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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
April 5th, 2016 2:42:30am
2,970 Posts



I hate AMC   >:C



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shaenne •
April 5th, 2016 3:02:29am
1,386 Posts

I both love it and hate it. I hate that it's SUCH a freaking intense cliffhanger, but at the same time I really love that they have reeled me in to the point of altering my mood after the finale ending. A show hasn't been able to do that in a long time. Usually i'm just like "meh that's a crappy ending" and then forget about it until it's new season premiere time. But this was INSANE and I LOVE IT. I really miss actually giving a crap about a show LOL. This whole season has been amazing and i'm really impressed.

For me it was getting to the point where i'd watch it just so I didn't miss anything and so the story continued to make sense to me. It's been a while since i've actually looked forward to it every week but this season has been great in that sense.

Seeing Daryl and Rick like that kind of broke me a little though.


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
April 5th, 2016 3:12:10am
3,615 Posts

I'm so sad for Rick, it really made you feel the fear and helplessness he's experiencing. There's literally no one to save them. I'm hoping it was just Rosita because I kind of like everyone else. ♥ Eugene haha

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`liato ϟ
April 5th, 2016 6:02:39am
29 Posts

See, the thing with this ending is that it is VERY clear in the comics who actually got killed. It's the thing that really makes Negan the big bad he is. To be honest, I think all they're doing by giving us a cliffhanger is us a cliffhanger. As much as I don't want to see someone major be killed, I'd rather that than a cheap shot at trying to keep us interested. I want time to mourn over someone! Not just have them killed first thing next season and have no time to deal with it. 

Other than that, I LOVED this season. After the last few, I'm so so glad they picked it up this season. 


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lunarie ∴ my my, those eyes like fire
April 5th, 2016 10:32:59pm
1,486 Posts

I feel the same about the cliffhanger. Kind of a cop-out if you ask me. BUT I was overall happy with the episode. I just hated how they hyped us up for Negan's big entrance and then BAM screen goes black. I do have an idea of who it was that met Lucille first.



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April 6th, 2016 3:39:27am
2 Posts

I hate AMC because I was going to tune in for season 7 in Oct regardless of a cliffhanger or not and I feel like they pulled this a couple times now this season alone to anti-climatic effect (hello Glenn and your dumpster, I'm looking at you).


I think Glenn would be too obvious though for this one which is why my money is either on Abraham or Daryl. There's almost no chance of it being any of the women and based on what Negan said about cutting out "the boy's other eye" it's not going to be Rick or Carl which leaves Eugene, Aaron, Abraham, and Daryl. Aaron would be total weak sauce and an absolute cop out for the writers to the point that I would be super mad and might quit watching and if I were Negan and my goal was to bring Rick and his merry band of Alexandrians to heal, be totally demoralized, compliant, and be my little worker bees I would want to take out his next strongest asset which in that moment looks to be either Abraham or Daryl and I'm sure Dwight has told Negan all about Daryl and how resourceful he is.


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shaenne •
April 6th, 2016 5:38:26am
1,386 Posts

Definitely not Rick or Carl because of what Negan said. Can't imagine it would be easy to simultaneously smash a kid's head in with a baseball bat and scoop out his eyeball. Nor could Rick eat an eyeball while having his head pummelled.

Glenn would be too obvious and after the whole dumpster thing I think he's had his day in the sun. I don't think it would be Daryl personally. I don't think that would be a good move for AMC. I haven't really thought about the women.. I think part of me is just hoping it's not. I don't think they'd want to promote violence against women, even through fictional characters. It could be Eugene? Honestly i'd completely forgotten about Aaron lol.

My money is on Abraham. Big, strong guy with not a lot wrong with him visually, and he didn't shy away from Negan as he walked by. He straightened up and gave him more of a "i'm going to kill you" look than a fearful one. Negan seems like the kind of guy that would smash in the head of someone who doesn't appear to be scared of him over someone who is clearly terrified because where's the fun in that?


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