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Moving Animals

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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
April 30th, 2013 4:37:30pm
1,044 Posts
I'm not sure how well this would work but it seems like a cool idea. What if we could send animals like we do money? Where we select the horse/dog and type what account to send it to and then our secret password. I move animals around and buy a lot via my main and it can be a pain to have to jump back and forth between accounts trying to get them moved to the rigt account.



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† M.arixel †
June 6th, 2013 12:15:04am
440 Posts
Why not just set up a Trading Center for horses? O_O With checkboxes by their names or a select all/unselect all option.Each party has to hit accept for them to be sent anywhere.


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• BlackFire •
June 13th, 2013 11:12:25am
307 Posts
I just don't think it's really needed but that is just my opinion. I mean how often do you send your pixels to another account? I only do it when they retire so the feature would only help me out once every few months. I think sim stables has this feature and they had issues with people sending shabby animals they didn't want to other peoples accounts. So that would be another negative to it. I would hate to get online and find a bunch of animals I didn't want sitting on my main because someone thought it would be fun to send them to me ...EDIT: If the feature required the receiver accepting the horses than you are still logging into another account to accept the requests...


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June 26th, 2013 9:54:45am
14 Posts
Or have it to where whoever is sending the animal gets a 12 hour window where they can revoke the said 'transfer' if it was wrong. Or however short/long, 12's just a random number lol.


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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
June 30th, 2013 11:25:16pm
1,856 Posts
what if you made it to where you can add a like a retirement account button(where you type in the desired account number) kinda like on how you do breed speciality and it lasts for a week or somethin...then add the move horse/dog button..if that makes any sense?! it does in my head!



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June 30th, 2013 11:52:59pm
961 Posts
^ That would be awesome!


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 1st, 2013 2:22:50am
4,333 Posts
I think a training lease type feature might be better? Like you set an account number and an amount of time and your animal gets sent to that account and then gets sent back to you after the amount of time is up.I just worry about a permanent sending feature because people might send things to the wrong account or something, I dunno. People never read conformation pages and then when they want me to fix it it's SO HARD to say no because I want to help, but if the disclaimers says "at your own risk" then I have to follow that out of fairness, haha. And then people will be mad and -hides-.


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July 1st, 2013 4:08:54pm
85 Posts
I think this is a great idea


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
July 1st, 2013 6:22:00pm
1,308 Posts
(as far as a training lease thing goes, I'd love a way for people to be able to train for others without animals leaving their account at all, but I guess that's another topic for another day... :P )


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awd ○ Mustangs [main!]
July 20th, 2013 5:32:59pm
698 Posts
I agree with this idea. It is at their own risk. I know it sucks having to say no, but they should be able to read. :/I do like the leasing option. But I really like the idea of setting a "retirement account" possibly on your "edit profile" page? If you have that set, and you click "retire animal" it could be automatically sent to that account instead of being deleted?



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July 26th, 2013 4:44:44pm
7 Posts
I was going to suggest the leasing option.. I know on one game I played, you could create the lease deed and end it whenever you wanted. The other party still had to accept it, but it was a nice feature for moving between account and keeping the horse for sure yours. I just read through this because I wanted to suggest the leasing option, so maybe it's something to consider.


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bunny• • • {offline}
July 27th, 2013 1:07:19am
24 Posts
ok here is my idea:

when sending an animal or multiple animals, you enter the account number where you want to send it and then answer your security question.
when receiving the animal or multiple animals, you answer the same security question.
if you do accidentally send the animal to the wrong account, you can go to a page where you have your pending animals or something and cancel sending the animal(s) to that person.

so basically have the animals in a limbo state where they're pending being sent to another account.
i'm really interested in this feature because recently i had to move 38 horses to my spare.

edit: also i saw someone say how it would be useless if you have to log into your account to accept the animal... but i mean you're eventually going to go on your spare anyway, right? so then it wouldn't be useless. it'd just be added security and no one will make you use the feature if you don't want to.


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
July 27th, 2013 2:26:24am
1,308 Posts
See, if you have to do that for every animal, though, I think it'd just be faster to just put them up for bid.


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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
July 27th, 2013 4:34:00am
2,907 Posts
Using bunny's idea.What if there was a separate page for transfering animals. With a check box, check the ones you want to transfer. Then at the bottom of the page write in the id of that account you want them to go to. Then like bunny said they sit in "limbo". On other account there is a message stating that someone is transfering animals, and you have to go and accept.That way if yes you click confirm transfer and its someone different you can delete pending transfer type deal.. Most often youll realize it right away when the page states "sent to adranth 984" and your like crap, that was supposed to go to "blitz 2049". Go to pending, and delete, and try again?If that makes sense lol


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bunny• • • {offline}
July 27th, 2013 6:28:53am
24 Posts
@adranth: i meant like you can do it with multiple animals though. like binski just said where you can check the animals you want to transfer.


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Kyliga |:| Whimsical Wolves
August 6th, 2013 8:21:27pm
77 Posts
I like the whole idea personally, I mean I do not really see any more risks than it is for the whole money transfer thing. Any accidents would be our fault especially considering there is a confirmation page.

"There is a wide, yawning black infinity. In every direction, the extension is endless; the sensation of depth is overwhelming. And the darkness is immortal. Where light exists, it is pure, blazing, fierce; but light exists almost nowhere, and the blackness itself is also pure and blazing and fierce."
-Carl Sagan


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• BlackFire •
August 26th, 2013 1:18:04am
307 Posts
I agree with adranth. It literally takes only a few seconds per animal to place them up for bid and then bid on them on a separate account. With this idea you would still be logging into the other account so I personally don't see the point in this ...


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
September 27th, 2013 12:34:36am
1,200 Posts
I'd really love this. And ive been thinking of it for a while, then i found this post! I'd be willing to take the risks involved to be able to send over horses to another account.

I was thinking. Maybe we can have it this way;

You want to put the horses on another account. You click a box and enter a player ID. Then you save. You will get a popup; ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO TRANSFER THIS HORSE?
You will get a message ony our horse "This horse is up for transfer"
The other account gets a message, with a link to the horse to 'Accept the transfer' (much like accept tickets)

This way, no one will get unwanted horses, and you can always have the chance to keep the horse or change the transfer ID quickly if neccesary!

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