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Animal Awards are HERE!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 1st, 2017 8:51:36pm
4,333 Posts


Hey HP!


Our new animal awards system is finished and it's displaying on animals near you ;).


I'm super excited about this feature and I think that you will be too! This will be a sort-of long news post, so I can explain everything and how it all works.


As you know, we have a player achievement system which gives you achievements and HPP for things like hitting 10 million points with an animal, reaching player point milestones, running in clubs, saving certain amounts of HPD, etc. but it only rewards you once for milestones with your animals. And, if you have several 10 millers, you've put in a lot of time and effort into those - you should be rewarded for each one!


So, please allow me to introduce Animal Awards! You can see them under your stats, and above club registrations on horse/dog pages! And, even better, for each award an animal earns, they will receive points! The more they achieve, the more points they will earn!


List of Current Awards:

  • Points - 500k points, 1 mill points, 2 mill points, 3 mill points, 4 mill points, 5 mill points, 10 mill points, 15 mill points, 20 mill points, 25 mill points

    • Animals receive 1000 points for each point milestone they hit. So once you hit 500k points you will get 1000 points, when you hit 1 mill points you will get 2000 points; when you hit 5 mill points you will get 6000 points, etc..

  • Born With Points - 50k points, 100k points, 200k points, 500k, 1 mill, 1.5 mill, 2 mill

    • Animals receive 1500 points for each successive born points milestone. So, if your animal is born with 200k points, you will get 7500 points. Please note that you will only get the born points award that is closest to your animal. So if an animal born with 1,600,005 points, you will only get the Born with 1.5 mill Points award.

  • Win First Place - 500 times, 1000 times, 2000 times

    • Animals receive 1000 points for 500 firsts, 1500 points for 1000 firsts, and 2000 points for 2000 firsts.

  • On young rankings - on rankings [top 25], 3rd place, 2nd place, 1st place

    • 1000 points for reaching the ranking, plus 1000 more points each if you reach 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place!

  • On adult rankings - on rankings [top 25], 3rd place, 2nd place, 1st place

    • 1000 points for reaching the ranking, plus 1000 more points each if you reach 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place!

  • On senior rankings - on rankings [top 25], 3rd place, 2nd place, 1st place

    • 1000 points for reaching the ranking, plus 1000 more points each if you reach 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place!

  • On all time rankings - on rankings [top 25], 3rd place, 2nd place, 1st place

    • 5000 points for reaching the ranking, plus 5000 more points each if you reach 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place!

  • Generational - Generations 1-20

    • Generation 1 recieves 0 points, and every generation after that will get 2500 points. So if an animal is Generation 2, they will get 2500 points. If an animal is Generation 20, they will get 47500 points. Please note that STORE ANIMALS are Generation 1. Generational awards are calculated by the longest line; therefore, if the mom is Gen 2 and the dad is Gen 8, the offspring will be Gen 9. Similarly to born points, you will only get the award that applies to you. Every animal on the game should have a generational badge.

  • Mascot Contest - Grand Champion (Horse Tickets/HT, Dog Tickets/DT, Horse No Tickets/HNT, Dog No Tickets/DNT), Runner-Up (Horse Tickets/HT, Dog Tickets/DT, Horse No Tickets/HNT, Dog No Tickets/DNT), and Mascot Finalist (everyone who finishes the contest)


    Things to Note:

  • All animals who have earned them should have awards for points and generations.

  • Animals who were born after we begun recording born points and first place wins separately should have the appropriate awards. Those born before then will not.

  • Animals who are CURRENTLY on the rankings will have ranking awards, but since we don't record past rankings, if you have an animal who has dropped off of them, it won't have those. This also applies to rankings younger than your animal. If you're on the adult rankings now, but used to be on the young rankings, you will only get the adult rankings awards.

  • THIS YEAR'S mascots have the appropriate awards, but past years do not yet (they will, but I was too excited about announcing this to finish them all right away).

  • This does not in any way affect the player achievement system! You will continue to get those as normal.

  • If you have the award, you have already received the points for it, but you may have gotten them a few weeks ago during testing and not today!


    Also, I am aware that some people are beyond Gen 20! We will add more awards in at a later date! These are just our starting points :).


    As with any new feature, please let me know as soon as possible if you notice any bugs so that we can get them fixed!


    And of course, let me know if you have any questions and ENJOY! :).


    Happy Thursday!




    P.S. I'm still working on moving us over to the summer layout. I decided I was tired of the color scheme, so I'm working on picking out a new palette. It will be up soon :).


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    Player Avatar
    Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
    June 2nd, 2017 12:48:09pm
    2,469 Posts


    mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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    Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
    June 2nd, 2017 12:50:53pm
    2,469 Posts

    also is on the adult rankings but no award

    mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    June 2nd, 2017 2:57:49pm
    4,333 Posts

    Yay! I'm so glad everyone likes it!

    I let the programmer know about the rankings awards issues! I will note, though, if you have an animal who reaches the rankings, they will not get the achievement right away, but will get it the following night when the crons run! Although, there ARE some who should have it now and do not, but just as a note with that to watch for in the future after we get the kinks worked out :).

    So, say, if your horse reached the rankings after shows ran last night, they should get the award on their page tonight!


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    Absinthe .:.Main.:.
    June 5th, 2017 8:29:05pm
    552 Posts

    I leave for my birthday and come back to THIS GREATNESS?! Happy birthday to meeeeeeee! This is awesome!


    Breeding Quality Horses & Dogs Since March 2011

    You can find me on accounts #1313, #19779, #19736, #20416, #20408, #20309, #15766, #19133, #20415, #22043, #44154, & #23006


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    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    June 6th, 2017 2:58:17am
    4,333 Posts

    Yay! I'm glad you like it :). And also, happy late birthday! :P.


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    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    June 14th, 2017 12:58:04pm
    4,333 Posts

    Bugs in the system (for generations and rankings) have been fixed! Please let me know ASAP if you run into any other issues :).


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    S.pace Bound -gone for now-
    July 6th, 2017 8:38:12pm
    198 Posts

    So exciting!!!! this game still amazes me


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