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How Many Though...?
Minerva ¤ Umbrella Corp Dobermans January 15th, 2017 11:18:53pm 31 Posts |
Hey all! So I just got back from a loooong hiatus and prior to it never really got into the game. So let's have a talk!
I'm curious as to store foundation amounts. How many to start with to create a solid, good line? I currently have 5 male, 5 female...but feel it may not be enough since that's not very many lol. Any help, suggestions or points in the right direction are greatly appreciated! Even if someone can take me under their wing for like a week while I figure things out and can answer the (probably) crapload of questions or ideas I have. Oh, would yous suggest as well upgrading immediately?Or to wait until I have the hang of things...? Also, yes I have read the general help etc links provided! :) thanks! |
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♥⊱Iceberg⊰♥ January 16th, 2017 12:21:32am 75 Posts |
I am not sure how many you should start out with. Someone else may have a better idea. I would upgrade immediatly because then you can add some funding by selling your tickets and shows. If you have questions you can message me if you want. I just came back from a hiatus myself. Chat is always a good place to go to if you have questions. Or here in the forums because mods will be around. I'll try to help as much as I can and if I don't know the answer, I'll ask someone who does know. |
Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching January 16th, 2017 5:16:10am 2,469 Posts |
you can always get a 1 month upgrade to see if you like it. its really up you on foundation stuff. how much you want to train and what not. 4 is always a good start so you can hope for perfect pairs or just add in more stores its really up to you. I have super huge lines (on gen 17) and then short ones that started big and i was able to get good pairs. then some I just add stores in and go from there. but really it takes like 5 mins to train when your upgraded.
Minerva ¤ Umbrella Corp Dobermans January 16th, 2017 5:59:00am 31 Posts |
@Iceberg - welcome back too then! I probably will get a hold of you sometime later! I'm going to guess the game has not changed at all since your break?
@Maharet - lol you have a good point there. It's for an entire month so it's not at all bad, I think I may and go from there to see how I like the perks (though I doubt they'll be stuff I I'm just used to having 60 head on the other game I play and didn't know how things were over here. I did notice though shows are totally I don't feel like I /need/ a crap ton of store bought ones in hopes just enough make it to a decent level and don't scrape bottom. I want a lot of pairs but at the same time training isn't the best without being upgraded so there's yet another reason to do it. Do you know if there's any guides on breeding a good line? I wanna put my everything into it all but don't wanna get my other accounts going until I have the hang of this loletter.
Thank yous so much so far! :) |
tana ;; gone January 16th, 2017 1:35:34pm 13,574 Posts |
If you ever feel like you wanna have A LOT of animals (see my page lol), definitely get an upgrade because training without enter-all is the biggest pain. I dunno how I trained without it when I only had a few horses, but now I depend on it. However, even if you don't own a whole bunch, there are other perks, such as having your own stable and kennel, more money from the bank, private shows, tickets... Pretty much everyone upgrades their account(s) because it's really worth it. As for foundation lines, I second what maha and iceberg said. It's up to you. I personally like starting with 4 pairs and I'll either continuously add store mates or I might start a new line and mix the foals. I started like 8 lines at the same time with 8 horses each and eventually I want to merge them into one beautiful pedigree lol |
LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade January 16th, 2017 10:28:13pm 915 Posts |
^^ What everyone else said lol... usually 4 pairs for each line is what I like to do, but sometimes I'll just do one pair, or 16 pairs if I want to end up with full pedigrees.
& Welcome back! |
Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching January 16th, 2017 10:58:22pm 2,469 Posts |
again depends on you and what ive previously said. and really if you get tired of one live with 12 in the line break it up into more dividers. Ive found if i keep it 8-10 per divider training seems to go by faster for me. but thats just me personally. i like short term instant gratification
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! January 16th, 2017 11:07:48pm 4,333 Posts |
Welcome (back) to HP! :). It looks like everyone above me has your questions pretty thoroughly answered, so I won't repeat them here, haha! |
Minerva ¤ Umbrella Corp Dobermans January 18th, 2017 9:39:02pm 31 Posts |
Thank yous for the welcome back! I'm excited and happy to be here, again, for like the third time! :) Lol Everyone's input has definitely been helpful. I'll do a handful of lines to combine them altogether in the future, once training is finished and they keep up with the general 72k points ideally per year that I keep seeing (for dogs.) I also will definitely be upgrading for a month and seeing how well I stick with it this time. I definitely will be trying your way, Maharat, I looove instant gratification as well...I think that's why I enjoy SIM games so much lol. Thank you all! Glad there's such a helpful community here. :) |
MJ2Blessed January 24th, 2017 3:17:55pm 81 Posts |
I would upgrade straight away. That's what I did.
And until you've got the hang of things, perhaps stick to your breed speciatly so you don't become overwhelmed with training by hand each individual show. And just use the enter all.
I heard when I came to the game that 8-10 animals is a decent amount. Of course, you're going to want more eventually. But 5 pairs is a good start!!! |
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