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Club Mascot Achievements

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ROUX {hanos}
June 16th, 2016 6:08:43pm
86 Posts

Ignore this if it's been said before, but I haven't seen it mentioned yet. :)
It would be kind of cool if players could receive achievements for an animal of theirs becoming a club mascot. Perhaps it would spark more interest in clubs, too, as well as having and training different breeds/types of horses in dogs in order to obtain the achievements.



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
June 17th, 2016 11:53:28pm
4,333 Posts

You mean have a president-awarded achievement? We've talked about this before, and it would be really cool :).

Some things to think about would be:

1. How many achievements would be allowed? Would it be a new one every month? Because what if you won July and December?

2. Would the club president be able to choose what to give the achievement for? If so, would it be re-named every month, and then who would do the art?

3. What would stop this from being basically a way to "print money" since achievement points can be used for cash shop purchases.

Just some initial thoughts of mine! Would love input!


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June 19th, 2016 6:35:08am
15 Posts

Support This. I like the feeling of winning something other than just hpd.


my opionion in response to Sam

Have 2 achievements. One for Mare Mascot, the other for Stallion Mascot. Art would stay the same every month. Maybe have different art for each club and mare/stallion. If a horse wins multiple months, achievement points are granted, but not an additional trophy. To eliminate "printed money", program so that each club is only allowed to give out 2 achievements per month.


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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
June 19th, 2016 7:49:00am
915 Posts

I really like this idea! I haven't been too involved with clubs recently... have never run for a club, plan on it a ways down the line. I agree this is a great way to bring more involvement.

1. How many achievements would be allowed? I would actually say three per club. Not sure if they still do Foal Mascots, but then there would be Mare, Stallion, Foal

2. Would the club president be able to choose what to give the achievement for? If so, would it be re-named every month, and then who would do the art? I think they should just be named Foal Mascot of (Club Name), Mare Masoct of (Club Name) and Stallion Mascot of (Club Name) -and Young/Male/Female for dogs - and if they win more than once maybe the artwork could have a little number of the top right of the achievement art? As for who would make the art, maybe you could have a contest? The easiest way (I think) would for each category (Foal/Mare/Stallion) (Young/Male/Female) to have it's own artwork and just chance the coloring for each different club. Or if you wanted each club different that would be cool, just would add on a lot of time / money if you have to buy the artwork if the conest didn't catch on.

3. What would stop this from being basically a way to "print money" since achievement points can be used for cash shop purchases. - Similar to Club Pres awards maybe get a low number of achievement points for the first time of getting and award in each club, and then one for 5x 10x etc.. not sure about this one because it could get out of hand.. Maybe there could be a sticky thread in here for updates each month of which animals have won so the Admins/Mods can make sure it didn't get out of hand?

Just my late night can't sleep input hahaha



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Zadkiel »
June 20th, 2016 6:55:14am
1,333 Posts

I would actually really love to see this achievement appear on the horse’s page, more than it being a player achievement. I think this would remove the Horse Bucks Issue that a player achievement would create

Let me Answer your Questions:

1.       I think that there should be a new achievement every month. One for male and one for female. I think this would also mean that club presidents would need to run more than a monthly Mascot contest - as this would almost be a compulsory thing.

2.       If you placed it on the horse’s page you might also be able to remove the need to artwork. What if it was just text? Rare Horse Breed Stallion Mascot July 2016. If you did go art work. I think a Generic Artwork for each club with just a date changed on it. Again a contest for this sounds like fun but I could also raise my hand.

3.       This is why I think it should be an animal achievement not a player achievement. But I think that might cause some programing issues for you.


Personally I love the idea what we could have some recognition of official achievement for Mascot Entries!


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siib 🦈 [ Gone ]
June 20th, 2016 12:32:46pm
2,627 Posts

See, I'm not a huge fan of running mascot contests. I DO but honestly it's just difficult for me to pick a mascot and then not feel like I'm cheating someone out of a win, or someone enters their project animal and obviously they're going to have the highest points and a nice picture and usually extremely nice lines so it's just like. Mascot contests are a little unfair in my eyes. I participate here and there for sure but being able to win an achievement wouldn't make me participate more than I do.


I would support it being an animal achievement more than a player achievement for the reasons Zad stated but as Zad has said, I can see where it could lead to some programming issues.


Idk, I think it's a great idea, but the achievement sections for players could get out of control pretty quickly if they're winning 2/3 a month on a project horse for the life of that horse, and I think if mascot contests are run every single month by every single club they're going to get relatively old relatively quickly.


If we had breed clubs it might be less likely to get old but when your horse could enter a mascot contest from All Horses, English, Racehorse, Pony, Western and Colored Breeds all at the same time... I can just see where it would get boring and overdone.


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
August 24th, 2016 5:29:34am
3,615 Posts

I'm just going to bump this back up with another suugestion along these lines. To counter what siib said though, I don't believe club contests would be too redundant because not everyone wants to hold a mascot contest. Lately, I haven't see many held and I for one judge differently than just points. I've actually seen people pick a random winner. Not that someone's progect animal couldn't win easily sometimes but not always. I am in support of a limited number of player awarded animal achievements but I would like to see automated awards they could receive as well. Just tossing out some ideas of animal achievements:

-Making the rankings

-Best in breed

-Gen 5, 10, 15, 20, ect

-reaching point goals


While some of these are duplicates from the player achievements, I still like the idea of animals having something to show for it. I know art for this type of stuff was brought up before and even using a small generic icon with text next to it could be used until something different could be implemented. 

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
August 25th, 2016 2:45:44am
465 Posts

I love the idea of horse achievements, specifically some automated ones as trig suggested!


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
August 25th, 2016 3:18:41am
3,615 Posts

Aza kind of pointed out the lack of incentive to have above average pointed animals on another thread and just another idea for thought, what if certain achievements that an animal could gain would affect how it places in shows and/or how it's offspring place in shows? I'm not talking about huge curves or anything, just a tiny increase in chances of placing high to start with. Animals that win an achievement awarded by a club (say it's the 10,000 animal registered, an automated achievement) could increase that animals chances of placing by 0.5% in just club shows.

I personally would like to see benefits applied to offspring actually. Of course, this could potentially involve a huge overhaul on the showing system.

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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HP Helper
August 25th, 2016 6:55:02am
64 Posts

As for the whold club appointented acheviments im all for it, as a club press i use random number generater, i think if all prez's did this the acheivement would be fare, also limiting to one mare and one stallion from a player and not account will also encourage new players to take part as well and will appeal to the greater hp community. As for art im happy to design some of the art with a base image with editable club/month/gender denotion but i think it would also be a fun contest to hold on hp it will help get newer player to take part regardless of skill. i also think taking the cash points out the picture will reduce chances of people taking advantage of this. i relise it would be a lot of work and prob should not be attemted till the current acheviment bugs are fixed but this is an awesome idea i woud like to see in the future for hp!



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