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Training Contest!
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! March 28th, 2013 6:27:32pm 4,333 Posts |
Hey guys! It's (almost) time to liven things up with another contest! This will be a site-wide training contest, but with a twist! In order to even things out money- and point-wise we have decided to run TWO contests at the same time - one where you can only use public/club/association shows, and one where anything goes (tickets, shows, privates, etc.). You can enter either one or both of the contests. Two winners will be awarded for each contest: one horse and one dog. So there will be four winners total! Prizes to be announced, but it will most likely be a "pick your prize" type thing like we did with the ref. contest! I'll announce the prize list Saturday night with a reminder to buy your animals if you want to participate! We WILL accept late entries if you won't be around Sunday :). Starting Date is this Sunday! Once you buy your horse or dog, message me on account one with it's ID number :). The animal can be any breed or gender you want so that you can incorporate it into your current lines if you wish. And all entrants must be a new store horse or dog, bought after 12 AM (midnight) HP time on Sunday morning. You can enter as many times as you'd like! Contest 1 Goal: To train a horse or dog to the highest points possible in a four week period, with only public, club, or association shows! Contest 2 Goal: To train a horse or dog to the highest possible points using any means you wish (except buying points from the sale). This can include public shows, tickets, or private shows. |
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Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! March 31st, 2013 4:30:45pm 4,333 Posts |
The HP Training Contest starts today! Make sure you message me on account 1 with your animal's ID once you've bought it and which contest you're entering (more info in previous news post)!Both Contests end in one month (so April 30th) and the highest pointed horse and dog from each contest (so four winners total) will get their prizes!Contest 1: Train a horse or dog as high as you possibly can in the one month period using only public, club, and association shows!DO NOT USE: Tickets, Private Shows, Extra Shows From The StoreContest 2: Train an animal to the highest possible points in a one month period using any means necessary (except buying points from Sola's sale)!Prize ListWinners of contest number 1 can pick one item off of the list each, and winners of contest 2 can pick two items (not the same item twice though)!A one year de-age (on any animal), a two year de-age (on any animal not previously deaged), 100 mill HPD, a two month upgrade, a forced retirement breeding, the ability to bring back any retired pair for one more week of training and breeding, a gender change, or 30 sets of tickets worth of points added to any animal.Happy training! |
м e м o я i a. April 1st, 2013 1:54:36am 314 Posts |
I'm entering contest número uno! Who else entered?? |
Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] April 1st, 2013 3:44:22am 2,907 Posts |
im entering !! |
BANNED April 1st, 2013 1:22:07pm 16 Posts |
I entered contest 2 on side account Sherlock Breeding Quality Labrador Retrievers since 2013 |
M a e April 2nd, 2013 3:47:35pm 50 Posts |
I entered contest 1 :) |
🦆 Lakra 18 // fitte's Warlanders April 10th, 2013 10:49:35pm 14 Posts |
i not entering but i have 6 sets of doggy tixs that can be used for conest #2 |
whoah April 13th, 2013 10:15:55pm 39 Posts |
I entered contest 1; that gives an advantage to all other entrants cuz I know not what I am doing yet, really! LOL. I came here to this forum thinking there would be a list of other entries? I forgot where Samantha said the list would be... |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners April 14th, 2013 12:30:31am 1,308 Posts |
It's on the Official Horse Phenomena Association's page |
Bellicus - Tronic watching! April 28th, 2013 3:45:17am 115 Posts |
I honestly think the Official HP Association's "trademark" should be a monthly site wide training contests! I LOVE IT! I am having a ton of fun with it! Please keep it going! |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! April 28th, 2013 4:00:54am 4,333 Posts |
:). Yay! |
Midnight Velvet Friesians April 29th, 2013 10:24:02pm 123 Posts |
It is fun. Just trying to figure out how you can get your horse to 500K in a month on just public shows? |
Bellicus - Tronic watching! April 30th, 2013 7:05:45am 115 Posts |
Midnight, a good strategy is to try to get your horse into as many associations as quick as possible (the associations Famous Shamous run are great because she accepts all who are being trained and makes her shows weekly, so relatively easy requirements) and seek out as many associations and clubs as you possibly can that aren't flooded... I would say around 400k give or take is MAX!! Anything higher than than makes me suspicious too that a few private shows weren't involved... This isn't to say it can't be done, it depends on how flooded the shows are... if you have a bunch of publics you make just before 12am HP time that run in 2 days, these shows probably won't have a ton of people in them. |
Midnight Velvet Friesians April 30th, 2013 10:47:10pm 123 Posts |
Well I do use a lot of association shows. But I can only get into so many. I don't want to point any fingers, but Famous Shamus is the one who has those 500k + horses and I was just trying to figure out how she managed that with out privates and tickets. Thats all:) Oh well I had fun with it regardless. I did not expect to even come close to winning lol. |
Bellicus - Tronic watching! May 1st, 2013 6:34:05pm 115 Posts |
Probably because FS owns a ton of associations herself, so she never misses her own shows, and when you really hand train and seek out the least flooded shows DAILY it does add up quite fast. Still understandably suspicious though... 500k is really really up there. |
Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! May 1st, 2013 7:25:11pm 4,333 Posts |
All of the entries were checked on a regular basis for privates and tickets. So there's a very small chance that anyone cheated and wasn't caught. If you can get into a ton of association shows, pick the least flooded shows right before they run, and then also do double pointed club shows you'd come pretty close, especially since you get more entrance points and points for winning with your breed specialty for upgrades. |
misa・brandenburgers May 1st, 2013 7:51:45pm 198 Posts |
Agreeing with Sam - I have had horses get up to 50k in one night in only club/public shows. I keep track of my horses' daily gains on an Excel spreadsheet, so I know this for a fact.. Granted, it doesn't happen every night, but still. If you are a conscientious trainer and look at shows nightly, your horses can easily gain 120k-150k/week with no privates. Luck is also an element, of course.I SINCERELY doubt FS participated in any form of cheating, she is one of the most legit people I know on here. |
Midnight Velvet Friesians May 1st, 2013 10:25:46pm 123 Posts |
I am not saying anyone cheated. I was just wondering how it could happen. I did set my breed specialty and I did go for the unflooded shows etc. It must be luck. Though on a different note. How can you register your horse with an association that does not accept those breeds? I have seen a lot of horses that are registered with an association the states on their registry that they only accept this breed etc. That baffles me. Like the Akhal-Teke association accepting Morgans or crossbreeds. Seems strange to me. What is the point of accepting every breed in the game to a breed specific association. |
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