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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
December 15th, 2016 4:18:09pm
4,333 Posts

Does anyone else get them?

I've had headache and migraines since I was in 2nd grade, and it's pretty debilitating. My "normal" head pain is usually more of a headache than a migraine, but I do get a couple of migraines per year, and have had FOUR in the last couple months (two this week alone). And it sucks because then I have to cancel plans, or can't meet my obligations, or spend an entire day in bed with an icepack on my face and then have double the stuff to do the next day which means more stress which means a higher liklihood of another one.

I've been going to a chiropractor regularly since spring and that has helped A LOT. But I'm still having issues. Sometimes OTC painkillers work (I had a prescription one, but it worked at about the same rate as OTC stuff, so I stopped bothering with it when my prescription ran out), and sometimes they make it worse. Sometimes ice helps, sometimes heat. It's frustrating. I think dehydration may be playing a role, too, so I'm trying to take in about twice as many liquids as I usually do.

So for those of you who have them, have you found anything that helps? Either helps prevent them or get rid of them once they start.


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amberellie - idk what day it is
December 17th, 2016 1:55:00am
747 Posts

Ugh Migraines!  I started getting them around 2nd grade too, mine come with auras and numbing going up and down my body before the actual migraine hits.  Intensity is different for each one, my prescriptions work on some but not all which is frustrating!  Excendrin didn't work on me since some of my migraines are caused by caffiene!  Black out shades help a lot, I keep them in my room all year round, they are my best friend! and I force myself to go to sleep when it does hit.   Icepacks don't really work for me.. Change in the weather seems to be the cause to my migrianes these days!


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Sassafras Tango
December 17th, 2016 4:31:47am
1,233 Posts

 I do not have migraines, but I'm so sorry you do! I know they're so awful. Last I heard, I don't think science has figured out why they occur or how to make them stop :( Although that is info from a while ago, so hopefully they have made progress.

Here's some stuff from the Mayo Clinic:

Also I heard that a dark, quiet place is good. I'm sorry I'm no help. I really do hope you guys find something that helps!



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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
December 19th, 2016 12:02:30pm
465 Posts

My SIL also gets debilitating migraines but she too doesn't have a solution for when they come on. As an alternative to chiropractic care, have you considered Alexander Technique? It's chiropractic (ish) in that the practioner will put their hands on you, but the goal is to teach the student body and carriage awareness. Some people have had success eliminating chronic pain with this work because it encourages better use of the body. (In a simple way, the outcome tends to look like better posture, but there's more to it.)

might be nothing to it, but if it's interesting to you perhaps there's an AT teacher around you! 


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
December 19th, 2016 6:49:03pm
2,469 Posts

Water water water!

cut sugar! 

More water!

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