name/ID (with a link to the animal), the animalâs current age, owner ID, current points, and then an option to accept or reject it from the registry. And you can send a message with acceptance and rejections to the owner. They are also now more convenient to accept/reject with a check box type system. 3. Players should be able to donate money to the clubâs bank account to be used for contests and such as before. Presidents should also be able to handle the clubâs money as they choose to do (keeping in mind that it's still against the rules to send donation money directly to yourself without cause). Presidents should no longer get a bank raise for being president of a club, but at the end of the month 25% of the clubâs money should be awarded automatically to the presidentâs bank account, and 25% should be removed from the game as a money sink, with the remaining 50% staying with the club for the next president to use if needed. Please report any bugs you find to account 1 or post on the bugs board as soon as possible so we can get it fixed! These are the bugs we already know about and have been reported to the programmer: Have fun! -Sam |
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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing- June 4th, 2013 4:58:04pm 815 Posts |
I like the 25% to owner, 25% to game, and 50% left! If I already have animals in the club, do they get the extra 1,000 points? |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 4th, 2013 5:23:45pm 4,333 Posts |
Yay! :). I'm glad you like it!Unfortunately, I don't believe so :(. That would be kind of hard to do. |
Fantasy German Shepherds (Main) I felt so much, that I started to feel nothing.” — Unknown June 4th, 2013 10:51:06pm 276 Posts |
I like the new changes. Just wondering thou. For the dog clubs-most of the presidents follow the AKC guidelines when registry dogs. because of this most dogs can only be registered in only a couple clubs. but most dogs can do more than just their "AKC Kennel Club Guidelines" (GSD for example: are working dogs but are registered as a Herding Dog according to the Kennel Club.) |
BANNED June 4th, 2013 11:34:19pm 116 Posts |
I also love the new changed for the clubs! As a former president of multiple clubs, I have ran many terms trying so hard to get people to register their animals, participate in contests, etc!Now the club registry actually means more than just a link on your animal's page. We get a reward from registering and I absolutely love that! I also think it's really great that we are going to be eliminating a lot of flooding in the club shows as well!Great work, Sam! :] Nautical Nonsense ❤ |
Midnight Velvet Friesians June 6th, 2013 12:08:28am 123 Posts |
Personally I never saw any club shows as flooded as some of the public shows are. I kind don't like not being able to enter as many club shows. It makes it that much harder to get good points on the horses when you are a basic player and can't afford private shows or tickets etc. |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners June 6th, 2013 3:23:10am 1,308 Posts |
You don't need private shows or tickets to hit 1 million points, though, and that's the generally accepted standard!Private shows and tickets are more for projects, so unless you've saved up money there's no need to mess around with those. :) |
Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] June 6th, 2013 4:00:44am 2,907 Posts |
Fantasy, I dont understand your post. Were you asking a question.. or?.. Registry is completely up to the president at that time. We cant enforce who they choose to accept/reject. |
amberellie | AQHs June 6th, 2013 6:14:38pm 38 Posts |
I don't like the fact we can't enter all the club shows :( I looked forward to those each week. But I like everything else! |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners June 6th, 2013 7:34:02pm 1,308 Posts |
The only reason I do like it (only registered animals being able to enter) is again, it gives clubs more of a "point" to them. :) |
Midnight Velvet Friesians June 7th, 2013 12:11:09am 123 Posts |
Well I have a suggestion. Maybe clubs should be allowed to make 2 shows a week. One for registered horses. Where the registered horses earn say triple the amount of points. And one for anyone to enter with the double points. I kind of don't like not being able to see what shows we placed what in. Getting a first is great but you have no idea what show it was and who was the competition. I liked that about HL. But on the other hand if you wanted your places to be recorded for longer than 30 days you had to make a chart on your page and do it yourself. But I still think it would be cool to have a little ribbon or badge or trophy thing when our horses place in club shows. And to know which show they placed in. |
BANNED June 7th, 2013 1:34:57am 168 Posts |
I agree with midnight. The ribbons, and being able to see results is really the only thing I miss about old HL. That, and the ability to hide your money. :) |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners June 7th, 2013 3:34:16am 1,308 Posts |
I think that would be hard to program in, Midnight.And it used to be recorded, but the information overload was too much for the site. :/ |
Midnight Velvet Friesians June 7th, 2013 7:26:41pm 123 Posts |
oh:( Well its a thought anyway. |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 8th, 2013 5:03:39pm 4,333 Posts |
Midnight - Also, all shows are randomly judged (and were on HL as well), so being able to see which shows your animal placed in and against who doesn't serve much of a practical purpose on HP.I do see the concerns about not being able to enter un-registered animals into club shows, but the reason we made it that way was so that people had a reason to want to get their animals registered with the clubs! |
a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching- June 8th, 2013 10:24:25pm 1,856 Posts |
I dont like the fact you have to pay 1k to get 1k extra...and that you have to pay to join the club....makes me not wanna register....which is ok cuz i dont use anything from there anyways... |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! June 8th, 2013 10:46:24pm 4,333 Posts |
The reason we added that in is for two reasons, Azalie:1. It gives the clubs more money to run contests with. Part of the reason the clubs were inactive is because they didn't have good enough contests, and part of that reason is because the club presidents had to use their own money as prizes. So this gives the clubs some money to play with.2. It'll take money out of the economy when at the end of the month the club money is moved to the appropriate places.One of the things about adding new stuff into the game is that we have to think of all of the aspects and consequences of what we add in, and if everything is free then inflation goes up and up and up as money is added into the game each week from the banks and doesn't move unless it's going out with money sinks. Kind of like real life. If we all got paid regularly, and everything was free for us, then we'd all have stacks and stacks of money, but it would essentially be worthless. Also we have to think about the reasons the clubs weren't previously active, and how we can fix that. |
`starcrossed 💫🔮 June 26th, 2013 2:01:29am 249 Posts |
I don't like that we have to be a member of the club to vote for someone. |
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