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Opinions on Breedings?

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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
March 28th, 2013 5:36:53am
12,807 Posts
I'm curious what all of you think.

(1) With the new way of crossbreed creating/mixing breeds, do we view these foals as impure? (or pups)
(2) How many foals is too many if selling to external breeders?
(3) Does a poorly trained foal reflect on the stallion or just the foals owner?

The reason I'm asking these questions, is of course, Stubb. He is already 10 million points, and I estimate even without more 'outside' tickets he will likely hit 15 million points. As such, he is pretty awesometastic, and I'd like to breed him multiple times to spread the awesomeness. Obviously, if Morgans were a more OMG POPULAR breed, I'd simply sell his morgan babies, but alas, there are few Morgan breeders out there. There are, however, Morab and Crossbreed breeders who may be interested, or if none are, I'd want to start some crosses up from his awesome self.

So. Discuss :) Please?



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shaenne •
March 28th, 2013 1:48:25pm
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1 - In my head, as long as it doesn't come up as "crossbreed" or "breed X breed", it's pure. That's just me personally.2 - I feel that 3 or 4 foals would be a good number, but ultimately it's up to you3 - A lot of people aren't fussed about what happens with the babies points, but I don't like poorly trained babies. At all. If i'm selling to outside breeders, I make it a requirement that they either actively train the baby, or sell it back to me. I feel that if i've put in the effort to create an attractive line that they want offspring from, the least they can do is continue the goodness and train the baby they get from me.I personally find it a bit disrespectful when people acquire offspring from someone's nice lines and then put in no effort at all. I don't stalk the people I sell offspring to, but I go see how the baby is doing every now and then, and it's really disappointing when I find it nearing retirement with barely any more points than it started with and hasn't been trained in several weeks.


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Duckie | Poshies | Was Norah | Norah1 | Murd
March 28th, 2013 2:10:41pm
60 Posts
I second all of the above answers :)

I link all of the foals I sell to my page so I can keep up with them. Selling babies out of a project always makes me nervous, and that's just with my 6millers! Haha.

I think starting Morabs is a great idea! I'm currently taking my back up foals and am starting them with Irish draft pairs so I have Irish sport horse babies :) it's fun to play genetics God :p

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March 28th, 2013 3:13:09pm
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I agree for the first two, but for the third, I think that it only reflects on the owner of the individual animal, not on the parents/owner of the parents. For me, personally, anyway.


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March 28th, 2013 3:20:28pm
198 Posts
I agree with all of the above! As for an offspring limit - I think with a project like Stubb (who is kicking butt btw!), you're almost "allowed" to have more? To spread the awesomeness around. That's my feeling, anyway. ;D Though I would probably cap it at 5 babies total.. I also STRONGLY agree with Shaenne's comments regarding poorly trained offspring.. tbh, it's the reason I don't offer my backup foals to the public anymore. It really drives me crazy to see someone let a foal with excellent lines just sit around in their account and maaaybe hit 1mill points. I used to have the same requirement (train it or sell it back to me), but then Things Happened and.. :{ I know that it's beyond your control if you sell the animal, but it's still kind-of annoying to see a baby that could've been awesome fall way short of the rest of your lines. As for Neke's original question, though - like Adranth said, I don't think it necessarily reflects on the stallion/mare, but boyyyy is it irritating to go to an offspring page and see it!The whole external breeding/selling aspect is one of my least favorite things about HP, actually. I think I had a little more confidence with selling my foals on HL.. The situation somehow seemed more fluid on there, like people were willing to work with you and respect your requirements. That might just be me, though. ;; I know a few breeders on here have been able to sell/trade foals with each other with great success, so this is probably just my experience. (Sorry for the novel, LOL!)


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
March 28th, 2013 3:26:24pm
12,807 Posts
Spread the awesomeness, haha. :) It really bothers me to see them go untrained, the babies that is. I mean, I dont expect people to sink billions into making them pass their poppa, but itd be nice if they all at least hit 2 mill (I say this, because they will be born with 400k or more, haha.)thanks for the answers so far guys :)I think if I do offer public babies, Ill have to auction a baby or two. xD



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
March 28th, 2013 3:36:20pm
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I think this is an interesting topic since I was just thinking about the crossbreeding thing the other day and how it might be viewed.


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Duckie | Poshies | Was Norah | Norah1 | Murd
March 28th, 2013 3:38:09pm
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You should! it really gets the breed out there. When i started with my tb's, there were barely any active breeders. The highest pointed one was 2.5mil and over 50. But by selling one public foal each generation out of my Willum project lines, I make 200-300mil per baby and it sets other players up with projects as well as generates a lot of interest in the breed. If you look around now, there are quite a few TB's on the overall points list, and a ton on the under 3 list. So I would highly recommend it. My experience with my lines is that it has really brought the TB community together and people message me weeks in advance about the next generations foal for sale :)So if you want more morgan breeders! thats the way to do it in my opinion :p

If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
March 28th, 2013 3:56:18pm
12,807 Posts
I want more but they all seem to have abandoned me.Personally I want to start a crossbreed herd from his lines, just because I can.



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March 29th, 2013 12:23:38am
38 Posts
I'm actually really excited to get Uni and I's QH lines into my Azteca lines. I think it's going to be fabulous.Obviously I don't mind crossbreeds of any sort. =p And I think Stubb should have 600 bebez.

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shaenne •
March 29th, 2013 1:50:23am
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I should have added into my previous reply that no, poorly trained offspring don't reflect on the parents/parents owner. That IS what I was going for but I got kind of sidetracked and then went on a bit of a rant lmao.I don't mind crossbreeds at all. If that's what players want to do, go for it! I too am going to start up a few crossbreed type lines sometime in the future and just breed into them and see where it goes. It will be fun!It helps that people on HP are generally more open minded about crossbreeding than people ever were on HL. I remember when I was modding on there in 2008, there was constantly people fighting about how bad crossbreeds are and blah blah blah. It was awful. I'm REALLY happy that there's none (or very, very little) of that on HP.


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March 29th, 2013 2:52:19am
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Ahem, do you perchance mean dorkeenas shae? I sure hope so! :PI have no problem with crossbreeds.. I dunno why there was such a stigma around them... but whatever :P Go for the morabs! For the babies, I'd suggest putting out feelers and seeing how many people /actually/ want a baby.. and then base your breedings off of that?


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
March 29th, 2013 2:58:51pm
1,975 Posts
I'm still here supporting the Morgans nekers! And I would totally be interested in a foal outta him! (Though I don't have any spare mares) I think hp is kinda pushing for crossbreeding if you ask me? With adding in all the crosses and such now, so I don't think it would make the foals "crossbred" in a bad way, or impure. And what's that quote? "It's all in the eyes of the beholder!"



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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
March 30th, 2013 1:41:47am
12,807 Posts
Moorf; he has a mate who could produce the morgan bebes.This beholder says all stubb bebes will be awesomesauce.



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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
March 30th, 2013 1:46:21am
1,856 Posts
I wanna foal too neke!!! But i currently have no morgans...



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Denim .. straight spanish arabians [selling up]
March 30th, 2013 2:30:20am
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I don't really know anything about breeding yet! Only on my first gen of horses. The crossbreeding thing, well, because of HL at first i was a bit unsure about doing this, but I am currently breeding TBs and SSAs, I can see some Spanish Anglo arabs being born one day ;) once my lines are more established. Id like to train some awesome projects myself one day once Ive got my head around this game and get rich xD


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
March 30th, 2013 3:22:35am
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Oh no doubt Nek, any babies from hum will be incredible!



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M a e
April 2nd, 2013 2:46:29pm
50 Posts
I never understood the drama over Crossbreeds on HL. What makes them impure? Surely if their lines are decent they are just as pure as any other breed! I myself have pretty decent Crossbreeds and they are my favourite horses out of all the horse breeds i have.I'd totally be interested in a foal, but of course for my crossbreed lines. I would have awesome lines especially considering Egypt is already a part of my horses lineage.


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Farewell's Paint Horses {home and recovering. tying to catch up.}
April 2nd, 2013 3:06:47pm
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I look at the crossbreeds thing as this... In rl there is an equal amount of mutts and crossbreds as there are purebreds. So it kinda brings in a hint of realisim beacuse animals who are considered pure didnt just happen. They picked qualities that they wanted and started breeding to see what they got! As for number of foals look at egypt lol he has 20+ foals and lots of them are 1 mill or on the track to it. And it doesnt reflect bad on the breeder but the trainer. If i see someone poorly training an animal whose parents were amazingly trained then i feel sad for the owner of the parents cause all of their work went down the toilet. And lastly, i too would be interested in a stubb baby to start a new breed with.



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Midnight Velvet Friesians
April 11th, 2013 9:21:30pm
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If the crossbreeding makes an actual real life breed than go for it. I am doing just that. I think purposely breeding crossbreeds that are just that is odd. But thats just me. I would suggest that 4 foals max for a mare and lets say up to 10 for a stallion. A horse that is sold and not trained should not reflect on the breeder or the parents of the foal. It only reflects on the present owner. Lets start putting some of our foals up for sale. At least 2 out of 4 should be sold from a mare to help the economy in this game.


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